Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2106: wake

"Of course, if your Xuanwu Yuanshen can finally understand this law and understand it, remove this rule from the mysterious heart, and then re-weave it. This rule belongs to you. At that time, you Putting it into the heart is only good for you, no harm."

Qin’s eyes immediately lit up, comprehend here, and there is a difference in time and flow rate, more than half the effort?

When I thought about it, I moved the Xuanwu Yuanshen into the town demon tower, and then I remembered something:

"Old town, Xuanwu Yuanshen will not be lost in the icicle forest, can't find the rule of mystery?"

"Of course not. Don't forget that this is the town demon tower. You are the master of this space. You can feel free to move."

The piano doubled down, and the Xuanwu Yuanshen flew away toward the icicle forest. Sure enough, it was easy to perceive the icicle that wrapped the rule of mystery. Xuanwu Yuanshen fell to the top of the icicles, sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes.

The sense of Qin double left the town demon tower, opened his eyes, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

There are no icicles around, and the dense icicles disappear without a trace, leaving only a smooth and clean ice sheet.


The piano double saw a figure not far away, standing there, motionless, like a statue.

When the piano was swept away, it came to the person’s body. The mystery swept through the man's body and I couldn't feel the slightest breath. But she is still not at ease, the gods know the voice:

"We are not dead, is this person dead?"

"Dead! Her soul is frozen. She doesn't know how long it has been frozen here, the cold waves are repeatedly superimposed, and no one can resist it."

Qin double can't help but anxiously, and the sound of Weiyang sounded again.

"Reassure, this person has been frozen here for at least 10,000 years, and the jade crown court should not be frozen to death."

The joy of Qin Shuangwen was overjoyed, and the mystery spread out.


Qin Qin’s heart was a joy, and he found that this metaphysical knowledge was no longer sealed, but he changed his mind and was no longer sealed. The gods quickly spread out and soon found that there were many people on this piece of ice, and they were still there. About ten times, Qin Double discovered Yu Guan Ting, and his body shape swept away toward him.


It fell in front of Yu Guanting, and the gods quickly covered Yuguanting, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the Jade Crown is sitting cross-legged, not like it is dead, but it is like comprehending.

"Oh..." The voice of Weiyang sounded up: "This kid is not a chance."

"What do you mean?" Qinqin asked in a hurry.

"He should be a chilly root."

"Not bad!" Qin nodded, but also a bit guilty in the heart, the environment here, is a disaster for other monks, but for the cold root of the Jade Crown, it is a big chance.

"This is a big chance for him, but it may also be death." The voice of Weiyang once again sounded: "After all, the power of the law is much higher than his realm. If you didn't break it, he In the end, there is only one result of death. The difference is that it can only experience a few cold waves."

"That... is he okay now?"

"It's hard to say! This kid is probably in the first cold wave, he is caught in the comprehension. Therefore, when the second cold wave appeared, he fell into the epiphany, not only did not resist the cold wave, but actively absorbed the cold wave. Now his condition is very dangerous. If he understands it, he will naturally be shocked. If he does not understand it, he will eventually be frozen to death.

His situation is more dangerous than Wei Qingjue. Wei Qingjue only frozen his soul and then was taken out from here, so he will wake up if he has been slowing for more than 30 years. That is to sleep, but this time is longer.

However, Jade Crown is different. The cold wave is already crowded with his body. If he can't comprehend, he can make a breakthrough and transform the cold wave in his body into his own power.

However, looking at him like this, not far from death. His realm is too low to understand. ”


In the heart of the piano, a hand was taken out and a December fruit was taken out. When the force was pinched, the fruit was squeezed into a fruit juice and was dragged into the air by the piano. Going forward, Yuguan Ting's mouth was opened, guiding the juice into the mouth of Yuguanting. Then I looked at the Jade Crown Court:

"Crested, I hope you can wake up!"

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

The piano pair is a little boring, looking at the surroundings, the heart is a move.

"Weiyang, help me judge whether these people are dead."

When the words fall, the figure of the piano pair flies up and comes to a person's body. Weiyang does not refuse the piano. If the person is dead, he will inform the piano pair, and the piano will squat down the person. The ring of things, if that person has not died, the piano will not move to the next person. Those who are not dead, the piano can not save, can only wait for their own soul to slowly unfreeze and wake up.

When the piano double searched here, and returned to the front of Jade Crown, the eyes showed a joy of joy. Jade Crown still did not wake up, but it showed the breath of epiphany from his body. With the help of the December fruit and the cold wave, he entered the epiphany.

"Oh... the good luck kid!" The voice of Weiyang came to the consciousness of Qin Double: "This kid can't comprehend the law, but he can understand the nature of ice, and it will improve a lot."

Qinqin also breathed a sigh of relief, and his mind was moved, and the waiting area and the Guanyin were released. Two people were surprised to see everything around them, and then they felt the enlightenment of Jade Crown. The two of them no matter what else, they immediately sat on the side of Yuguan Ting, and the piano double sat down and practiced.

one day later.

The breath of the epiphany is weakening and eventually disappears.


Yu Guanting's body spread out extremely cold, and his body's breath was climbing. The figure flashed, the piano doubled, the Guan Yu and the waiting place retreated, away from Yu Guanting, and looked at him with concern.

The heavens and the earth began to gather together, and the atmosphere of Jade Crown Court climbed up layer by layer, and finally stopped at the seventh floor of Xuantian for nine days.

Three hours or so.

Yu Guanting opened his eyes, and the surrounding ice chilled into the body, and there was a trace of ecstasy in his eyes:

"Qin double, how come you? Hey? Where is this? Where are the icicles going?"

"Chou Ting, are you okay?" Guan's body shape swept away toward Yuguan Ting, and he said the story through.

Yu Guanting only understands it with a little thought. It must be what Qinqin has eaten for himself, and he will let himself realize his enlightenment.

“Well?” Yu Guanting suddenly said: “How is my current comprehension so high?”


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