Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2049: enter

In this way, the first level in the small world that enters the gate of the Tianziyuan is not counted. The new born face the demon, and if they die, they will die. If they are injured, they will be hurt and they will not lose points. Only in the second and third items will lose points. But according to the rules, every old student can only win a new talent.

For example, the last session was the painting tower and Danta, plus the final actual combat. Three items, the new students lost all, and lost 30% points. But this time it is different, this time it is the Eight Towers Tower.

In this way, the trainees of this group, together with the final actual combat, will compete with the old students for nine games. If you lose all nine games, you will lose 90% of the points, haha..."

"You said this, this session is really bad luck, hahaha..."

"However, this year's strength is very strong. After all, there are eight masters. If you want to learn from the new students, you don't have to think about it. If you have eight competitions, you might win one or two games!"

"Dream! When did the new students win? In history, there has never been a win. Those old people will not come to some crane tails. Especially this time, they also know that there are eight masters in the freshman, and they will definitely appear in the strongest lineup. Winning the new student points is secondary, and the face of the old students is more important. It is precisely because this new student has eight masters. You see, the old students who appeared this time are definitely the strongest among the old students."

"How to say it, this new student has no hope, it is really bad luck!"

"We can watch the fun! Hahaha..."

"Ha ha ha..."

In front of the Tianziyuan, when the Qinshuang arrived, the crowds let go and prayed to Qin Qin:

"I have seen the master sister!"

This is the rule. The first place of the monk in each session is the master sister or master of all the new students. No matter what your future achievements are, but today, at this moment, there is no doubt that it is the most glorious.

Of course, these people look respect, and they have their own thoughts.

The cultivation of immortals, this is to go against the sky, no monk is willing to live forever, especially the arrogance of these stars.

This is just the beginning, the piano double is just a small step ahead of them. Moreover, they admit that the six masters of Qin Double have made them unable to match, but they do not agree with the cultivation and strength of Qin Double. After all, when the Qin double is in the tower, the strength is not strong. The final manifestation of the monk is still in the cultivation and strength, and the others are only auxiliary.

Looking at the glory of the piano double at this time, the eyes of the monks are all envious, and the war in the heart is even more high!

Relatively speaking, the preparatory students other than 10,000 will have more admiration for Qin double. Qin Shuangyi walked into the humanoid alley and returned to the monks on both sides.

Yu Guanting and Wei Qingjue consciously stayed in the group of monks outside 10,000. Qin Shuang and An Shicong continued to move forward, and went straight to the front, where Lang Yu floated, Wen Yu, Wan Jing, Wen Tu, Liu Hanyan and others have pleaded with Qin.

"I have seen the master sister!"

"I have seen the younger brothers and sisters."

Qin doubles returning gifts. From today, they are the students of Tianziyuan, they must follow the rules of Tianziyuan. Regardless of the age, the piano is called the master sister, and Qin double is also called the teacher and sister.

Standing in the middle of the front row, several people whispered.

"Master sister, we are better than nine, maybe the points that we have worked hard to get, only one is left!"

There aren't many numbers in the heart of the piano, but after thinking about it, I still said: "We don't care about the competition behind, or focus on the first level. Safely pass the interception of the demon. Don't fold at the first level."

"Yes, can't be taken lightly." Lang Yu floated seriously.

Several people whispered softly. About a quarter of an hour later, a figure appeared in front of the gate. It was the president of Tianziyuan, Haikuotian. Everyone was silent, and their eyes gathered on the sea.

Then I saw Haikuotian raise his hand, and each bracelet flew to the 20,000 preparatory students. After each preparatory student caught the bracelet, Haikuotian condensed:

"This is your identity card, the rules are in it. You can't live in the Tianziyuan. You need to find your own place to live in Tianzicheng. However, you can enter and leave the Tianziyuan with your identity card, and you can use the points in Tianziyuan. Redeem all resources that can be redeemed and accept any task. That is, as long as you have points, your treatment is not the same as the formal students.

However, there is no point in your current bracelet. If you want to integrate, you need to complete the task yourself.

Ok, the bracelet is very clear, you can go back and look at it yourself. Now let me talk about formal students. ”

The words fell, and it was a raised hand. A bracelet flew over. The Qin double explorer grabbed a bracelet and wore it on the left wrist. She did not go to the probe. She knew that this was not the time to read the bracelet. Now I need to understand myself. The sea chief will say.

Sure enough, Haikuotian said: "Your task is to enter Tianziyuan. It is not easy to enter Tianziyuan. Maybe some of you will die and will be disabled. So, you have to take out twelve. The energy of the points. And it is very likely that your earned points will be robbed by the old students. You are not much different from the preparatory students, at least in the points, and the preparatory students. There is almost no difference.

Are you willing? ”

"I don't want to!" everyone shouted.

"Then go to beat the old man!"

"Beat the old man!" The crowd was screaming again.

The piano is also awkward, everyone is jealous, not too prominent. However, my heart is a bitter smile. If an old student is easy to beat, is it still an old man?

This sea dean can really fool!

"I am waiting for you in the gate of the Tianziyuan!"

The shape of Haikuotian disappeared silently, and the door gradually quieted down. All eyes were gathered on the master of Qinshuang.


The piano doubles the faint opening, and walks toward the door without any trouble. It is like passing through a water curtain, and the scene in the eyes of the piano changes greatly.

Beyond his kilometer, it is a vast forest, lush, and can not see through the scene. Soon, 10,000 monks entered the small world, standing quietly behind the piano, looking at the opposite forest.


At this time, on the gate of the Tianziyuan, a huge curtain of light, such as the sky, was rushed, and the piano and other people clearly appeared in the light curtain.

Outside the gate, 20,000 preparatory students were reading the messages in the bracelets at this time. Although there were many messages, they quickly read them with the knowledge of these monks, and once again looked at the huge light curtain.


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