Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2281: pavilion

Qinqin can't distinguish the direction here, so he chooses one direction and walks. An Shicong followed closely, and some monks followed the Qinshuang, and some monks chose another direction. Come here to find their own chances, get together, who is the chance to meet?

Walking for a long time, I have been walking through the forest, as if the forest is boundless.

The piano looked at the camera and saw a lame, but she did not speed up her pace, but she was more cautious.

A small pavilion gradually appeared in the field of Qin double and others. Needless to say, everyone consciously walked into a battlefield, approaching the pavilion.

Within two hundred meters of the pavilion, there were no trees. The piano looked up into the air and saw the sky dark and a gray cloud floating in the air.

The air is filled with the smell of trees. The pavilion in front of the house looks dilapidated. Some doors and windows have fallen and laid on the ground.

About 100 meters from the pavilion, Qin double stopped and froze slightly. An Shicong also stopped at the side and stared at the front. There were four monks behind them and they stopped. The two monks looked dignified. The two monks were inexplicable, but when they saw that others were dignified, they also turned toward the front.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

The piano pair remained motionless. The two monks who could not understand could not help but frown. They had been watching for so long, and they swept back and forth many times with the knowledge of God. They did not find anything. How do these people have been standing here, motionless?

The sky gradually dimmed, and the heart seemed to sink. One of the two monks finally couldn’t hold his breath and bowed to the piano:

"This friend, I don't know what you found?"

Qin double stood there quietly, the mystery enveloped the front, four gods, one Yang God and the spirit are calculating quickly, no energy to deal with the two people. An Shicong glanced at him and had no words. One of the four monks opened:

"It seems like there is a battle."

"Array method?" The monk who asked the question looked a glimpse, and then could not help but laugh: "I understand some things, I don't see it? You saw it?"

There was a hint of martyrdom on the monk's face: "No, but I feel there is a battle."

The monk couldn’t help but swear by the nose: “Just by feeling, just stood here for half an hour? What is this courage, what do you still come to in the secret?”

When the words fell, the monk stepped forward and walked all the way to the pavilion. The double eyes of the piano are still squinting, and they are still rapidly advancing. An Shicong and others are not looking to the monk.

I saw that the monk walked all the way to the pavilion and did not encounter any danger. The monk could not help but laugh:

"It’s a group of cowards. You shouldn’t come to the secret, but you should stay at home and take your wife to sleep. I am advanced, and the treasures inside are mine. Hahahaha...”

An Shicong couldn’t help but look at the Qinshuang, but he saw the piano double still squinting, his face had become pale, and it was so hard to see.


Suddenly a monk shouted in panic, and An Shicong turned his head and looked around. I saw that the monk who walked out of the pavilion was still laughing, but the muscles on his body began to fall from the body, but he did not feel a trace, and he still laughed in his mouth:

"The treasures are mine. Haha... a group of cowards, hahaha..."

Less than 50 meters from the pavilion, his body muscles have completely fallen, leaving only a bone shelf, but still walking forward.

"Pay a friend!" and a monk he knew shouted.

The bone shelf stopped, turned around, looked at the piano and other people, opened his mouth to talk, but there was no sound, the bones on the top and bottom of the mouth opened and closed, making a squeaking sound. A few Sisters of An Shicong’s face changed, and the monk who called him stuttered:

"Your body..."

The bone shelf looked down at his body.


The bone shelf was scattered all over the place, and then it was a silence. An Shicong and others even held their breath and looked at the fear.

They are not afraid of danger, they are afraid of the danger of invisibility. What is revealed in front of them today is the danger of invisibility. Several people couldn't help but look at the piano pair, and the throat squirmed, but no one was bothering her.


The double mouth of the piano spurted a blood, and his face became paler. He took out a fairy suit and swung his hands and fingers, and he was still pushing fast.

"Qin double, this is the big master fairy squad, you can't crack it." Weiyang's voice rang in the consciousness of Qin double: "We couldn't crack it at the beginning, many times on the edge of death. Fortunately, we didn't encounter such a strange thing. The big battle. You don't try it, and then push it down, you will be hurt by the gods."

"The complete Grand Master Swordsman can't be cracked naturally. This is a broken array. It should be broken by something. I don't need to crack it. I just need to push out the broken channel. I can go in. ""

"That's hard too!"

"It’s always a little hope, I will try it!"

An Shicong looked at the piano and looked at each other. He wanted to ask questions and saw that the piano double was pushing fast, so he had to close his mouth. The remaining three monks looked at each other, a monk:

“Can you break the violence?”

An Shicong tilted him and said: "You can't see that there is a battle here, but also to the violence? Don't happen any more accidents, like the monk just now."

The look of the three monks is a glimpse, and there is some hesitation between the looks. I don’t know if I am leaving here, to find another chance, or to wait for the piano to be promoted here?


The piano spit out a sigh of relief, lifted his eyes, and then took an elixir, sat down on his knees and began to adjust his interest.

An Shicong opened his mouth and finally closed his mouth. There is only a slight unease between the eyebrows, because the sky is getting darker and darker. In such an unknown place, darkness may mean danger.

After half an hour, the sky was completely dark, and the moonlight was pale. The piano opened its eyes and looked at the sky. The gray-white cloud did not know when it disappeared. Give the darkness of the darkness a bright light.

"Qin double, how? Can you break it?"

Qin double shook his head and said: "This is a master class, how can I break it?"


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