Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2290: Message

She suddenly stopped her footsteps!

In the dim sky, Qin double stood alone, on both sides of it was a continuous flow of people, she was like a reef standing in the river, and other monks were like a river, flowing from her side Going forward.

The people who passed by her side looked at her in a weird look. Xu Mo’s big sisters were gone. You are still standing here. Do you want to learn the style of those big brothers?

"Fairy, is it scared?" A team of more than a dozen monks passed by the Qin double, and the leader looked greedily at the piano:

"Don't be afraid, join the brother's team, my brother protects you!"

"Roll!" Qin did not look at him.

"What are you talking about? Deaf people..."


The double head of the piano did not rise and kicked out, and the monk flew out and fell out far away. The look of the bustling monks around is a glimpse. In this dangerous place, if there is not enough interest, no one is willing to have a dispute. At this time, they look at the bombed monk again, it is like watching a fool. One by one, no longer stay, fly forward.


The monk fell to the ground, climbed up from the ground, and flew away toward the front without a word. Fang Caiqin doubled that punch, he had already felt that he and the other party were too far apart, and the squad's monks also hurriedly passed by the piano.

"Qin double, why do you stop?" Weiyang’s voice rang in the consciousness of Qin Double.

"I feel dangerous!" Qin doubled his head and looked forward. "Maybe, they just tried to silence them because they felt dangerous and stopped here for so long."

“What kind of danger do you perceive?”

"The creeps!"

Unsuccessful, the piano is silent. It’s just that she has a speculation in her heart.

The reason why Xu Mo’s big brothers can feel the danger is because some of them are already half-step kings and understand the law. But I can perceive the danger, because I can perceive the law. Although there is no law of cohesion, because of the power of the complete transformation, I can already feel the power of the law.

The other monks were not aware of it because they did not understand the law.

In other words, the source of the danger ahead is the law!

The mouth of Qin double shows a bit of bitterness. With his current strength, he can't resist the strangulation of the law. If you can see the law is fine, for example, in the secret of the Tianshan Mountain, as long as you can see the law, you can still avoid. However, now she does not see the shadow of the law here, and she does not perceive the law, but only perceives the extreme danger.

How does this make her avoid?

How come there is such a place?

"You can't resist this danger?" The voice of Weiyang rang again.

"We are not in the middle, you don't understand, the danger is likely to come from the law! What do you do?"

"How can I have a solution?"

"Really do not have?"

"No!" This time, Weiyang answered simply.

"Yang seniors, do you have the ability to deal with the rules?"

“Yes!” Yang Ling said: “The exquisite sword can be ruled!”

"The exquisite sword can be ruled by law?" Qin double heart ecstasy: "Before, how can I not know?"

"Before, because I sealed that part of the power, I am very weak now, far from recovering. If you use the power of the law inside the exquisite sword, it will have two results."

"What results?"

"The first result will make me weaker, even let me fall asleep, and even worse, make me really die. The second result is that every time you throw out such a sword, you will consume a lot of money. Even if it is your strength, I am afraid that there are not many swords."

This result is serious!

If Yang Linglong is completely asleep or dead, the sword will be abolished. What is more serious is that if the strength and mysterious force of the piano pair are extracted, it will only be able to wait for death.

"Old town, do you have a solution?"

"Yes, but I don't know if I can stand it."


"You can sacrifice the tower of the people, and then I lend you the power of the law."


Qin double understands, but this also has its drawbacks. After all, the town demon tower has not fully recovered to its peak, and it does not know the extent to which this unknown law will be dangerous. As the old man said, who knows whether the tower can stand? ?

More importantly, once the Emperor's Tower with the Law is given, it will cause suspicion. It is necessary to know that the sound of the Emperor's Tower is extraordinary and will surely attract the attention of many monks.

How can you have the magical power of the law on the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian?

"And when you are in danger, try to hide into the town demon tower as soon as possible." The old voice of the town came again.

This is also a way, and the possibility of exposure is very small, because when hiding in the town demon tower, the town demon tower will not be as rumbling as the people's tower.

"Of course, I can't guarantee that the town demon tower can stop the constant strangulation of the law." The old voice of the town came again.

Qin’s face was cloudy and hesitant.

Qinshuang has a town demon tower, and now there are two fairy veins in the town demon tower, and there is no shortage of resources and inheritance. As long as the piano is practiced in accordance with the rules, it will be firmly upgraded to the tenth peak of the nine-day Xuanxian. There will be no checkpoints.

And to break through Xianjun, it is not a matter of poor resources, but now Qin double is unclear. It should be irrelevant to resources.

So, is it necessary for us to risk the death to occupy almost 90% of the risk?

Since the cultivation of Xianxian, Qinshuang has explored countless times and has died almost several times. If it is not lack of resources, no one is willing to risk death. Everyone dares to take risks because they have treasures they need urgently.

The front is indeed purple, with treasures.

However, even if I walked over, can I compete with Xu Mo’s half-step fairy king?

Therefore, at this time, Qin double really does not want to move forward. There are many other opportunities in this secret, and it is not necessary to risk your life. Too many monks die because of greed in their hearts.

Qin double decided not to go, change direction to seek opportunities. And just as she turned around, the communication jade hanging from her waist rang. Qin double explored the gods into the jade, and heard the voice of Wei Qingjue.

"Qin double, where are you? I found a purple sky with Guan Yu, we are following the stunned people, I have already notified Mu Chong, Fu Ziyue, Zhang Zining, Liang Hong, and Xu Kaiyun, if you Also in the secret, I am coming in this direction."


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