Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2321: repel

The double-figure of the piano is followed by the four-character, and since she realized the four elephants, it has been used for Xu Mocai. This made her use some of the four elephants, and she also reached a bottleneck for the understanding of the four elephants. Although she has the opportunity to continue to integrate the nine-day Xuan Xian Tao, it has now merged nearly 90%, but it has always been A little rounded.

However, at this time her four elephants are becoming smooth and mellow. At the same time, the understanding of the four elephants quickly improved, and the remaining 10% of the nine-day Xuan Xian's Taoist method was quickly comprehended and integrated into the four elephants.


The violin of the doubles is more and more brave, and the power of the four elephants is getting stronger and stronger. Zhu Qi’s eyes are extremely shocked.

The light of the big day.

The long sword in the hands of Zhu Qi trembled in the air at a very high frequency, and crossed a mysterious trajectory. Every time the Xianjian trembled once, the blade would be a bright spot. When the sword fell, it was already shining, like the glare of the sun.


From the sword body, a golden awn was shot, like a sun ray, slamming into the piano double.

Qin double backhand, the Taiji figure behind him was caught in front of him.


The dense sun ray, bombarded on the Taiji diagram, the Taiji diagram violently slammed, and finally the Taiji diagram was broken open, a sun ray shot through, shot on the chest of the piano double, suddenly the front of the piano double shot Wearing, bursting a big mouth, blood spewed out, revealing the sternum.

The sun ray was shot through the back of the piano, bombarded on the mountain, and opened a deep hole in the body.


The double spurt a blood, and turned to the mountain. And Zhu Qi made a style of pressure at the bottom of his box, his face became pale as paper. However, when I saw the double injury of the piano, my eyes released an exhilarating gaze and pursued the past with the piano.

Qinqin quickly took out a Vientiane fruit and ate it with two mouthfuls. Then he took out a fairy suit and thought it. The moon was floating on the top of the head, blocking the thunder from the sky, raising his hand and a sword. One dragon and one phoenix combined a wheel and broke the thunder storm that rushed in. The piano double rushed toward the mountain in the crack that broke open.

Behind the Zhu Qi came flying, and the sword was sacrificed to the air, like a stream of light, spurting toward the piano.


Fifteen water thunder beads fell off the wrist and turned into a shield, which was behind the piano.


The flying sword hit the shield and bounced back. At the same time, the shield was bombarded and hit the back of the piano pair, causing the piano to spurt a blood.

The ten swords under the feet were quietly extended, and the space behind them was arranged.


Qinqin also pulled out a dragon and phoenix, and once again cut the Thunder storm into a gap, the shape of electricity, flying toward the mountain. At the same time, Zhu Qi was also a sword, and the Thunder storm took a gap and chased after him.


Zhu Qi, who is flying and chasing the doubles, is suddenly stunned. Five blood lines appeared on his body, and then the five blood lines ejected five pieces of blood, like five blood screens. That is the five swords of the piano double cloth in the air, cutting Zhu Qi's body out of five blood lines, if not the bones of Xianjun peak are hard enough, and Zhu Qi's reaction is fast enough, and stopped in time. The body of the swept, his body will be cut into pieces by five swords.

Even so, his body was almost cut. Only the remaining one third is connected.


The remaining five swords are rushing toward Zhu Qi.


Zhu Qi turned around and fled. When Qin double stopped and looked back, Zhu Qi’s figure had disappeared. After the thunder storm escaped, and then the power of the Thunderstorm, the speed has exceeded lightning.

The eyes of the piano are full of helplessness, knowing that they have not been able to catch up with Zhu Qi, and they have reached out for a trick, and ten swords are coming back. Drilled into the feet of the piano.

The chest of the piano is healing at the speed visible to the naked eye under the effect of the medicinal herbs and the Vientiane.


The body of the piano double swayed, and the Thunder storm was no longer opened, and the raging thunder storm hit the body of the piano, which made her helpless.

When I thought about it, I entered the town demon tower.


Qinshuang spent more than a year in the Thunder Mountain Range. Every day, he walked through the Thunder. Now there is no thunder around him. The mood is relaxed and the whole person is relaxed.

The combination of the demon and the Gorefiend, in the absence of the Thunder restraint, suddenly slammed and spread to the body of the piano. The piano is not in a hurry. After more than a year of thunder, the bombs and the Gorefiends have become very weak. Although the Qinshuang can not completely purify them, they are no longer jealous.

The White Tiger God began to practice the Golden Thunder, and the Lei property in the town demon tower gathered toward the body of the Qin double, but compared with the outside of the town demon tower, it was a heaven and an underground.

However, the piano is not anxious. It is unable to absorb a large number of mine attributes, and it can also compress the Thunder vortex in Dantian and liquefy the Jin Lei source.

The piano doubled his mind and moved the spirit to Dantian.

The spirit floated above the Thunder vortex above the right hand of Wu Xiang, watching the Thunder vortex, and the traces of Thunder showed different and complex thunder, and the spirit gradually became immersed in the understanding of these Rays.

The Fire and Phoenix Gods, the Xuanwu Yuanshen and the Qinglong Yuanshen joined forces against the invasion of the Gorefiend and the Devil.

At this time, in the body of Qin double is still full of the power of Thunder, Yang God began to guide the power of these Thunder, tempered the body of the piano. At this time, the body strength of the piano double has reached the fifth floor of Xianjun.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

With the help of Vientiane and Eidan, the double injury of the piano doubled, and the big hole in the chest disappeared, and even a scar was not left.

Qin double looked at his body, and the demon and the Gorefiend actually occupied two-fifths of the body of the piano.

"Magic, are you very cool these three days?" Qin said with a chuckle: "It is time for you to meet some of the power of Thunder!"

When the piano doubled his mind, he appeared again on the mountainside of the sixth Thunder Mountain Peak.


The thunder of the adult thighs descended from the sky, bombarded on the head of the piano double, bursting open, like a waterfall, flowing down the body of the piano, drowning the piano. The thunderstorm from top to bottom violently hit the piano pair and wanted to rush the piano down the hill.


Thank you very much for seaphay (100). Recalling the reward of Nanxiang (100)!



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