Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2285: Strange fish

"I am looking at where the silver fish came from."

Qin double said that the monk and An Shicong were not interested in the big ups, and the two men were squinting at the big eyes.

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

Silver fish did not appear, An Shicong looked over the monk and said: "My name is An Shicong, is the name of the Taoist friend?"

The monk was crying, and together for so long, the two men finally had someone to ask their name.

"An Daoyou, Qin Xianzi, my name is An Sidao. We are still our own!"

"Good name!" An Shicong praised.

An Sidao licked his mouth and revealed a look of laughter.

"I just have a name to praise?" His heart was full of helplessness.

"Look!" Qin double suddenly heard.

An Shicong and An Sidao rushed to look out of the big bang, his face changed. They saw silver fish, which were like invisible and unqualified air, swimming out of the trunk of a big tree, but they were tangible and qualitative.

Soon, they are surrounded by gray fish that swim slowly.

The gray fish is like a gray broken cloud, hovering around the double array of the piano.

The three people of Qin double became nervous. I wonder if this big array can stop these gray fish?

One quarter of an hour.

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

The three pairs of pianos were almost relieved at the same time. The gray fish seemed to have jealousy against the big array, but they circled around, but did not want to attack the big array.

"Do you want to attack and try?" An Shicong whispered.

"Or, grab one to come in and see?" An Sidao whispered.

Qin double thought about it: "Don't catch it first, just try it out secretly."

"You come, or am I coming?" An Shicong said.

"You come, you come!" Qin double.

"it is good!"

An Shicong moved a handcuff and pointed a finger at the outside.


A fireball bombarded a gray fish, just one of the most common fireballs. Three pairs of eyes were fixed on the gray fish.


The gray fish swam leisurely, and the fireball was sucked on the body, and the fireball quickly disappeared.


When the three people stayed, Ansi said: "Can these gray fish absorb various methods?"

"Try again, release a powerful power." Qin double road.

An Shicong’s face was worried: “Will it irritate the gray fish and attack us?”

"Nothing. My big battle can withstand it." Qin said with a double look.

"it is good!"

An Shicong raised his hand and moved a handcuff and pressed it to the outside.


A fire dragon is born. Attacked the past with the silvery fish. The silvery fish are completely unaffected. There seems to be a force that allows them to quickly absorb the mana of the fire dragon. It is only a dozen breaths of time, and the fire dragon is absorbed a little. However, those silvery fish did not change at all.

"This... I will try it, maybe it’s just that the fire attribute method is useless to them."

The piano double reached out and held it toward the middle.


Outside the big array, one space was frozen. A lot of silver fish were frozen in a huge ice cube. Like a huge ice sculpture, it is engraved with countless fishes, very beautiful.


The huge ice quickly melted away, thinking that the mana inside was absorbed by the gray fish inside.

"Really freed the Taoist law completely!" An Shicong frowned.

"Try a physical attack!"

Qin Shuang Yu made a flying sword, wearing a large array, and then a sword smashed on a gray fish. The gray fish was smashed into two halves and dropped on the ground.

"Effective!" An Shicong's eyes lit up.

"I don't know if these gray fish have attack power," said An Sidao.

"Qin double, do we want to go out and try?" An Shicong said.

Qin double thought and nodded: "Try it, otherwise I don't understand these fish, it is always a hidden danger."

Three people stood up and stepped out of the big battle.

Beyond the big array, the gray fish are overwhelming, occupying the space in the field of vision. The gray fish, which is slap in the palm of the hand, is swimming slowly and quietly.

The piano doubles and moves, and the ten swords under the feet swim out, hovering around her and her head, forming a vortex, cutting a space.

The countless gray fish almost obscured the moonlight, and the eyes of the fish released a gray light, making the scalp numb intensive, only letting the moonlight penetrate through the rare gaps, as they swim Flashing.


Around the double and the sky, suddenly the sound of the blade was broken, and the gray fish was smashed, and the fragments of the body were spilled from the air.

An Shicong held the black sword in his hand and lifted it upwards. The black long sword instantly turned into a giant sword, and An Shicong waved his long sword in the air. Stir a huge black vortex.

An Sidao also turned the long sword in his hand into ten feet, and stirred it in the air.

"Puff puff……"

In the still forest, three vortices appeared, breaking up countless gray fish.

It seems as if the entire sky has a layer of gray clouds, and the gray clouds are falling toward the ground. In the field of vision, because of this rich gray cloud, it becomes awkward.

Qin double is very nervous, she does not know whether these gray fish will attack them under such a violent attack. An Sidao and An Shicong are also very nervous, ready to rush into the big array.


The gray fish in the sky turned into a broken gray light spot, slowly falling toward the ground, and the whole space seemed to be shrouded in gray light spots.

After the light spots fell on the ground, like the flowing water, they rushed toward the surrounding ancient trees and were absorbed by the old trees. In the past, it was not long before, and a gray fish was swam out from the old trees.

The piano double reached out and caught a gray light spot. The light fell on the palm of her hand and then flowed toward the palm of the hand, like a mercury, then fell from the palm of the hand and merged into countless gray lights. In the point, I rushed toward the old trees.

Qin doubled his teeth and sacrificed the sword to the old tree.


The old tree was smashed into two sections by the piano, and it fell to the ground. The eyes of Qin double fell, and found that there was nothing but the annual ring. Xuanzhi explored into the ancient tree, but found nothing.

The gray fish in the distance spread again.


I am very grateful to the great one (100), seaphay (100), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100) for the reward!




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