Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2280: Silver lizard

One by one, the monks flew in and looked at the rag in the hands of the piano, and the color of regret appeared in the eyes. They only saw the table turned to the ground, but no one turned the table over to look at it, did not expect to press a rag underneath.

"This is also the best fairy!" Someone said enviously.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded. "But it seems to be useless, but it has a net effect."

"Oh..." An Shicong couldn't help but smile: "So what do you want to do? Is the rag not pure?"

Qinqin snorted and said: "Your shovel may still be shovel to the fairy!"

An Shicong licked his mouth, and his face showed a sly color. He looked at the shovel in his hand and wanted to throw it away. At this time, Qin double transmitted a glimpse of the gods from the eyebrows and began to refine the rag. When An Shicong saw it, he began to refine the shovel in his hand, while another monk was refining the broom.

Around a quarter of an hour, the three people refining the best fairy in their hands, and the curious people next to them asked:

"What are you? Tell me!"

Qin double put the rag in his hand: "This rag is called a net smudge, and it is a rag. It is yours?"

Everyone looked at it, and there was a mark on the corner of the rag, embroidered with three words:

Net pollution!


An Shicong's look is full of embarrassment, seeing people around him staring at him, he does not want to cause other people's doubts, thinking that he got something untouchable. He was not afraid of trouble, but he did not want to have any unnecessary troubles. He extended the shovel.


"Hello hahaha..."

The people around them laughed, because they all saw the handle of the shovel. At this time, because of An Shicong's refining, three words appeared:

Shovel shovel!

Qin double can not help but can not help but did not think that this shovel is really used to shovel!

"What is yours?" The crowd looked at the refining broom.

The monk was still normal at that time, and the broom was extended to the public. The eyes of the people fell on the broom and they saw two words on it:


The man was not ridiculed by everyone, and his heart was somewhat proud.

Suddenly, a rustling sound rang. No one noticed at the beginning, because the leaves are the sound when the wind passes. But then they realized that it was wrong, and the sound of rustling did not seem to come from above, but from the ground. All the monks spread the madness of the gods.

I saw that the ground in the distance was originally covered with yellow leaves, but at that time the yellowish yellow became silvery white. The whole piece of silver and white came like a wave, covering the leaves and rushing toward them.

The one lizard, the silver-white lizard, and the four-legged lizard. The four feet ran fast. Each lizard is not big, that is, the size of the palm of an adult, but the mouth is open, but the sharp teeth of the zipper are exposed. From the piano pair they heard the sound, to the spread of the gods, and then to see the silver-white lizards, just for such a short time, those lizards like the tides are less than two hundred meters away from them.

Qinqin did not hesitate, and when he raised his hand, he sacrificed a symbol, and the plaque fell on the ground. A bang, a flame came out, and the flame spread quickly, forming a circle around them. A fire ring with a diameter of about 150 meters.

The piano doubled up and raised a symbol, and the symbol floated on the head of the piano and swung rapidly.


With the rotation of the fairy, the intensive flying sword spurt out.

This is a sword charm!

Formed a circle of umbrella shape, spurting toward the surrounding silver-white lizards.


A silver-white lizard was shot and exploded, and then a silvery white liquid flowed from their blasted body, and the smell of sour smell suddenly spread.

The piano stands under the sword and calmly looks at a circle of silver-white lizards. Although it still has a silver-white lizard, this sword can maintain a quarter of an hour, so the double There is nothing to worry about in my heart. At the very least, within half a quarter of an hour, there will be no worries.


Some monks exclaimed, and one monk immediately propped up the defensive shield. The silver-white liquid flowing out of the smashed silver-white lizard gave off a silver-white gas and spread to the monks. The silvery white gas fell on the defensive shield, and it was corroding the defensive shield, which made the monks face a big change.

The monk who got the broom suddenly raised the broom and swept away the silvery white gas that had floated over.


A strong wind blew, and the gas was blown out and the monk looked like a hi, but then it was a look of rigidity. Because the wind blew out a flame, the silver-white lizard rushed in from the gap.

In the heart of the piano, there was a movement, and a fairy charm was sacrificed to form a second fire circle. The silver-white lizard was kept out, and then the rag was taken out and sacrificed in the air.


The rag hovered in the air, forming a vortex that sucked in the silvery white gas.

"There is no such thing as a dirty name!"

The piano doubles in the heart, and everyone looks at the gaze of the net and is full of envy.

"Qin double, this is not a way to go down." An Shicong said.

"Then rush out!"

Qin Shuangyi raised a hand and offered a plaque. The plaque became a fire dragon and rushed out against the ground. Wherever, the silver-white lizards were burnt into powder.


Qin double snorted, thousands of stars gathered into a cloak, the piano double enveloped inside, the head rose a round of bright moon.

Stars wear the moon!

Immediately after the fire dragon, rushed out.

An Shichong followed, and the monks also supported the defensive shields, and they became a line, and rushed to the two-way outside with the piano.

The place that was rushed by the fire dragon formed a passage. But the silver-white lizards on both sides of the passage attacked the monks. The first few monks following the piano pair had already passed by before the silver-white lizards rushed over. But the latter monks were attacked by lizards. Each monk sacrificed various kinds of fairy devices and attacked the lizards.

After about a minute, the crowd rushed out of the encirclement, but still did not dare to stay and flew away in the distance.

It took about a quarter of an hour, the piano doubleed down, and there was no lizard around. The monks were relieved and gazed at them.


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