Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2311: Suppressed

"Hey? There are two gods here?" The Lord looked at the spirit and Xiaoru in the heart: "No, this is not the god!"

He looked at Xiaoru first, but it was too small for Xiaoru. In the heart of the Tao, it was a heavenly place. Compared with Xiaoru, only the big toe of Xiaoru was the size.

"This..." The devil's eyes flashed a disgusting color: "It seems to be a little restrained to me, full of awe-inspiring spirit. But there is no gas of the gods, as if... there is a breath of innate fairy treasure, what is it? ”

The Lord of the Lord extended a hand and became bigger in the heart of the Tao, and grasped the past toward Xiaoru.

Qin double looked helplessly at everything that happened in front of her, and now she is fighting fiercely with the Gorefiend. The Gorefiend has become more powerful through the warmth in the magic heart, so that the piano doubles are retreating at the festival, where is there any effort to resist the Lord?

Moreover, even if she does not have the **** devil, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the devil. She only has no choice but to fear and watch the magic master's big hand and grab the little Confucian.


Xiaoru, who has been in a state of slumber, reacted. It seemed to be very disgusted with the magic. A trace of arrogance spread from the body of Xiaoru and entangled the hand of the Lord. The demon Lord swayed gently, and the awe-inspiring entanglement in his hand was shaken, and one hand was pressed on the head of Xiaoru, and the magic gas penetrated. He saw that this is a kind of spirit of Xianbao, who wants to demonize Xiaoru into a magic treasure.


Xiaoru was awakened and opened his eyes. The awe-inspiring gas enclosed in the eyes is like a huge smoke column, and it is bombarded on the body of the demon.


The Lord of the Lord could not help but scream, and Hao Hao’s temper was restrained, and the smoke column that was shot out of Xiaoru’s eyes contained the power of the law, so that the demon who was far from recovering was actually injured.


The Lord of the Devil was furious, and the big hand that was shocked opened once again caught Xiaoru. At the same time, it has always been like a statue, a moving spirit, suddenly moved, and also shouted:

"Little Confucian, seal!"

Xiaoru’s eyes showed a faint color, and he only attacked the Lord’s blow with his eyes, and he knew the power of the Lord. Suddenly opened his mouth. Xiaoru was originally in the sky, and opened a big mouth. The big mouth was like a black hole. It suddenly swallowed the Lord. Then he closed his mouth and extended his hands to write a word of "sealing" in the air.

The heart of the heart pinched a cicada, and the seals were printed on the body of Xiaoru. At the same time, the spirit also quickly moved the handcuffs, destroying the chain with one hand, and the symbol of the first hand, constantly sealing toward the body of Xiaoru.


There was a huge roar in the body of Xiaoru, and the roar of the demon Lord. Xiaoru’s body bulged from time to time.


The piano is double-minded, and the four great gods and the sun gods all appear in the heart of the Tao. The four great gods and the sun gods, the spirit, around the small Confucian continually fight the chain of destruction and the symbol of the seal. And Xiao Ru is constantly writing a seal and printing it into his body.

Soon, Xiaoru’s body was covered with a seal, and it was surrounded by a chain of destruction.

However, the roar of the devil is still heard from the body of Xiaoru, and there is a rumbling attack.


There was a crisp sound in Xiaoru’s body, and a fine crack appeared.


Xiaoru’s body began to shrink sharply, and as he narrowed, the crack was squeezed and almost disappeared. A little Confucianism, just in the less than half-time, turned into a thumb-like size, and then saw that the Confucian book opened, and Xiao Ru got into the Confucian book!


In the Confucian book, a piece of the word was dropped from a page of a page, and the two pages were opened.


Confucianism closed, disappeared the breath of the Lord, and even could not hear the roar of the Lord.

The spirit, the sun **** and the four great gods frantically released the chains of destruction and the seal to the Confucian book. A layer of superficial seals is superimposed on Confucianism, and a chain of destruction is wrapped around Confucianism. It took two quarters of time for the four gods, the spirit and the sun to stop. Then it was a change of face. In the two more hours, the piano double was fighting against the demon master, but the magic heart was drilled, and the blood of the whole body was attacked by the blood of the blood demon. At this time, the heart was attacking. .

In the heart of the piano, she thought about it quickly. She couldn't transfer the spirit into the sea. It would make the blood devil invade the heart. Once the heart is lost, I don't know what the result will be. Not only is the Tao, but the soul space cannot be invaded by blood.

The piano double minded and moved, and the four great gods returned to the sea of ​​knowledge, and the sun **** returned to the lotus space.

The spirit of the Taoist heart moved, and the chain of four-locked buckle hovering over her head began to speed up, and the force of a silky rule emanated from the chain, and the whole heart began to close.

In the soul space, the Yangshen is better than the ability to apply the law. She sits cross-legged in the middle of the soul lotus, and the lotus petals begin to close. Finally, a flower bone is formed, and the sun **** is wrapped inside.

The four great gods returned to the sea of ​​knowledge, looked up and looked at the eight symbols floating in the sea, and the heart was slightly safe. Nowadays, the most reassuring place for Qinshuang is to know the sea. I believe that after the magic has eaten a loss in the sea, she should not dare to enter her sea of ​​knowledge easily.

The second place to rest assured is the soul space. Although there is no meritorious symbol in the soul space, there is no law of inner spirit. If the magic is invaded, I am afraid it is the most vulnerable place to fall.

However, the soul is the most mysterious place of all things. Even if the magic can finally discover the soul space, it will be a long process. Therefore, it is relatively safer than the Tao.

Dao Xin was originally a very mysterious place, and it was hard to be discovered by the magic. However, because the Taoist heart has been projected many times, and the magical heart has constructed Taiji, forming a fellow practitioner of the same. Therefore, the magic heart certainly knows where the heart is. It is necessary to see if the heart can stop the invasion of the magic. And Qin double will not let the magic, she will find a way to re-seal the magic.

However, Qin double is very clear now, the magic does not need to worry for the time being, because the hit by the merits of the merits, it is also very weak, originally this is the best chance to seal the magic, but did not think that the magic release bleeding blood, This makes the piano double and loses.

The most important thing is that now Xiaoru and Confucianism have completely lost their help to Qinshuang, and they are full of seals. Losing the help of Hao Ranqi, Qin Double has only become difficult to deal with the blood of the blood. And the blood of the Gorefiend has changed and become powerful since the fusion of the magic.

It seems that it takes several months for the blood of the bloodstain to completely infect the blood of the piano, but now it is only less than half an hour, and it has already infected most of the body. It has basically controlled the body of the piano.


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