Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2289: Extremely dangerous

After flying for less than half a day, the piano fell to the ground in both directions. His eyes swept around and he frowned slightly. In front of her is a broken array, the appearance is violently smashed, and the time of the bombing is not long. However, although the big array was broken, there were countless small arrays, and the space in front drifted around. Once they were hit by these small arrays, it is estimated that there is no good end.

Qin double spread the mystery, and the gaze is a contraction. She perceives the power of the law. It seems that the sky purple city smashed the shot here. So, those big gongs are in front.

The piano doubles carefully and quickly toward the piano, and the mystery spreads out, avoiding the drifting small array and walking through the constantly changing gaps.

During the period of seeing some of the monks' broken bodies, these monks should be walking through the cracks, and the small arrays that did not have time to escape the drift were strangled.

Passing through the broken range, the piano flew in front of the two-way, and encountered several large bursts of bombardment during the period. The piano double walks through the broken gap.

After two days, she met six monks who were walking through the cracks. When the double side of the piano enters the gap, it envelops the mystery around it, and quickly pushes the drifting trajectories of those small arrays, and quickly walks through the gaps, and quickly catches up with the six monks.

"I will lead the way!" Qin double road.

The six monks also saw the doubles of the piano and the speed of the double-stringing. Now that Qinqin is willing to lead them, they naturally want to be tempted, and they have turned their bodies apart. The piano pair is in a narrow crack, moving sideways to the front, and then:

"Follow me!"

Six people followed the piano tightly, and after half a day, they passed through the scope of the broken array. The piano doubles forward and asks:

"What happened here?"

"There is news spread, saying that there is Xianbao in front of this direction." A monk said.


"Qin double, this news should be the prisoner let An Shicong spread out." Weiyang's voice was remembered in the consciousness of Qin double.

"So, there is no fairy treasure at all. Is this a trap?"

"No!" Weiyang said: "There were several times when I and the prisoner were here in this direction. There was a purple rush in this direction. There must be treasures there, but we tried several times and could not pass the big array. Instead, I almost died in a large array several times. Fortunately, we did not continue to try, did not think so much in this direction."

"You didn't say it to Xu Mo at the beginning?"

"No, we are afraid of Xu Mo to take risks, so we also deliberately take Xu Mo in the opposite direction to avoid the purple gas that he found there."

"In this way, the prisoner spread the news, that is, to attract Xu Mo and Cai Heyi to go, use the danger there to target Xu Mo and Cai Xia."

"This should be."

"Oh..." Qin double sneered two channels: "She forgot, when you and Xu Mo were in this secret, they were still low, and these big arrays would naturally become a dangerous place. But now What is the repair of silence? I am afraid that it is a half-step fairy king, and it will soon become a real fairy king.

not to mention……

It’s more than a half-step fairy king. These half-step fairy kings are united enough to break the battle. The prisoner is not killing Xu Mo, but giving Xu Mo a chance to get a chance. ”

"You can't say that!" Weiyang silently said: "These big arrays are only on the way, I believe that the purple gas is the place where it is more dangerous. Moreover, the Weiyang is dark, Xu Mo and Cai Xia are in the Ming, maybe There is an opportunity."

"That is also true!"

The piano double no longer speaks, and seven people fly toward the front. On this road, there are more and more monks and more people. The piano pair has been mixed in the crowd, as the crowd moves forward. After another three days, the piano eyes narrowed, and I saw that there was an endless plain in front. At this time, there were tens of thousands of people gathered here. At the forefront of these tens of thousands of people, standing dozens of people, it is Xu Mo who are big.

Qin did not dare to release the mystery, but looked around and searched for too many people. She did not find An Shicong. I want to squeeze forward, but there are too many people in front and I can't squeeze. I asked a monk in front of me:

"Dao friends, why stop here and don't leave?"

"The big ones in front don't leave, who dares to go?"

"Why don't those big sisters go?"

"You ask me, who am I going to?"

At the forefront, Xu Mo and others gathered together and looked at the front with dignity.

"Do you see what is not?" Paying the family's long-term family to the Li family.

"No, you see it?"

"I don't have it!" The family said, shaking his head. "But there is a creepy feeling."

"me too!"

"You said that the news was spread out? Is there really a fairy in front?"

"Who knows this? But with so many big battles along the way, it is estimated that even if there is no Xianbao, there will be treasures."

"You also said that there are so many big battles along the way, the person who spreads the news, so may know that there is a fairy treasure inside? I think it is a trap."


At this time, in front of the distant, suddenly a burst of purple sky.

"This... there is a fairy..."

Xu Mo is also a gaze, although the purple gas can not be determined to be Xianbao, but the treasure is undoubted.

"What to do?" Ren Gao Lin condensed the channel.

"I can't see anything!" Xu Mo shook his head. "But I feel the breath of the law. The front must be extremely dangerous. What do you see?"

"No! If we force the past, as long as we are prepared, I will not believe that there is anything in the spiritual world that can hurt us."

"But here is not the spiritual world. This should have fallen from the fairy world. However, if you are right, we can't just retreat. Everyone depends on the means."

When Xu Mo explored his hand in the air, he sacrificed an umbrella. When the umbrella was opened, there was a circle of light curtains covering him and the color coat. The two men stepped forward and walked shoulder to shoulder. Ren Gaolin’s big sisters also sacrificed their treasures, shrouded the whole body and walked toward the front.

"The big guys are gone!"

"What are you waiting for? Let us go too!"

The monks began to move, but they did not go fast. Who dared to go to the front of the big man?

Besides, there are those good things to do in the front to explore the road!

The piano is mixed in the crowd and goes to the front. The flow of people is slower and it is constantly moving forward. When the piano went to the place where Xu Mo and others stood, the depth of the heart suddenly gave birth to an extremely dangerous feeling, and the creeps.


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