Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2284: Dark night

I have been nervously watching the two people in the piano, listening to the big joy, and hurriedly followed the Qin double. After half a quarter of an hour, three people came out of the big array, and An Shicong raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead:

"It’s always calculated!"

The piano looked at the four eyes and found no trace of the two monks outside the line.

“Did you really leave?”

Qin double shook his head and decided not to think about it anymore. Whether they are away or eaten by the gray fish, she will be extremely vigilant against the black fish.

Qin double looked around, and randomly selected a direction line. An Shicong is chasing two steps:

"Where are we going?"

"do not know!"

"Then how do you go here?"

"Just pick it up."

An Shicong couldn't help but talk to the piano and said to him, "Is there no place for you to go?"

Qin double faintly said: "We are only trading, and this transaction is over, she has no right to restrain my actions. If I want to go somewhere, I need to make a transaction again, and I may not agree. ”

An Shicong could not help but sigh, and the gods said: "How do you do it?"

"Not greedy and stick to it!" Qin double faint.

An Shicong was silent, half-sounding, and once again, the voice of the gods said: "The prisoner wants us to go to the big squad that they were in, and see if the Xu Mo couple are there!"

"You can go, I didn't ask you to stay with me."

"But... the prison wants you to go with me."

"That is her hope, not my hope!"

"Shantou, what do you want to be willing to go?" Qin Shuang’s consciousness wanted to sound the voice of Weiyang’s god.

"When I want to go, I naturally go back. Now I don't want to go. I am here to find my chance, our transaction is over."

"We can do another transaction."

“Not interested! At the very least, not interested at the moment.”

"Shantou, the direction you are going now is the direction that I have not been to the prisoner. In this direction, I have no experience with the sergeant, and I can't help you."


"Let's change direction, I will show you the way!" The voice of Weiyang sounded again.

Qin double no longer speaks, just firmly moving in his direction.

When Weiyang was silent, Qinshuang could feel that An Shicong’s breath was changing, and a smile appeared slowly in the corner of her mouth. She could speculate that I was afraid that the prisoner was arguing with An Shicong.

On this road, there is no danger, but it is still lost in the forest, as if the forest is inexhaustible, and the horizon is golden. The piano double red fluttering, the body is long, as if a beautiful flower floating in the golden light.

"Qin double!" An Shicong seems to have finished quarreling with the prisoner. The voice sounded in the silent golden forest: "You are now the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian. At your speed, I am afraid it will take a long time to break through the fairy." Is it jun?"

"Who is this clear?" Qin double whispered: "That is a big level, it is not easy. You are also the seventh floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian, your speed is not much slower than me."

"I am different from you!" An Shichong shook his head and said: "I have seen your performance in the Big Purple City. Your realm of the gods should have reached Xianjun. So, you broke through Xianjun. There should be no bottlenecks. But my realm of the gods did not reach Xianjun."

Qin double thought: "I am not too clear, but I have seen many seniors' experiences in Tianziyuan. It seems that it is not that the Yuanshen can reach Xianjun smoothly, and I can't say it clearly. Looking at the recorded experiences, many of the predecessors' gods have reached the level of Xianjun, but they have not achieved the breakthrough when they have accumulated their strength. They also need to go out and look for opportunities, that is, to understand the world."

“Is it the world?” An Shicong said with a sigh: “Is the Yuanshen breaking through the level of Xianjun, is it not the feeling of heaven and earth?”


"How is it different?"

"I don't know!" Qin double shook his head slightly, then sighed softly: "It seems that the **** is also a kind of power, and breaking through the fairy requires a change of state of mind. You didn't go to see those experiences? They are placed The first floor of the library."

An Shicong snorted and his face showed a sly color: "I thought that the first floor was filled with some travel notes."

"In the record, some predecessors have traveled around to Xianjun. There are four challenges, there are four challenges, and there are also sentiments, and they have sealed their own repairs to buy food, or go to the teahouse to be a buddy."

An Shicong also fell into meditation.

The monk who followed the two of them, this time only knows that the Qin double is actually the Qin double in the Tian Zicheng Dabu, his cultivation is only weaker than Qin Qin and An Shi Cong, Jiu Tian Xuan Xian Six floors. But listening to the conversation between Qin Shuang and An Shi Cong, I feel very esoteric. I can't help but raise my ears.

Qin Shuang and An Shicong did not speak, and both of them fell into thought.

Qin double carefully combed his previous practice, feeling that it is not difficult to break through the small realm within the nine-day Xuan Xian. As long as the Yuan Li has accumulated, and the realm is solidified, it can be broken at any time.

In this way, she is really not sure whether the records she sees are suitable for her own body. When she breaks through Xianjun, will she also have the same problems as those of her predecessors?

There was a sudden sound behind the "two..." and broke the meditation of the two.

The first reaction of the two people was that the gods quickly spread out. See if there is danger, then turn around and look at the monk:


Under the watchful eyes of Qin Shuang and An Shicong, the monk felt the pressure and said carefully:

"it's getting dark!"

The two men have not completely come out of thinking, An Shicong heard:

"It’s dark, what happened?”

"Silver fish..."

Qinshuang and An Shicong couldn’t help but look at each other at the same time, and the binocular eyes glanced around, then said:

"There is no place to rest, we are staying here tonight."

"Here?" The monk's face became pale: "The silver fish..."

"I set up a formation!"

An Shicong and the monk look is slightly loose, and they both have great confidence in the doubles of the piano.

Qin doubled out a face flag, spent two quarters of time, set up a large array of peak masters, where she did not dare to have the slightest contempt.

"Okay. We are here to rest today!"

If the words fall, the piano will sit on the knees. But instead of closing his eyes, he squinted and looked out of the big bang. Seeing the posture of the piano double, the monk was not nervous:

"Piano Fairy, what are you looking at?"


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