Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2088: idea

Of course, if it is the obsession of Xianjun, the thought will not only last for a long time, but will even shape, and even worse, it will affect one side of the world.

And if a powerful monk is conscious of controlling his own thoughts, he can be alive and well.

A monk like Ding Wei will have an insight into all the changes around him while he is practicing. Therefore, when she felt that her thoughts suddenly flowed outside the Dongfu, she hurriedly looked at her body, and when she was out of the body, she immediately felt the direction of the flow of thoughts.

"That is... Ding District!"

"Is it a secret method in the courtyard that goes to the Ding District to practice and think about it?"

Ding Hao’s emptiness, the body shape has disappeared before the Dongfu.

The next moment, it appeared in the sky above the double hole of the piano.

The power of the gods gathers in the eyes and constructs a pattern.

Break through the magical powers.

In Ding's gaze, he saw that the dense thoughts in the Tianziyuan were constantly flowing down here, swirling into a huge vortex over the Qinshuangdong. Falling in one direction.

All kinds of thoughts are strange and flocking.

Ding Yu’s gaze fell on the four elephant arrays. The four elephants’ lines of movement, the destruction of fire, the silence of the wood, the imprisonment of water, and the sharpness of gold, built a four-image space, and came to his eyes. . Ding Yu's gaze condensed, turned into two swords, penetrated through layers to block, through the four elephant array, Qin double's Dongfu is in his vision.

Hua Taixiang suddenly jumped from the ground, where is there still a little lazy in the eyes?

Looking up into the air, there was a horror in both eyes.

He saw Ding Wei in the air and felt the power of Ding Wei.

At the same time, Qin double also felt that some people used the magical power to break through the four elephant array, and the heart was not surprised.

Here is Tianziyuan, and it has its own four-image array, which was actually penetrated by magical powers?


Her mystery spreads out and wants to see who it is? Dare to violate the rules of the Tianziyuan, privately explore the disciple's Dongfu?

"What do you mean?" Hua Taixiang resisted the fear of Ding Wei, and looked up at Ding Wei in the air.

Ding Yan's gaze glanced at the flower too fragrant, the flower was too fragrant, and the gaze felt that the gaze instantly saw everything in his own, and the pressure almost made him lie on the ground. Just thinking that Qin double is doing alchemy at this time, the four legs will try to stand up straight and look at Ding Wei in midair without hesitation.

"This is the vice president of the Tianzi Academy. Who is this Dongfu?" Ding Yu’s voice hangs down from the air and only reverberates in the Qinshuangdong House, but it does not reveal the Qin Shuangdong’s capital. Nothing disturbs any monks in the Ding District. .

Qin double has just spread out of the alchemy room's mystery and quickly recovered, while continuing to refine Dan, while listening to the ear. She does not believe that a vice president of Tianziyuan will be disadvantaged to herself, but it is not clear how a vice president will suddenly explore himself.

"This is the Dongfu of the Qinshuang." Hua Taixiang replied.

"The double house of the piano?"

Ding Wei heard, and his look suddenly changed. At the beginning of the piano, the double entered the Tianziyuan, and was highly valued by the dean, Haikuotian, and let Ding Yu pay attention to Qinshuang. To give the piano double pressure, do not let the piano double slack. Therefore, the five tasks assigned to Qin double are personally determined by him. What do you not understand now when you see these thoughts?

This is the piano double in the refining of the gods!


Ding Hao could not help but anxious, and could not help but pick up the piano.

where is this place?

Here is Tianziyuan!

It is in the Tianzi City where the strong people gather, Tianziyuan is also a strong place. The worst monk here is also the nine-day Xuan Xian, and it is not an ordinary nine-day Xuan Xian, it is Junjie Tianjiao.

Will the thoughts born by such Junjie Tianjiao be weak?

Not only is it not weak, but it will be extremely strong!

How violent is the counterattack suffered by the idea of ​​stripping such a strong person?

His gaze fell to the alchemy room, penetrated the alchemy room, and looked at the piano double sitting in front of the Dan furnace. Qin double sensed Ding's gaze, but did not greet each other's eyes, continue to be a good-looking alchemy, just whispered:

“The younger generation has seen the predecessors.”

"Qin double!" Ding Wei's voice penetrated: "Abandoning alchemy, the thoughts here are very tyrannical, you can't stop it."

Qin double heard the words in the heart, at this time also understand why Ding Hao came, my heart could not help but grateful. However, Qin double is also a stubborn temper, opening:

"The younger generation wants to try!"

"Qin double, even if I will help you when I am out, you may also be hurt by the gods. Do you know the consequences of the injury of the gods, have you suffered this kind of consequences?

Obey, give up alchemy. ”

"The younger generation still wants to try!"

In the air, Ding Yu’s beard has been tilted up, but I know in my heart that no one can change her will, like the Qinjiao. I think that this kind of person would rather die and change his will.

It is also because they have this kind of tenacity that will result in two outcomes, either degenerate or extraordinary.

In the heart of Ding Yu’s mind, there were thousands of turns, and in the end, there was no forcible prevention of the piano double alchemy. Although Qin Double is only the fourth floor of a nine-day Xuan Xian, he respects those who have this kind of toughness.

Only he has made up his mind. Once the piano has the danger of falling, he will not hesitate to help.

At this point, the stage of Ding Shen Dan's attraction is over. With Ding Wei paying attention to himself, Qin Double does not use God's alchemy, but continues to use Tanjung Alchemy.

A Dao Dan was formed between the double hands of the piano and then was doubled into the alchemy furnace. The purpose of this Tao Dan is to start to divest the thoughts of the thoughts, to strip away all the emotions in the thoughts, leaving only pure and unintentional.

The dense thoughts poured into the alchemy furnace like rivers and rivers, and were instantly stripped by a Dao Dan, and a variety of things of various colors flowed out from the alchemy furnace. Soon after, the piano double was drowned, and the piano double felt that the alchemy room was dimmed all at once.

She felt that the surrounding space seemed to be abnormally distorted, and various sounds appeared in her ear. At first, I muttered to myself, and the sound was shattered, but it was intensive. Gradually the sound became bigger and bigger, such as the landslide tsunami.

The hands of Qin double still played a good time at a fixed frequency, but the more she played with her Dan, the more emotion she stripped out, and the whole alchemy room became more and more confusing.

Gradually, the Qin double seems to be no longer in the alchemy room, the dimness has become magnificent, the colors are full of competition, the piano double seems to be in the rainbow world.


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