Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2065: Xianwei

As one of the thirty-four families, Lang’s family can overcome challenges even if it is a disciple. Lang Yu floated nine days of Xuan Xian on the sixth floor of the repair, but broke out the strength of the tenth day of the nine-day Xuan Xian. Wen Yu, Wen Tu, An Shi Cong and others have also erupted in the late nine-day Xuan Xian's strength. Ten people joined forces. Although they were suppressed by the other party's old people, they still resisted and even counterattacked occasionally.


A string of chords, that always has a glimpse of the old man who pays attention to the piano double, and hurriedly flashed to the side.


The arrow was rubbed from his shoulder, and he felt the friction between the arrow and the shoulder, which surprised him.

Fast arrow!


Just as he avoided the moment, Lang Yu floated ten people to grasp this moment and counterattacked the past toward him. The old man did not panic, quickly entered the defense, blocked the joint attack of ten people, and then quickly became a defense to counterattack, once again suppressing Lang Yu floating ten people.


Another string of sounds, an arrow shadow rushed toward the old man. The old man once again dodged, and the arrow shadow came to his left side in an instant, and he saw him passing by, but he saw that the arrow suddenly split into four, and an arrow was still the original trajectory. The left shoulder was rubbed, but the remaining three arrows shot at his left shoulder, left rib, and left leg.

"Puff puff……"

Too sudden, three arrows were inserted into his left shoulder, left rib and left leg.

One string and four arrows!

At the same time, Lang Yu, who had already been very acquainted with the piano, had rushed to the past.

After a fierce collision, I saw that the old man was bombarded into the air, and the blood fell. Lang Yu floated ten people and rushed to the man.

"I surrender!"

The old man was still in the air. When he saw the red-eyed Lang Yu drifting, the ten people had already rushed to the front. In particular, he felt that he was locked by the arrow of the piano pair, and immediately admitted the loss without any delay.

However, the nine people who had lost their eyes and swayed the rain, but they couldn’t hold their hands. The ten figures were like the wind, but they didn’t feel anything in their own hands. The old man was rescued by the sea in the air and threw him into the group of old people watching.

"not good!"

Lang Yu was exclaimed in the mouth, and then An Shicong and others were discolored. They were crazy, but they were more than a kilometer away from the piano. At this time, an old man rushed to the piano and was only a hundred meters away from the piano. At this time, there were two old students who rushed to them, so that they could not return to the Qin double. Even if they didn't have the two old people who came to intercept, they could not help.

In such a short period of time, more than a dozen old people have beaten the new squad who besieged them and began to kill other freshmen.

Qin Shuang's squad actually defeated the strongest of their oldest people, causing the attention of the old students. The three old students who were attracted at once, the two intercepted Lang Yufu and others, and one directly killed the Qinshuang.

The old man who rushed to the piano double knew that the piano double arrow was so powerful that he thought about approaching the piano double at the fastest speed. The arrow is only suitable for the far-off attack. Once you get close to you, there is no power. A ten-day peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, its speed is like lightning. At this time, the doubles of the piano are bowing and arching, and the two old students who intercepted the two people, Lang Yufu and others, seem to have never found the old man who flew from the left side.

There was a trace of sarcasm on the old man's face, and a big foot stepped on the left shoulder of the piano pair.

Split the feet!

"The piano lost!" Qing Hong Lou jumped.

"The old man lost!" Xu Luo Xue said faintly.

"How come?" Qing Hong Lou was surprised.

"You don't forget the power of the piano pair. The old man is too contemptuous of the piano, thinking that the piano is just a powerful arrow." Ren Pingsheng shook his head slightly.


A right hand of Qin double slammed up and grabbed the ankle of the old man who stepped on himself.


The old man felt that his ankles were tight and painful, and his heart was shocked. Then his body fell to the ground.


The old man's body was constantly picked up by the piano, and his body was smashed out of the pit. He saw that Lang Yufu and other two old students were dumbfounded and forgot to attack each other.


The last sound, the dust is still flying, and an arrow in the hands of the piano is in the throat of the old man. The old man was dark-faced. He didn't think he could beat the piano, but he despised each other. When Qin Qin saw that he did not open his mouth and refused to give up, he could not help but slightly frown, and sent the arrow tip slightly. The sharp tip of the sword had pierced the skin at his throat. The pain awakened the old man and hurriedly said:

"I surrender!"

"Ha ha ha..." Xu Kaiyun laughed loudly and sneered at the monks around him with his fingers: "Don't you just say that my old conference was defeated first?

now what?

My boss not only assists in defeating an old student, but also defeats an old man alone. Does your face hurt? Just ask your face hurts? ”


Two old men who intercepted Lang Yu floated, one rushed to Lang Yufu and others, and a reflexive rushed to Qin double.


Far away from the piano, the old man sacrificed the sword, the sword attacked, and the flying sword spurred toward the piano. At the same time, the hands are pulling the ball and pulling in front of the body, there is a row of dense ice cones.

"The warfare is good!" Mu Chong nodded: "With the flying sword, the piano can not shoot the arrow, attack the piano with the Tao, double with the piano. The piano is lost!"


The fire sword swayed out of the body, and the flying sword that spurred from the opposite air ushered in, collided in the air, and fought. At the same time, the piano doubled out. Ten dragons hovered around the right arm of the piano and instantly went back to the fist.


Fengming rises, and the huge fist that has been rushing to the phoenix totem greets the ice cone that has been emptied.

Wrapped in Fengqin!


The phoenix fist smashed a row of ice cones and shrank the majority, but still bombarded the past with the old man.


Qin double right foot on the ground, the figure will pull out a vague afterimage, like a fire phoenix, followed by the wind fist, rushed toward the old man.

Flying phoenix dance!

The old man’s face showed an unbelievable color. He did not think that the power of the piano to release the Taoist method exceeded him. His good strength has reached the second floor of Xianjun.

Stepping on the footsteps, the figure flashed off the style of the Fengfeng fist, the palm of the hand like a knife, kneeling down to the piano. A huge ice skate fell to the piano.


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