Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2168: The mind of the sea

The defensive shields they propped out could not withstand the power of the three layers of Xianjun. The fairy costumes that were sacrificed could not capture the double figure of the piano that made the space magical, and it lost its effect. As for the release of the Taoist law, it was too late to release, and it was knocked down by Qin.

Tianjiao Peak.

Hundreds of thousands of monks are silent, they are thinking, if you are on the double, how to deal with?

On the peak of Tianjiao.

Every Jiaozi is also looking dignified and silent. They are also thinking about how to deal with if they are on the piano.

However, Qin double is still firmly step by step, step by step, unstoppable along the Panshan Road.


The sun is like blood.

The figure of Qin double is very long in the sunset, and it is fluttering in white, elegant and elegant. Behind her, Hua Taixiang took an elegant four-legged and leisurely followed the piano double, but that dog's face could not conceal the vivid smile.


Qin doubled a fist and collapsed the fifth hundred Tianjiaofeng sedan chair. Standing in front of the fifth hundred caves, the monk had no pride at this time. He bowed to the piano and bowed to the cave house below.

Qinqin looked up at the sky and sat in front of Dongfu’s door. When he waved his hand, he took out a case and placed it in front of him. He placed the old food in the town’s demon tower on the table. on.


Mu Chong, Fu Nianyue and Zhang Zining's body shape swept down from the peak, and fell in front of the Qinshuang, and Lunhui shook his thumb to the piano:

"Qin Shimei, great. Come to our land, the land is the battlefield, the land is the best place for you to practice."

"Qin Shimei, come to our Baihua Palace. I have to concentrate on cultivation and prepare to break through Xianjun. You are here, the new Baihua Palace."

Mu Chong smiled and said: "Smell the smell, don't know if the wine is enough?"

"Must be enough!" Qin double smiled: "Please!"


The three people also sat on the ground and chatted with the piano.

"Qin Shimei, your body is strong enough!" Fuyue binoculars said: "You have been refining?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

Zhang Zining slightly wrinkled his brow and said: "Qin Shimei, the refining body is the end, so you will delay cultivation. If you don't refine, I am afraid that the current cultivation is not limited to this."

Qinqin silently said: "The body is a ship, the soul is a sail. And I believe that a powerful supernatural power, like no strong body to rely on, will hurt both the enemy and the one."

Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining could not help but fall into meditation.

Above the peaks.

Ding Hao’s face ugly shook his head and said: “Tianjiaofeng those monks are too weak!”

“Yeah!” Haikuotian sighed softly: “They thought they were Tianjiao. In fact, they were vulnerable to the real Tianjiao. This is why we have been fighting for thirty-four families. ”

“The piano double did not have the effect of realizing the realm.”

"Look, the tens of thousands of monks on the Tianjiao Peak are getting stronger and stronger, and the piano pair will not always be so easy."

"I hope so, I hope they can put some pressure on the piano, let her achieve the realm in the shortest possible time, and prepare for further breakthrough."

"Qin Shimei!" This time, Mu Chong took the lead to say: "Xianxian has a saying, pay attention to mutual help. You have to choose a party to join. You don't want to join the human world?"

The piano doubles for a moment, ready to tell the truth, so you can avoid offending the three people.

"The three brothers and sisters should know that I am flying up from the lower bounds."

"Yeah!" All three nodded, Zhang Zining said: "With the strength of Qinshimei, the lower bound you are in, must be a powerful world."

"No!" Qin Qin Bitter shook his head and said: "The world I came from is a world called the Warrior continent. Not only is it not strong, but it is very weak.

Some time ago, I went out to experience the monks who came up from the mainland of the military. They had a bad time. Therefore, based on the monks of the mainland of the warriors, I established a sect, called the chorus. In the future, my time and energy will probably be placed on the string.

You should also know that the spiritual world is a family-lined world, and it is difficult for Zongmen to stand on the ground. And even if it is a foothold, it is the last force. So I want to maintain this sect, I really don't have the energy and time to join other forces.


Qin Shuang’s face showed a smile: “What I say is also a master. It’s not good to join other forces.”

Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue and Zhang Zining look a glimpse, and then stunned. Mu rushed and frowned:

“How many people are there in the string?

"The old woman has more than 30,000 people."

"Where is your sect door built? Do you want to leave Tianziyuan and concentrate on the sect? This is a big drag on your cultivation."

"I know, I will try my best to find a solution. Right, have you heard that there are real estate sales in Tianzicheng?" Qin asked in double hope.

"Do you want to build Zongmen in Tianzicheng?" Mu Chong asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded and said: "This way I can manage the sect."

"Hey!" Mu Chong couldn't help but lick the tooth flower. "I have been retreating, I don't know. However, if you want to buy a place in Tianzicheng and you want to establish a Zongmen, you need at least one mountain. That is A sky-high price. Can you afford it?"

“How many cents is a mountain?”

"I guess how you can get a trillion yuan in the top."


This time it was the turn of the piano. Before she got two trillion yuan from Shen Chongguang, she was divided and spent a lot. Now there is about one trillion left. Selling those things like fragrant beasts will get 60 million top grades. Now Chu and others have left, and these 60 million are all returned to Qin. But compared with trillions, the difference is too far.

Above the mountain peaks.

“Hey, I remember a lot of families who wanted to sell real estate recently.”

"Yes! Because a sudden invasion of the Mozu a year ago, many families have been disabled, especially the veins of some families underground have been broken, there is no place, there are not many people, can not maintain a family In the operation of Tianzicheng, there are many third-rate families selling, preparing the whole family to leave Tianzicheng, or the rest of these families, unable to hold those places, and they also have some shops in Tianzicheng. They have all moved into the shops, doing business and training, and they don’t need such a big place. There are also a few second-rate families. The family is no longer influx."

"So how are they selling now?"


Seeking a monthly ticket!



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