Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2283: Golden thunder


He saw a jade slip at his feet and he bent over and smashed. Qin Shuang’s eyes fell on the jade slip, and he turned to him:

"May I see it?"

The two sides of the piano have only checked a few jade slips, and they have not found jade. Now I saw the jade slip in the hands of the monk, and I couldn’t help but look at it. And she has given up a few storage rings and has reason to look at it.

The monk snorted and said: "Don't you show it to you?"

“Nature can!” The jade in his hand was handed over.

The piano double took over the jade, and the mystery passed in, and then the look was a move.

This is a Taoist method, and this Daoqin does not have a double, even in the inheritance of the bloodqin.

Golden Thunder!

This method is a kind of Leifa, and it is a powerful Leifa that can be cultivated without the need of Rellingen, but it needs Jinlingen. Because it is called Golden Thunder!

After the piano double watched quickly, the heart was filled with ecstasy. This golden thunder is definitely the most powerful way to see the piano so far, even more powerful than the four elephants that Qinqin is now practicing. However, she frowned again and needed a primer for the Golden Ree. The stronger the metal treasure, the better.

This can not help but make the piano double headache, where to find a metal treasure?

Anyway, this is a top-level method. The piano double took out a blank jade, copied the golden thunder, and returned the original jade to the monk.

"See me too!" An Shicong came over.

The monk gave the piano pair, and did not mind giving An Shicong again, he handed it to An Shicong. An Shicong looked at it for a while, and he took out a blank jade and copied it. Gave the monk. At this time, Qin double came to the window and looked out, his face was changed.

In her field of vision, the two monks outside have lost their tracks.

There was nothing to lose the trace, maybe it was left.

However, at this time, outside the large array of parcels and pavilions, there were gray fish swimming around, hovering around the pavilion.

"We may have to be trapped here." Qin double whispered.

An Shicong and the monk looked like a glimpse. When they were swept, they came to the window, and they saw the cloud-like fish outside.


Both people changed their color.

"Yuanyang, what is going on here?" Qin Qinshen knows the sound.

"It's nothing strange." Wei Wei said faintly: "I have already told you that it is full of opportunities and full of danger.

When you come in less than a day, you get a fairy vein, and there is a practice. If you encounter danger, it is not a problem. ”

"What fish is this? How can it swim in the air?"

"I don't know. We didn't meet it at the beginning. I and the prisoner didn't dare to smash the big array outside the pavilion and left early."

Qin double silenced for a while and continued to ask: "What is the most dangerous thing you have encountered?"

Weiyang was silent for a while: "The most dangerous thing we have encountered is the embarrassing situation!"

"Evil environment?"

"Well, it's like a mirage, but it's not.

True and false, virtual and real, switch back and forth. ”

"What do you mean?"

"It's something that can't be understood at all. For example, if you walk in a forest, the forest will suddenly disappear, become a sea, or suddenly become a mountain, or a building. You walked I will suddenly discover that the surrounding environment has become a mountain, and you are being sandwiched between two mountains."

"Or you are walking on a hard rock, suddenly becoming a swamp, sucking you down."

"At the beginning, I was with Weiyang, and there was Xu Mo, and I almost died in this situation."

Qin double silenced for a moment: "How can traces be discovered in advance?"

"I don't know! I haven't found it with the prisoner anyway."

"What about Xu Mo?"

Weiyang was silent for a moment, and seemed to be remembering. He said halfway: "I don't know."

Qin double no longer speaks, staring out to look outside. The gray fish swimming only outside the big array, seems to know that the big array is so powerful that they dare not enter the big array.

"We are safe for the time being." The piano is soft.

"But!" An Shicong said uncomfortably: "When will the fish leave?"

"Maybe..." Qin double looked up at the sky: "Tianming!"

"Will the crack channel in that big array break?"

"do not know!"

The piano double turned back, the big sleeves stroked, sweeping the dust on the ground, and then sitting cross-legged, the mystery penetrated into the ground, want to look under the ground, there is no fairy vein. But it was quickly blocked by the big array.

"There is also a big array under the ground!"

Qin double shook his head, took out the jade slip, and began to promote the golden thunder in the jade.

An Shicong and the monk looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. They also came back and sat down on their knees. They took out the jade and began to deduct.

Time passed in the silence, the piano doubled with the realm of the sun, and the four great gods and the spirit together, but it took less than a night to complete the Golden Thunder. She now only needs a metallic treasure to practice Golden Thunder.

Of course, the extent to which the power of the Golden Thunder can be achieved depends on what treasures the piano uses as a primer.

Qin double eyes opened, seeing An Shicong and the monk still in the process of derivation, looking out the window, the window has been slightly bright. Then he stood up and came to the window and looked out.

The gray fish on the outside has disappeared, and the piano double frowned. The gray fish came mysterious and disappeared mysteriously, which made the hearts of the piano double uneasily uneasy.

Qinqin turned back downstairs. An Shicong heard the footsteps of Qinqin and opened his eyes. When he saw that Qinqin had already reached the stairs, he hurriedly stood up and followed the Qinshuang. .

"Piano double, are we leaving?"

"Well, the gray fish outside has disappeared."

"How did it disappear?"

"do not know!"

"So, can we go through the big battle now?"

"To re-push!"

As he spoke, the three men walked out of the door, stood at the door, and looked out of the big array.

At this time, it was the beginning of the sun, and the leaves on the giant tree were like golden leaves, reflecting the golden light.

The wind blew, and it swayed slightly, giving the sound of rustling.

On the ground is the yellow leaves, and the wind flutters with the smell of vegetation. The dead leaves on the ground are gently undulating with the breeze, as if they are swaying.

Qin double stood outside the gate of the pavilion, the index finger fluttered quickly, pulling out the blurred afterimage in the air, and began to push this big array.

It has been deduced once, and this time it is much faster. Just less than half an hour, the piano doubles up and looks up:



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