Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2310: fate

The two men attacked with fierce fierceness, and the gods then flew back and disappeared into the white mist.


The devil slammed a punch in anger, but the white fog was tumbling, and the eyes were flashing with fierce murder. Take a deep breath and concentrate on the piano.

He came here not for Godsend, and he also has taboos on Godsend. He knows that Godsend has been suppressing the Gorefiend. Once he was forced into a desperate situation and let the Gorefiend out of the trap, he also had a headache. He was looking for Qinshuang and Xiangjiao. This is the two kinds of magic that he had left by temptation. Now these two kinds of magic have grown up, especially the double surprise that Qin double brings to him.

The growth of Qin double is too fast. This time, the time has passed, the eighth floor of Xuantian has been nine days. As long as the piano is swallowed, his repair will definitely have a leap-forward recovery. Moreover, Qin double actually explored a method of fellow practitioners.

This method has created an idea that has never been seen before. Even if the devil lives and does not know how many eras, he has not seen the monks of fellow practitioners, and no one even thought about it.

If you can see the mystery of this kind of practice, will you get out of the imprisonment?

At the thought of this, the Lord of the Lord could not help but be moved.

Soon, he determined the direction of the piano and swept away in that direction.

At this time, the doubles of the piano, the hands constantly released the chain of destruction and the symbol of the seal. The forehead has seen sweat, but still can't seal the magic again.

After the fusion of the magic heart and the blood of the blood, it became extremely powerful. Originally, it had a chain of destruction, and the seal of the seal and the Confucianism and Taoism jointly sealed, and it was able to seal the magic. However, now Qin Qin took the initiative to unblock the magic, and want to seal it again, it was already very difficult, and more importantly, now Xiao Ru sleeps.


The two mouths of the piano spurted a blood, and the black gas on the body had not passed the dividing line. The whole person began to transform toward the black, and the eyes that were bright as stars also had a faint faintness.

Qin double glanced at Xu Mo, who was lying beside him, and sighed: "I am going to be enchanted?"

She stopped the seal, and the gods swept through Xu Mo, and sighed again. She took out another Vientiane, opened the mouth of Xu Mo, twisted the juice in, and gave Xu a few dans. The medicine quickly struck a few flags around Xu Mo, arranged a magical array, stood up and walked away.

Xu Mo opened his eyes and looked at the direction in which the piano left. Then he sat up and his eyes showed the color of thought. In the end, I sighed and whispered:

"The piano double was attacked by the magic! It is not simple, it can always suppress the magic. Even with the Vientiane, the magic road is getting more and more prosperous, hehe..."

"Sib, Weiyang, Hey... oh..."

Xu Mo closed his eyes and a tear fell in his eyes!


Godsend one knee on the ground!


The body began to crack, and a crack appeared. The blood was shot from the inside and the face became extremely pale.

"It's still too strong! What is the origin of the demon Lord? It's so strong! Although it has not reached the fairy king, but the various secrets, and the understanding of the law, completely beyond this world. Is he really a demon? Lord?"


His seven scorpions slammed the bleed line, and a pair of clear eyes began to fade red.

"Bloody, I won't let you out."

Godskin reluctantly sat down on the knees, his hands tied with the road, and began to suppress the Gorefiend, but from his body, from time to time, a layer of blood red was surging, and the layer of blood red and disappeared, and suddenly rose.


The piano double fell to the ground, the magic of the body began to surge, and gradually revealed a face above the magic, the face was born exactly the same as the Lord.


The face floated from above the magic heart, and then turned into a black light, rushing toward the sea of ​​the piano.


Qin’s knowledge of the sea rippled, and that face appeared in the sea of ​​the piano.


In the knowledge of the piano, the merits have disappeared, leaving only seven characters to circling in the sea. A symbol fell and turned to the face.


Grimace made a scream, escaped from the sea, and fled in the direction of the magic, just waiting for it to escape the magic, a magical face that had been black and dark has become dim.

"Hehehe..." The magic face above the magical voice made a stern laugh: "Piano double, can't occupy your knowledge of the sea, I can occupy your blood, your whole body will flow with me, hahaha... ..."

The magic face opened his mouth and sucked a trace of blood from the magic heart, which is the blood of the blood of the devil into the magic. Then, I saw that the magic face was a spit again.


A trace of blood blood magic pulse out of the magic, into the blood of the piano double, each drop of blood magic blood has turned into a smiling **** face, swimming in the blood vessels of the double. Qin double feels that he is losing control of the body, rushing to mobilize the gods and compete for control of the body.

Suddenly, her body was stiff, and then she slowly raised her head and saw a magical figure coming out and could not see the person's appearance.


The lingering magic is separated, revealing the appearance of the Lord.

"Oh, huh..." The Lord looked at the piano with interest: "The fellow demon fellows! It seems that you have not completely created this kind of practice, so you have been sealing the magic, and now unlock the magic, this is to Enchanted, hehehe..."

Qinqin struggled to stand up, but the battle with Gorefiend made her body stiff, and she slammed into the ground.

"Ha ha ha..."

The devil smiled more happily, and turned around the piano double, and the interest in his eyes was stronger.

"I originally wanted to find you and swallow you. But I did not expect that you have come out of a path of fellow practitioners. This is why I am reluctant to kill you, half-sweet and half-magic, hey, the only one in the world! Let You have to live a little longer, and I will thoroughly study your body and it will not be too late to devour you."


The body of the demon Lord made a dark fog and rushed into the body of the piano.

Qinshuang’s eyes are desperate, and she can clearly perceive that the Lord has entered her magic, but she can’t do anything about it.


There was a disgusting horror in the magic heart.

"It's actually infected with the dirty blood of the Gorefiend! But you are really smart! Construct a subtle balance with the devil and the heart. Let me see your heart!"


The devil is like a black light, rushing into the heart of the piano.


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