Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2068: Tianjiaofeng

There is also a square city, this square city is open-air, Tianziyuan is not allowed to operate shops, what the monks need, you can use points to go to the mission hall to exchange. However, an open-air market was established, which was prepared for the disciples of Tianziyuan. These disciples go out to practice, or go out of the task, get some things, not the harvest within the mission, can be sold to Tianziyuan, for three points, you can also get this open-air market for sale. Of course, buying things here depends on your eyesight. It’s a common occurrence to suffer losses, and there are some things. The monks who sell them don’t know what it is, so there are also some leaks. Many Tianziyuan teachers often go to the open market.

At the very center of Tianziyuan, there is also a list of hundreds of arrogances. There are only one hundred people on the list. If you want to be on the list, you must challenge the monks of the arrogant list. As long as you have a hundred pirates, there will be extra ploughing, and each position will have different bonus points, each month.

There is a cloud peak in the east, and the peak starts from the foot of the mountain, and a mountain road is built toward the mountain. On the side of the plate, a cave house was built, one taller than the other, from the foot of the mountain to the peak.

This time, the old man took the freshman step by step from the foot of the mountain, let the new students feel the mountain.

"This mountain is called Tianjiao Peak, and the whole Tianjiao Peak is shrouded in a huge Juyuan array. From the foot of the mountain to the mountain peak, the concentration of Xianyuanli is getting higher and higher. It is the Dongfu in the foot of the mountain, Xianyuanli The concentration is also doubled outside the Tianjiao Peak, and the other places in Tianziyuan are doubled. Then a Dongfu is a little higher than a Dongfu, and the highest point of the Dongfu, Xianyuanli is ten times that of other places in the Tianziyuan."


When the freshman heard it, the whole person was excited!

The Xianyuan gas in Tianziyuan was originally rich. In Qinshuang’s view, the concentration of Xianyuan in Tianziyuan is five times higher than that of the inner star field, which is fifty times higher than that of the middle star field, and this Tianjiao Peak is the worst. The concentration of the foot of the mountain is also double that of Tianziyuan. This is one hundred times higher than the ink star she used to be. The peak is even a thousand times higher than the star of the middle star.

How can this not make these monks excited?

The monks practice the four treasures, the law and the wealthy land, and the land refers to the concentration of the sages cultivated.

However, Qin double does not care.

Thought that she has a town demon tower, the concentration of the scent in the town demon tower is changed with the change of the concentration of the external scent gas. The double is the most common place in the Tianziyuan, and the concentration of the scent in the town demon tower will also be One hundred times that of Tianziyuan. This is ten times higher than the best caves in the peak.

Of course, if Qinqin can be cultivated in the first cave of Fenghuang, the concentration of Xianyuan in the town demon tower will be one hundred times that of Fengxianxianyuan, which is ten times stronger than her in the ordinary place of Tianziyuan.

However, there is really no need to make such a strong scent. Today's Qin double is not cultivated in the town demon tower, which means that her demand for Xianyuan is not the time of the low-level monks, then it is needed. She is suppressing her own cultivation to consolidate the foundation of each of her own positions, so this Tianjiao Peak is a treasure for other monks. For her, even the chicken ribs are not. On the contrary, because it is a treasure place, so a cave house is holding a hole, it is very forced, so that the piano is not happy.

"On this Tianjiao Peak, there are a total of 10,000 caves. It is very simple to cultivate here. You can challenge the masters in Dongfu at any time. Only by defeating, you have the right to reside here.

However, there is no threshold, otherwise you will be challenged every day. Do you still need to practice those monks?

There are two thresholds, the owner of each cave, and each person receives only one challenge. And every time the challenge, the challenger has to give the opponent a thousand points. ”

“嘶” everyone couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air, and many people dispelled the challenge. Because many people do not have a thousand points in their hands.

After the visit, the old man took the crowd step by step to the Tianjiao Peak, but did not fly directly into the air. This is a respect for Tianjiao in the Tianjiao Peak.

At the foot of the mountain, the old man flew into the air with the new students.

"Now take you to see the residence of other disciples. The disciple's right to reside is divided into A, B, and G. The most powerful scent in the A district. The concentration of the sacred gas at the foot of the Tianjiao Mountain is double that of the A, not for others. District. You already know it, but the place where Xianyuan is the thinnest. Take Area A as the standard. § The peak of the peak is double the concentration of Xianyuan in Area A, and Area B is one-half of the area of ​​Area A. It is a quarter of the area A, but one-eighth of the area A is convenient for the next area."

When the people finally arrived, they landed on the ground, and each of their newborn faces became a bit ugly. The concentration of Xianyuan gas here is similar to the concentration of Xianyuan gas on Tianzicheng Street. That is to say, cultivation here, at least in the concentration of Xianyuan gas, does not reflect the advantages of being admitted to Tianziyuan.

"This is where you practice now and in the future. Of course, if you want to change a place where the cultivation environment is better, it is not impossible. For example, Area C, Area B, Area A, and even Tianjiao Peak. As long as you challenge, feel free to challenge. Which one won, and which one is yours.

However, there are still thresholds.

Like the first threshold, each monk in each district receives only one challenge per month and also needs to give points to each other.

The monks in the A district only need to give a hundred points. The monks in Area B need ten points. For the C zone, only one point is required.

A point, you can't buy a drug, you can't buy a fairy, but you can give yourself a place to change the cultivation environment. What are you waiting for? ”

Some of the newborn's eyes lit up, but there was a weird feeling in the heart of the piano, and I felt that the old man was digging.

"Well, the area is still very large, A, B, and D, and the area occupied by the largest area is also large. If you do not say cultivation, but it is the most comfortable place to pile. There are very few monks here, so There are too many Dongfus to choose from, you can pick it yourself, remember, you are not allowed to set up the Yuanyuan array privately, otherwise the law enforcement hall will come to you & brother, we also complete the task, and leave."

"Congratulations to the brothers and sisters!" Qin double took the gift of the new students, and those old people went away.

When the figure of the old man disappears, the new students are looking at the doubles of the piano.

"What are you looking at?"

"Please ask the master sister to pick the house!"

Seeking a monthly ticket s recommended ticket!

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