Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2318: Jin Lei source

"If you try to cultivate the Golden Thunder, maybe you cultivated into a Golden Thunder, and the resistance to the Thunder will be stronger, and you may be able to control a certain degree of Thunder. At that time, even if you do not need to strip the blood, control The Thunder will also be more likely to suppress blood."


In the heart of the piano, Baihu Yuanshen immediately began to comprehend Jin Lei, and the other three Yuanshen and Yangshen guided the Thunder to resist the blood.

Qin double has been comprehended for Jin Lei for a long time, but it has not been understood. However, I did not expect that in this thundering world, the understanding of Jin Leishu was cheerful. She sensed the thunder that bombarded her body, and felt the thunder's instigation in the body. The trace of the thunder was flowing in the heart, but in less than two quarters of an hour, the piano doubled the golden thunder. The Olympics will be integrated.

Perceived that the Gorefiend and the Devil are getting stronger and stronger against themselves, Qin Double took a deep breath.

"Let's get started!"

The piano has both legs and the thunder constantly slams on her body, then bursts and drowns her body like a waterfall. Both hands of the piano constantly make a mark.


The thunder that drowned the body of the piano, as if suddenly encountered a black hole, was madly sucked into the body of the piano. The hundreds of thousands of pores on the body of the piano are all open, like a tiny vortex, madly absorbing the power of the Thunder.

The body of the piano double began to have a thunder-like trickle, and the trickle gradually became magnificent, like a big river.


The Devil and the Gorefiend made a mourning voice, full of fear and anger, and in the thunder of the body, they began to shrink.

However, he only shrinks, but it does not dissipate. At the same time he shrinks, he accumulates strength. As long as the piano double relaxes, it will rebound strongly and win the control of the body of the piano.


Qinqin is the fast-printing of his hands in front of his body. His hands are pulling out a blurry afterimage in the air. The road is printed between his hands and printed on her body.

She now needs to condense a drop of Jin Lei source, and then absorbed into the White Tiger God. This is the first layer of cultivation. Of course, such a golden mine has not much power, but also to find a metallic treasure, as the carrier of the source, will explode the true power of Golden Thunder.

However, Qin double now only needs a source of Jin Lei, according to the speculation of Qin double, once there is Jin Lei source, it will have some immunity to the Thunder, and even have some control. This will give you better control over the Thunder to expel the Gorefiend and the Devil.


The face of Qin double suddenly changed.

Just as she was about to start to condense the source of Jin Lei, and then guided Jin Lei’s source into the sea of ​​knowledge and into the white tiger god, in her Dantian, the military suddenly opened her eyes and looked up. .


The power of the thunder in the double body of the piano violently rushed into the dantian. The piano double looks terrible, so the violent Thunder rushed into Dantian, I am afraid that Dantian will explode. Dan Tian burst, he will be abolished, and no longer able to stop himself from entering the magic.

"Ha ha ha..." The body of the piano doubled with a smirk of laughter: "You are finally going to be enchanted. Hahaha... I want to use the Thunder to expel me, I am really self-defeating, hahaha..."


The thunder of the big rivers and rivers flooded into Dantian and slammed toward the martial arts station standing in Dantian.

The huge Wu looked at the Thunder River, which was like a nine-day sag, and extended his right hand, stretching his palms and palms up.


The Thunder River, which is heading for the head of the military, suddenly changed its direction, like a dragon was stalked, pulled, and fell to the right palm of Wu.

The big river-like thunder fell on the right hand of Wuxiang, and it was like being bound, and began to form a thunder vortex. And there are constantly thunders, but the vortex has not only not expanded, but has been constantly shrinking, compressed and reduced by an inexplicable force.

"The power of Golden Thunder!"

The piano recognizes that this is the essence of the Golden Thunder, and the resulting force is compressing the Thunder vortex. She doesn't understand anything now, shouldn't she know the sea?

How did you get to Dantian?

However, at this time, the piano double can not take care of a lot, she is already on the string at this time, can only continue. If she stops now, it is likely that the Thunder in Dantian will burst. Blow up her dantian, or even the whole person.

Whether it is the Yuanshen or the military, they are all cultivated by themselves. Maybe it won't happen!

Qin Shuang’s heart was full of helplessness. Because she didn’t have a master, she didn’t have systematic cultivation, she fumbled herself all the way, and learned a lot of things. Many times, she lost her way. It was an instinct and helpless adventure.

Her hands are still in accordance with the ambiguity of the Golden Thunder, and they continue to make a mark. The thunder of the rivers and rivers poured into the body of the Qinshuang, rushed into Dantian, and fell on the right palm of Wuxiang. The ground compression, as the Thunder is constantly compressed, the power of the Thunder vortex is growing, making the piano both feel frightened.

"If this is an explosion, I am definitely gray!"

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

At the foot of the fourth mountain peak, the thunder in the sky fell intensively, attracted by the body of the piano, and wrapped the body of the piano. Like a huge spherical lightning.

The power of the thunder of the big rivers flooded into Dantian and fell to the right palm of Wuxiang. But the vortex is getting smaller and smaller.


The piano has a pair of eyebrows, and the eyes reveal an incredible joy.

In the center of the Thunder vortex on the right hand side of the martial arts, a drop of liquid was born. The drop of liquid contained extremely violent thunder, but the violent Thunder vortex seemed to be tamed at once.

“Is this the source of Jin Lei?”

The double eyes look at the drop of liquid!


The power of the possession makes the piano double fear!

Qin double big courage wants to mobilize that drop of Jin Lei source, that drop of Jin Lei source is completely unmoved.

"The temper is not small!"

The piano doubled and snorted, slowly and carefully.


After the double robbing, he spit out a sigh of relief, no accidents. Inside the dantian, the heart is a hi, after the birth of a drop of Jin Lei, it began to automatically absorb the power of the thunder. Those Thunder bombarded the body of the piano, they were sucked into the Dantian by Jin Lei, entered into the Thunder vortex, and were continuously compressed.

Qin double sensed, and found that although he could not promote the source of Jin Lei, but his body seems to have a trace of immunity to the Thunder, although it can not be completely immune, but it can also reduce the degree of injury. And for the Thunder's control is also a little more improved.


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