Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2166: Knock down

This time, it attracted almost all the monks in the Tianziyuan. Most of the monks came to watch the fun, or to observe. There are only a few monks who want to take a look at the strength of the monks of Tianjiaofeng by the double peaks of the pipa. Prepare yourself for your arrogance.

Therefore, at this time, the Tianjiao Peak is very lively, and there are still a steady stream of monks flying to this side.

However, no one has set foot on Tianjiao Peak.

If you are not a genius, you are not qualified to step into the peak of Tianjiao.

This is the rule of Tianziyuan!

Compared with the noisy outside the Tianjiao Peak, Tianjiao Peak is silent.

Ten thousand caves were closed, and no monk came out of Dongfu.

They don't know if Qin Double is coming to the sky today?

Impossible not to know!

However, no one puts the piano in his eyes. Just as an annoying flies, it’s just a matter of killing them.

Is it a monk in the Ding District to challenge the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao Peak, and they still have to wait for the first time?

What to do and not even go out to watch.

Tianjiaofeng’s Tianjiao is proud. In their view, these monks and the monks outside the Tianjiao Peak are fundamentally different. The challenges of those people, there is no need to look at it, that is, three strokes and two styles, what can be seen?

Mu Chong, Fu Suiyue and Zhang Zining did not come out. Tianzicheng Daqi was near, and they were all engaged in every moment of cultivation. When the piano is in the sky, the explosion will naturally alarm them. It is not too late to go out and watch.


The willows in the crowd are screaming. A group of monks looked into the distance.

I saw the piano double white fluttering, coming out of the air. Linglong sword has been placed in the town demon tower, followed by a big dog, covered in golden hair, shaking his head and tail.

"The piano teacher is so beautiful!" There is an intoxicating color in the eyes of the old man.

"I want to form a Taoist with the piano teacher."

"Hey... I will wait until you have the guts to blame the sky."

"I really don't want to see the scene where Qin Shimei was desecrated!"

"Yeah, what a beautiful face, if it is swollen, it will not look good."

"This person, when it looks beautiful, it expands. Does she really think that Tianjiaofeng will be tempted by her beauty?"

"That is, I think it is usually used to be habitual, not self-reliant."

"How do you know that the piano master will not win? Is the old man very amazing?"

"The old man is nothing, but the old man on the peak of Tianjiao is very great!"

"New students, have awe of the old students, this is good for you, no harm."


The voices of men and women sounded, and the body shape of the piano fell toward the ground. She saw many people on the ground, flying from their heads was very rude. At the same time, I heard the sound of discussion, and the look was calm and waveless.

The crowd on the ground let go on both sides, and the piano pair went from the middle to the Tianjiao Peak. Hua Taixiang left to look forward to the right, the prestige. The eyes on both sides fell on the body of the piano.

After the shackles, Qin double stood in front of the first cave in the foot of the mountain, and slammed a bullet, and a slap in the wind on the door of Dongfu, igniting the prohibition.


The gate of Dongfu was opened, and a monk with a very ordinary figure and appearance came out of the gate and said faintly:

"Don't introduce yourself, I am in a hurry, let's get started."

"Please!" Qin double hands as a gift.

The man waved his hand and didn't care.


Qin double left foot on the ground, the ground under the feet will shed a trace of the pattern.

The entire Tianjiao Peak has been portrayed as a symbol, and the half-step monk's monk can't hurt the Tianjiao Peak.


The piano was already in front of the monk in a double moment, and a fist bombarded the past.

Qin has come to think before, the strength and strength of his body today are three layers of Xianjun. It is better to use the power of the ontology to test the true strength of the monk of Tianjiaofeng. If you can defeat your opponent with the power of the body, you can also hide your true strength.

The less you expose your own cards, the higher your footsteps are.

The monk saw the piano double rushed to his front, and wanted to defeat himself in the situation of the warrior, and his face could not help but show a trace of disdain. Although unexpected, it is not a monk of the Tianjiao Peak, and the response is extremely fast. The defensive shield was released in an instant, and the Dafa was released.


Before he even released his way out, he suddenly found his defensive shield broken, and then there was a sharp pain. He felt his bones broken, his body flew up, and his back slammed into Dongfu. On the stone gate.


The man squirted a blood in his mouth and slipped down from the stone door, staring at the piano double.


Qin doubled his hand and turned and followed Panshan Road to the second cave. I am thinking about it in my heart.

"The other party's cultivation is the tenth peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, and the real combat power is equivalent to half a step of Xianjun. Of course, the half-step Xianjun also has a strength gap, and his strength should belong to the half-step Xianjun. Poor, I don't know what the next strength of my brothers and sisters will be. What will the real strength be?"


The Tianjiao Peak immediately detonated and smashed.

"How?" One of the freshmen raised their chests and looked directly at the old man: "This is the arrogance of your old life? Can't stop our Qinqin sister's punch."

"As far as yours are, you want to be a Taoist with our Qin teacher, and you want to eat swan meat."

"Do you match?"

"Can you take a punch with our Qinshi sister?"


Each old man has closed his mouth, and the impact of the double piano belt is too great.

The tenth layer of Xuantian Xuanzai has the true strength of the half-step Xianjun. Tianjiao’s Tianjiao has been interrupted by Qinshuang’s fist...

Do you want to be so fierce?

It’s just... a beast is hidden under the skin of a beautiful woman!

At a peak in the distance, Haikuotian and Ding Yu stood side by side, Ding Wei slightly frowned:

"This piano is too unsettled, so I started to smash the sky at such an early age! She should wait for the upgrade to the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuanxian."

"The time is a bit tight. I am afraid that the idea of ​​the girl is to smash it once. She has just broken through, just taking advantage of this singular peak, to settle down, to consolidate the realm and prepare for further breakthrough."

The top three temples at the top of Tianjiao Peak are open.

Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining came out, and the look was a glimpse. They only heard the roar of the mountain, and they knew that Qin double began to sing the peak of the sky. Then he got up and watched from the inside of Dongfu, but he saw that Qinqin had stood in front of the second Dongfu, and he slammed a finger at the stone gate of Dongfu.

"This is... Having passed through a cave house?"


I am very grateful to Bai Zibing (100), seaphay (100) for the reward!



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