Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2085: Kill heart

"The two of us have no thoughts and struggles. We all want to crack this battle and save the brother. But the formation is too much, and it changes at the moment. I was able to come out with the prisoner. A big accidental factor.

It’s a hundred years to go, and the two of us are still helpless about the formation, but we are shocked. The two of us can come across chances and come out from there, what about that brother?

Maybe it was already before us two.

So, the two of us saw that there was a grave in the place not far from us, which was not before.

The stone tablet on the grave reads: Silence and incompetence, the method of cracking the array has been fruitless for centuries, and the two sisters are unknown. The two sisters left a grave to commemorate the friend. When you return home, when you have a good time, you can solve this problem again. I hope that Tiandao will care for the two sisters and be innocent.

The two of us knew that Xu Mo had already come out of the formation, and it was nowhere after breaking for a hundred years.

The two of us opened the grave with two jade in it. Inside a jade, I placed a fixed air balloon for my brother. Inside a jade, the priest gave the silent seal to the brother of the brother.

The two of us hurriedly left the secret house to find the brother. I did not expect that they had been ambushed when they had just come out of the secret house.

Under the rush, they were killed by four Xianjun. After the four immortals destroyed me and the body and the **** of the prison, they laughed and left. They did not know that I and the prisoner had been in the secret government for several times. Although the body is destroyed, the gods dissipate, but the soul is there. The two of us were at the moment of death, the soul was hidden in the ground, and the color coat was heard from their mouths. It was also known that Xu Mo had already become a Taoist with the color lotus, but the four immortals left too fast, we I don’t know much about the news.

We don't know whether it was Murgo and Choi Hookie who sent people here to ambush us for hundreds of years, or Caiheyi learned about us from Mu Ge, sending people here to ambush us for hundreds of years.

However, if there was no prisoner and I had a fight with me, I would have married my brother, and I complained to the prisoner. So we both fought together..."

Having said that, the emotions of Weiyang have gradually stabilized. There is no emotion in the tone, there is resentment, and there is a depression.

"We have been fighting, and we have been fighting until you and An Shicong appear.

Qin double, help me kill Xu Mo and Cai Xia, I will teach you all my life. ”

Qin double did not speak, she also thought, the four immortals ambushed for hundreds of years, the family ambushed the Weiyang and the prison, Xu Mo did not know?

In the end, Qinqin still shook his head, and the heart was the most difficult to guess. No matter how much her impression of Xu Mo, she could not determine the mind of Xu.

"Is that secret house in the Grey Mountain?"

"Not bad!" Weiyang said: "We are both souls, naturally can not be far away, can only lurk in the vicinity of cultivation. We met you in the gray mountains, the secret house is naturally in the gray mountains.

Qin double, as long as you help me kill Xu Mo and Cai Xia, I will not only pass on my life to teach you, but also tell you the location of the secret. ”

Qin double shook his head and said: "Do you think that there will be nothing left in that secret house? Since Xu Mo and Cai Heyi know the secret government, how can they not explore for so many years?"

Weiyang was silent for a while, and suddenly he said with remorse in his tone:

"How can I forget this? I blame the prisoner. For thousands of years, I only wanted to fight with her, but I forgot this."

Maybe Mi Gege has already gone to the secret government, personally cracked the formation, and found that I am not in the formation, how much disappointment will Mi Gege? ”

The piano doubles and laughs, and this time it hurts. Can not help but ask: "Would you like to kill Xu Mo?"

"First... don't kill first, first kill the color coat."

Qin double shook his head and said: "I haven't promised you yet. What's more, even if I promise, do you think I can kill the color coat?"

"You can cause trouble to Xu family first, and then look for opportunities. I have lived in Xu family for a while now. The reason why Xu family is the first family in the spiritual world, in addition to the strength of Xu family, there are two biggest snuggles. That is the Xu family's guardian squad and the Xu family secret. As long as you can ruin the Xu family's guardian squad and Xu family secrets, Xu's strength will be greatly reduced."

Qinqin snorted and said coldly: "Do you want me to find death?"

"Of course I understand your concerns, I will not harm you." Weiyang said: "We want a way, do not expose you. We must first destroy the Xu family secrets, if we first ruin the Xu family guardian array, Xu family will certainly protect the secrets. At that time, we have no chance. If we can destroy the Xu family's secrets first, Xu will only open the guardian squad, but will not think that some people want to destroy their guards. Big array.

We need to go out and look for some materials.

how about it? Do you do this transaction?

To do it, we need to start looking for materials. ”

In the heart of the piano, he is more resentful of the unhealthy.

"Qin double, I hope we can trade friendly!"

“Not friendly?” Qin said faintly.

"Oh... I will preach out that you have a fairy treasure, the town demon tower. Xianbao, even if it is a half-step fairy king will be interested in it, you will be waiting to be chased."

Qin Qin was angry: "I am dead, you will live?"

"The big deal is to die together!" He said, "I am already dead. Now that people are not human, ghosts are not ghosts, I have had enough."

Qin double took a deep breath: "You don't have to threaten me, I will consider it. But you don't want to control me, treat me as your embarrassment."

"Oh..." Weiyang smiled twice: "You can rest assured that I will not treat you as my embarrassment. We are only trading. Does the transaction know? In that world, in that era, if you want to get it, you must Pay. If you want to get my soul to practice the secret, you have to deal with me."

Qin double sighed in the heart, pushed open the door and went out.

Tian Zige.

It is the tallest building in Tianzicheng, with nine floors.

On the ninth floor of the Purple Pavilion, there is a room in total, or a large hall. The entire hall is rounded with a circle of chairs and a total of forty-four wide, high-back chairs.

Each chair is made of Zidongmu. It is said that this purple Dongmu comes from the most oriental. It receives the earliest Donglai purple gas every day. It has great benefits for the monks, but it has been made into a chair.


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