Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2155: death

The bark of the giant tree is mottled, as if telling its long history, the piano double slammed into the trunk of the giant tree.


There was a loud noise, but the giant tree didn't even shake. The face of Qin double can't be changed. It is necessary to know that her current body strength is the three layers of Xianjun. This punch is the strength of the three layers of Xianjun. Not to mention the tree, the mountain can be punched through. However, this tree does not move.

"This is the law!" The old voice of Lingling Town rang in the consciousness of Qin Double: "The strong rule, you can't shake it with your strength. Master, you have to be careful. It is very dangerous here."

At this time, the other five people also saw the movements and results of the piano double, one by one, the face was discolored. Trying to attack the big tree beside him, the big tree doesn't move, making the five monks look even more ugly.

The piano double stepped straight ahead and walked ten steps. Then I suddenly stopped, because the scene in front of me was too amazing.

I saw the pavilions in the field of vision, and the beautiful courtyard collapsed instantly. It is like a sudden explosion of a strong earthquake that turns everything into ruins.

Do not!

Not a ruin, but nothing!

Everything in the field of vision is collapsing, and then disappears without a trace.

Later, in their eyes, the sculptures grew out of the ground.

A variety of sculptures, people, demons, demons...

Every sculpture is facing them. A pair of eyes looked at them six people, that pair of eyes...

The heart of Qin double gave birth to a very weird feeling, feeling that the eyes of the statues attracted themselves and attracted themselves to see their eyes.

Qin double feels very sleepy and wants to sleep. I want to close my eyes and stop looking at the eyes of the statues, only to find that I have no ability to close my eyes.

Inside the heart.

The fingers of the spirit began to move the strings, and the soul of the soul spread in the heart of the Tao. The spirit of Qin double is a revival, and wakes up from sleepiness. Looking back, I saw five people in Yunxianzi squinting, but they breathed evenly and even snorted.

"Fell asleep?"

The face of Qin double is a change. When I think about it, I sit on the floor and take a piano from the storage ring and play the soul.

The souls of the people swayed in the space, and they saw that the statues collapsed again. The piano saw the statues as a slow motion, smashed into pieces and then disappeared in the air.

Five people in the Yunxianzi opened their eyes and woke up from the drowsiness. The eyes gazed to the piano double, and then the eyes became respected. The old woman opened her mouth:

"The master of the piano, this sound... Did you play it at the beginning? Is there a huge dragon head and a **** in the void, and after the human face?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

The five old ladies looked at each other and then prayed to the piano:

"Forgive me for waiting for the offense."

The double pendulum swings: "We will continue to explore it here, but I feel that it seems to be a land of seals. If possible, don't take anything out of it, or it will bring us danger."

The people nodded, but the look was different. Qin double knows that they still remember the opportunity to break through Xianjun. If it is a general treasure, maybe they will give up listening to the words of the piano. If it is an opportunity to break through Xianjun. They will never give up.


Qinqin was also very helpless. He walked forward and walked for more than a dozen steps. He saw that the surrounding scene changed again. There were springs around them. The springs were big and small, and they were steaming. I braved the blisters.

"This is a hot spring?" Yunxianzi Road.


Yunxianzi crouched down and put his hand into a hot spring in front of him. The face suddenly appeared ecstatic, exclaimed:

"My bottleneck is loose!"

When the words fell, the Yunxianzi jumped into the hot springs with a bang.



Qin double just shouted out two words, and saw that Yun Xianzi's body was smashed in the hot spring, and the milky white hot spring instantly became blood red. And that blood red is still spreading, as if all the hot springs are all under the imagination, visible to the naked eye, one hot spring has become blood red, the horrible atmosphere is spreading.

"Come on, don't move the hot springs!"

The piano was carefully and quickly bypassed by a hot spring, and the remaining four people were also closely guarded behind the piano pair.

After walking for about ten steps, everything around me collapsed. Without a hot spring, Qinqin stood still and looked back. Where is the trace of Yunxianzi?

I didn’t even see a slag!

"Cloud Fairy is dead!" said the old woman.

“Are we still going?” The piano is soft.

The old woman, the monk Kong surname and the other two middle-aged monks looked at each other and then nodded.

"Let's continue!"

The piano moves forward, the distance of this walk is very long, about half an hour walk, just when they feel a little relaxed, they grow silently under their feet, around, where they see their vision. Blossoming flowers, for a moment, form a sea of ​​flowers, they are caught in an endless sea of ​​flowers.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple!


Hey, very shredded sounds, as if countless whispers are ringing, and these whispers are heard by countless children, the voice is very low and dense, making people unable to hear what is being said. And these fine whispers are clearly sounded from the blossoming flowers.

Gradually, the fine whisper has a rhythm, like countless children sing a song, but still can't hear what the whisper is sung.

Several people's hearts inexplicably gave birth to a bit of irritability, and this irritability expanded with the whisper of whispering, and gradually grew an inexplicable anger and uncontrollable anger.


Suddenly behind the sound of the blade, the piano doubled back and saw a middle-aged monk stabbing the sword in his hand into the heart of another middle-aged monk. Both were angry and stabbed. The middle-aged monk suddenly hugged another middle-aged monk and his body shone.

"No, he wants to blew himself!"

Qin double, the old woman and the surnamed monk frantically flew toward the distance.


A loud noise, the middle-aged monk blew himself up, and the bodies of the two monks shattered, and the blood and the broken bones flew.


A strip of vines emerged from the bottom of the flowers, and a piece of broken meat was rolled up. The blood and the broken meat quickly disappeared, as if the two middle-aged monks had never appeared here.

The whisper of the whispers sounded again and gradually merged into a song.


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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