Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2316: Leishan practice


The magical drums swayed, emitting a strong magical power, spreading in the body of the piano, blending with the blood of the bloodsucker, resisting the thunder, and fighting with the piano for the control of the body.


The body of Qinqin is like a porcelain. Under the bombardment of the Thunder, cracks are generated, and blood is shot out. The blood is just shot out, and it is evaporated by the Thunder. It is less than ten times. The body is black and the air is filled with a taste of barbecue.

Qinshuang’s face showed an extremely painful color. He took out a Vientiane fruit and continued to guide the Thunder’s power to flow through the body.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Outside the Thunder Mountain Range, most of the monks left, leaving only a few peaks. Those big Luo Jinxian and nine days of Xuanxian, and some Xianjun see those Xianjun peaks in love. They know that they have no chance of their own.

Sixty cents of Xianjun peaks, Yaozu, Mozu and Terran have. Standing quietly there, no one took the first step. Whenever they wanted to take the first step, they couldn’t help but look at the long sword hanging in midair.

Finally, a demon monk couldn't help himself, stepping out in one step, and his figure was like electricity, and he smashed toward the Thunder Mountain Range.


A sword screamed, the sword that was suspended in midair, and the demon monk rushed into the Thunder Mountain Range, but suddenly fell to the ground, and the body split into two halves.


The thunder is like a rain, and the body that has been smashed by a sword is instantly blackened and finally turned into powder.

Sixty of the celestial peaks of Xianjun looked stunned and looked at the long sword that was suspended in midair.


A Mozu monk swept away in a horizontal direction. All the peaks of Xianjun were moving in the heart. They understood the thoughts of the Mozu monk. He wanted to distance himself from the sword and then rushed into the Thunder Mountain Range.

The figure of the Mozu monk quickly disappeared into the vision of the monks, but was traced by the monks' knowledge. The Mozu monk has opened the biggest distance with the sword, and when he is wide, he leaves the Thunder Mountain Range. The Mozu monk looked at the long sword in the distance and hung his teeth, biting his teeth and pulsing toward the Thunder Mountain.


In the air, a dazzling sword slammed down, and at that moment, the sky was bright.

The body of the Mozu monk fell into the Thunder Mountain Range, and the body was quickly bombarded into powder.


Someone began to turn and left, and one of the Xianjun peaks also looked at the Thunder Mountain and reluctantly left.

Thunder Mountain Range.

On the half of the mountainside of the first mountain peak, the piano sits there with a double knee and is covered by a thunder. In three days, she did not fully occupy the advantage. Instead, under the fusion of Gorefiend and Magic, there was a tendency to be suppressed.

However, these three days are not without effect. With the help of the Vientiane, the body of the piano double recovered. Once her body has healed, the thunder here is a little too weak for her. This is why she has been fighting for Gorefiend for three days.

Qinqin stood up and climbed towards the mountain. However, the blood screams in the blood screamed and snatched the control. Therefore, the double climb of the piano was very slow, and it was often three steps ahead. It was taken away by the Gorefiend and took two steps back. In the general battle for the sawing, the piano pair went very hard and stepped toward the peak.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Qin doubled down and looked back. After three days, he walked less than a hundred meters. Her body was rushing back and forth, and once the piano double grabbed control, she walked to the peak. Once the Gorefiend and the Devil are robbed of control, they will immediately regress.

And the piano has a feeling that the magic and the Gorefiend are gradually adapting to the Thunder here, and her time of controlling the body begins to gradually decrease, so that she will eventually lose control of the body.

"The combination of the devil and the Gorefiend is too powerful!"

The piano double sighed, and the blood of the bloodstains controlled her body by swallowing her blood. But the devil has been singing the magic sound, confusing her god, so that she has to share some of the energy to resist the magic sound, and the Thunder here does not cost the quality damage to the magic and the Gorefiend, this is her gradually The reason for losing control of the body.

Above a peak outside the Thunder Mountain Range, Xu Mo, Zhang Daoji, Hai Kuotian, Ren Gaolin and other fifteen and a half steps of Xian Wang stood there, with a flash of light shining on the eyes and looking at the Thunder Mountain Range.

"She's afraid she can't hold on!" Ren Gao said: "She is moving slower and slower. I am afraid that it will take a long time to get into the magic. I will escape from the Thunder Mountain Range. Xu brother, at that time, you can not Stop me and marry her."

Xu Mo, Hai Kuotian and Zhang Daoji have a trace of anxiety in their eyes! Zhang Daoji clenched his hands in the big sleeves.

"Little sister, hold on!"

In the Thunder Mountains.

Qinqin sighed softly and took a fragrant fruit. She has been reluctant to take the fragrant fruit to resist the demons. She is afraid of addiction. Although she can temporarily suppress the demons, she is actually feeding the demons. When the fragrant fruit fails, it can no longer suppress the demons.

However, at this time, Qin double has no way. She must suppress the demons and concentrate all her energy on the Gorefiend.


Three mouths and two mouths, the piano will eat a fragrant fruit. The heart felt a clear silence, and it was no longer invaded by the magic sound.


The four great gods, the Yangshen and the spirit jointly guided the Thunder into the body to purify the blood of the blood.


The screams of anger screamed continuously in the body of the piano. At this moment, Qin double regained a slight advantage and once again went to the peak.


The ground is blue, and a trace of blue lightning thunders on the ground. The thunder in the sky is like rain, surrounded by violent air currents.

After eleven days.

The Qinshuang finally came to the foothills. The Thunder here is much stronger, but it still can't make absolute restraint on the blood of the blood. But it also gives the piano a chance. She decisively stopped taking the fragrant fruit. These days, she has been able to feel the effect of the fragrant fruit is weakening, which is not a good sign.

The piano looked across from the other side, and there was another mountain on the opposite side. The thunder on the mountain was much thicker than the thunder of the first mountain. If every Thunder of the first mountain peak is only chopsticks thick, each Thunder of the second mountain has a thick finger.

"Treading step..." The piano went down the mountain in two directions.

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