Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2128: Tianmangcheng

The old dragon's face changed dramatically, and a claw caught the past, holding a flag in his hand.


The old dragon made a roar of anger, and his body suddenly volleyed away, chasing in the direction of the Mozu Sinjun escape.

The valley behind it collapsed and became a ruin.


After the 12th interest, the sky was slightly swaying, and Qingcheng laughed and waited for a few half-steps to appear in the valley, looking at the ruins in the valley, and frowned slightly.

The mystery spread and I quickly learned from some Xianjunkou the reason for the incident. I can't help but smile. This is the thing of the old dragon and the demon. They are happy to watch the fun. The figure was hidden in the air and disappeared in an instant.


A large river rushed a figure, it was Qin double, looked at it four times, saw that he had rushed out of the ground from the underground river, and could not tell where he is now, he chose a direction and swept away. .

The piano flew for more than a day, until midnight, stopped the body shape, was in a grassland, inaccessible, wormwood is higher than people. God's knowledge spread out, and did not find people, when the mind moved, they entered the town demon tower. The town demon tower turned into a dust and dropped the grass roots.

"Old town! Tianxuan grass?"

"Master comes with me!"

Two people have to come to the six holy sites built by Xianjing. Tianxuancao was planted in the valley built by Xiao Huang and his descendants.

For the grass, this valley is the holy place in the Holy Land, and it is full of life. The Tianxuan grass is being planted in the middle of the valley by the town.

Qin double stood in front of Tianxuancao and looked at Tianxuan Caodao: "Old town, is it not mature yet?"

"Well, but it's also fast. It's only a year away. The old dragon is also pitiful. I don't know for a few hundred years, but I was finally taken by the owner."

Qin double heard great joy, a year's time, but also a few hours outside.

"This Tianxuan grass has a total of nine leaves. Each leaf can refine a cup of Tianxuan Dan. I only saw the herbs here, and I want to refine Tian Xuan Dan. The owner still lacks the herbal medicine."

Qin double recalls the Dan Fang of Tian Xuan Dan, Tian Xuan Dan is a master class medicinal medicine, and the sage master who needs the master of the peak can refine. Nowadays, the alchemy realm of Qinshuang is not far from the peak of the master, and it can be achieved after a period of retreat. However, she did not refine Tianxian Dan. Although she studied Tian Xuan Dan at the beginning, she did not have the opportunity to refine because there was no Tianxuan grass.

Tian Xuan Dan needs six kinds of auxiliary medicines, and each Tian Xuan Dan can make a monk who is more than nine days of Xuan Xian born. If you already have a mysterious monk, Tian Xuan Dan can grow and restore the consumption of the mystery.

“Old town, what kind of adjuvant do I lack?”

"Flying snowflakes."

Flying snowflakes, growing in the extreme north, flowers like flying snow. It is a very precious herb. Qin double thought:

"Only go to the city to see if you can buy it. The north is too far away, and even if it is gone, it may not be able to find it."

When I thought about it, I came out from the town demon tower, and then I released Wei Qingjue, Guan Yu, Hou Di and Xu Luoyin from the medicine garden.

As soon as they were released, the four people looked around with vigilance and saw no one around them. It was a grassland, and they were relieved. Xu Shengyin looked around for a while, and was surprised:

"Here is Tianmang Grassland, Qin Sister, you have run so far, your speed is fast!"

“Tianmang Prairie? How far is it from the nearest city?”

"The closest thing to nature here is Tianmangcheng. It is also a big city. At my speed, it takes three days to arrive."

"Go to Tianmangcheng!" Qin double road.

Three days later.

Four people from Qinqin walked into Tianmangcheng. At this time, there was still a sorrow between Xu and Yinying, and there was a communication jade in his hand, looking at Qin Double Road:

"Sister Qin, you said that I am not in the accident, why didn't you send me a letter?"

Qin double sighed a voice: "Falling, I don't know how the predecessors are now. When I fled with you, where can I still care?"

"Yeah! It’s not easy for Qin’s sister to take us out. It’s just shaking him...”

Qin Qin has already concluded that Xu Zhen should be dead, but after all, he did not see it with his own eyes. Looking at the sorrow of Xu Luoyin’s eyebrows, the piano double changed the words:

"Are you a family in Tianman City?"

“Yeah!” Xu Luoyin nodded. “We have a business in Tianmang City.”

Qin double heard the eyes and said: "Can there be flying snowflakes?"

"I don't know!" Xu Luoyin shook his head and said: "I will take you to see."

Xu Luoyin is still a young man's heart. With things done, the grief between the eyebrows is lighter. With a few people in the piano, he came to the Xuji shop after half an hour.

There are three floors in the Xuji shop. When Xu Shengyin took the crowd and entered, there was a guy who greeted him:

"Several objective, what is the need?"

"Can you be cold and uncle?"

The buddy heard that Xu Dingyin’s guardian of the Xuman’s shop in Xuman’s shop was called the uncle, and he couldn’t help but look at Xu’s voice:

"How are you?"

"Xu Luoyin!"

"Little Master!" The guy looked surprised and hurriedly said: "Little Master, come with the small."

Several people passed through the back door and came to the backyard. There was a two-story building in the backyard. The powerhouse also took the crowd to the small building. From the second floor, they swept down a god, and then the second floor window Was pushed open, and the cold stood in front of the window. Looking at the downstairs Xu Shengyin:

"Falling, how come you here? Xu Zhen?"

"Shock uncle..."

Seeing the grief on Xu’s face, Xu’s face changed. Originally his temperament is like his name.

Very cold!

This is more like ice!

His eyes swept through the piano and four people, and his eyes were slightly different. He can see that three of these four people are not old enough and will not exceed 100 years old. But there are two people who are already the tenth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. It is the woman standing in the middle, but it is also the fifth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian. As for the waiting area, he has been ignored by him. Is it a very old age, is the nine-day Xuanxian very rare?

"How many are you?"

"Tian Zi Yuan Qin double, I have seen the predecessors." Qin double Shi Lidao, Wei Qingjue also three people have given gifts, introduce themselves.

Xu cold heart relieved, three of the four people in front of the eyes are from Tianziyuan, it is not surprising to have this cultivation.

"Cold uncle, these are my savior." Xu Luoyin said.

Xu cold heart could not help but give birth to a heavy weight, Qin double and others are the savior of the sorrow, and Xu Zhen is not...

“Several little friends first drink tea downstairs and come down.”


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