Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2317: crisis


Zhang Daoji spit out a breath, the figure of the piano double has disappeared on the side of the mountain, but the heart that he has been hanging up has been put down. Qin double has gone through the most difficult period of time, maybe it can really let her expel the magic inside.

"Not bad!" Xu Mo spit out two words. The eyebrows of the sea and the sky are also slightly stretched.

Qingcheng smiled slightly and shook his head: "Where is it so easy to expel the magical thoughts? Who among you has heard of the demon person, and finally expelled the magic?"

Ren Gaolin nodded: "Yes! How many predecessors have been in history, which is not superior to Qinqin? Once you enter the devil, you will eventually die and die. You have never heard of successful deportation. Xu brother, maybe This cause and effect will eventually fall on your shoulders."

"Reassured!" Xu Mo condensed: "I know she walked out of the Thunder Mountain with a trace of magic, I must marry her. Let's go."


Xu Mo is a figure disappearing, and the other half-step fairy kings have disappeared into the peak.

In the second Thunder Mountain Range, the piano walked step by step toward the mountain. The thick thunder was sucked into the body. She was still walking slowly. The magic sound seemed to be more powerful. Qin double knew that this was her resistance. The heart of the magic sound is reduced, all because of the fruit. Although taking the fragrant fruit can resist the magic sound, it makes your own mood drop.

She does not dare to take the fragrant fruit, otherwise the consequences are unpredictable.

This kind of mental torture caused her to be arrogant and white as paper. Tightly biting his teeth, the corner of his mouth has leaked a trace of blood.

Fortunately, the Thunder here is more powerful. Although Qin Double is taking three steps at this time and stepping back one or two steps, it takes a little longer to take control of the body.

After more than two months, Qin Double finally stood at the foot of the third mountain. At this time, the look of the piano pair is extremely embarrassing, and the steps of the front are a bit embarrassing. She looked up at the thunder on the third mountain, and each thunder was thick like a baby's arm.

She gritted her teeth and she did not dare to stop. I was afraid that once I stopped, my state of mind would collapse and I would be attacked by the magic and the Gorefiend. In fact, her situation at this time is very unsuitable for moving forward. Every time and every moment, the battle with the magical bloodsucker saw a kind of irritability in his heart, and his mood was unstable and began to shake.

"Treading step..."

half year later.

Qinqin stood at the foot of the fourth mountain range. At this time, the body of the piano pair was as thin as a beggar, and both eyes were a godless. They looked up hard and looked at the thunder on the fourth mountain range. Every thunder There are thick adult arms. She licked her dry, cracked lips, squatting and moving mechanically forward.


The thick thunder of the adult arm was bombarded intensively on her body, and her bombardment was more swaying and her body shape was even more embarrassing.


The piano doubled to the ground and there was a sound in her body:

"Piano double, don't struggle. Struggle again, you only have one result of death. And even if you can keep going, can you completely destroy me by the power of Thunder?"

Have you not tested before?

Can you destroy me?


You only seal me up at most, and can't solve me completely. However, when I come out next time, or if you encounter a dangerous problem that cannot be solved, take the initiative to unblock me. Are you still my opponent at that time?

The result is the same!

Enter the magic!

Only by entering the devil, you will become stronger, will not be suffering, will become happy, and there will be no one to force you.

Think about it six months ago, you are forced to enter this dead land by those half-step kings.

I told you that this is dead!

It’s just the fourth peak. The Thunder here is so powerful. If you go further, you can’t resist it. You will die here.

You don't want to find someone who forced you in, revenge? ”

"Shut up!" Qin double yelled, arms supported, slowly climbed up.

"You, a coward, prefer to be sinned and even die, and dare not go to those who persecute you to take revenge."

"I want to come in. I have nothing to do with others."

The piano double swayed down the hillside and walked toward the mountain.


Mixed in the thunder, the wind rang. When the piano looked up and looked up, he saw the thick thunder of the adult arm that was bombarded and suddenly flew up. It is like being blown by the wind.


The piano looks stunned!


Under the urging of the wind, the Thunder rushed from top to bottom. If there was a tangible wind, the thunder's wind bombarded the body of the piano.


Qinqin was blown to the ground by the Thunder storm, and the bones rolled toward the mountain. It has been rolling to the foot of the mountain.

Qin double climbed up from the ground and went up the mountain again. Step by step, I walked halfway up the mountain and was blown down.

"Ha ha ha..."

In the body of the piano, the laughter of the Gorefiend and the Devil was heard.

"Piano double, give up. You can never climb, you can never evict, you are getting weaker, it is time for me to control the body."


The magic heart swayed the magic sound, invading the mind of Qin Double, and the Gorefiend Gorefiend began to invade the blood of Qin Double.

Qin double did not care, eyes have lost the focal length, just the instinctive obsession, let her climb up from the foot of the mountain again and again, climbing to the mountains again and again, and another silk fell to the foot of the mountain.

"Master!" The sound of the double soul of the straight-through piano sounded, awakening the numb piano.

"Who?" The sound of Qin double is inaudible.

"Master, it is me, the old town."

"The town is old, yes, you are the old town, I heard it..."

Qinqin gradually woke up: "Old town. What happened to me?"

"You almost died, or you are lost, completely enchanted."

The face of Qin double changed. At this time, she felt that Gorefiend was eroding her blood and controlled her body a little.

"I..." Qin double struggled to stand up and wanted to climb the mountain.

"Master, you can't go up again, in your current situation. Will die."

"then what do I do?"

"Try to strip the blood."

"Trying to strip the blood here? I will be killed by the sky. Are you sure that the water mines can block the punishment here? Or can you help me block the punishment? Is the birth penalty here even worse?"

The piano sits on the knees, and the spirit in the heart plucks the strings to resist the magic sound. The four Yuanshen and Yangshen guided the Thunder into the body and expelled the blood, but she was weak. At this time, some of her heart was not enough.


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