Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2322: Come

Qinqin body with a thunder storm, turned his head and looked at the direction of the mountain, the entrance to the place, all thunder, can not see Zhu Qi's figure. However, she knows that Zhu Qi will never leave, and he has not yet obtained the results of his own body. At this time, he should be healed. When the injury is healed, he will definitely chase himself again.


The piano's mouth was bent and smiled. Zhu Qi did not have the town demon tower, he was wounded in the town demon tower for three days, but the outside was just a moment. Zhu Qi wants to recover from injury, I am afraid that it will not be cured in a short time. The power of the sword silk, she knows, only by the immortal, but not the vientiane, no months, it is impossible to heal.

Qin double turned his head and struggled to lift his feet, screaming at the violent thunder storm.

The speed of the white tiger gods practicing Golden Thunder was under the Thunder and suddenly accelerated. A large number of thunders were absorbed into the body, and they were poured into Dantian as large rivers and rivers, and poured into the thunder vortex of the right hand palm of Wu. In the Thunder whirlpool, the different and violent thunder suddenly became clear, and the thunder and the righteousness became at your fingertips. The hands of the spirit began to slowly and firmly pull the ball, and a trace of thunder from the Thunder vortex The middle is extracted by the spirit, and a pattern is weaved between the hands of the spirit.

Yang Shen guides the Thunder to temper the body of the piano, and the effect of the Vientiane is still a lot. While quenching the body, it also repairs the body. Between the breaks, let the body strength of the piano double rise in a single line.

The Xuanwu Yuanshen and the Qinglong Yuanshen each guided the power of the Thunder to drive away the fusion of the demon and the Gorefiend. The Fire and Phoenix Gods controlled the body, stalking the Thunder, and rushing toward the sixth peak.

The more you go up, the more violent the storm is and the more stress it will bear.

"The Thunder is not strong enough, the pressure is not big enough!"

The demon and the Gorefiend of the expulsion were very slow, and the piano looked up and looked at the peak.

"I don't know if there will be a seventh mountain. The sixth mountain peak is closer to the peak, and the power is closer to the nine-day Xuanxian peak. If there is a seventh mountain, the power should reach the level of Xianjun. At that time, it should be Power and pressure are enough to push the fusion of the magic and the Gorefiend back into the magic and seal it.

It seems that I still can't find a way to completely destroy the blood of the demon and the blood of the blood, once I break out, maybe I will completely sink. ”

Looking at the fusion of the magic and blood of the blood of the blood is slowly compressed, the face of the piano double does not have the slightest joy, but has deep anxiety.

Concerned about the fact that his body was lifted in a trace, the frown of the lock was only slightly stretched, and he went to Dantian to pay attention to the spirit. He found that the spirit was struggling to construct a Thunder pattern, but it was very difficult to construct. Just built a corner of a complete pattern.

"There is not enough pressure! I hope there is a seventh mountain."

One year and three months.

Qin double stood at the foot of the seventh mountain peak, just standing at the foot of the mountain, you can feel the violent power to come.


The thick thunder of the bucket descended from the sky, bombarded on the seventh peak, like a dense blue giant pillar falling from the sky. Thunder storms are raging, with dense thunders, like the blue ocean.


The piano can't help but **** a cold air. Can this power be able to climb the mountain?


Of course, the first step was taken, and the thunder of the bucket was bombarded. Bombardment on the top of the piano double, bursting open, like a waterfall, rushing down, drowning the body of the piano. Qin double brows loose, as expected, even if the Thunder reached the level of the thunder of the Xianjun, it did not cause any harm to her. After all, when she broke through the big stage, the thunder was much more powerful than this.


It was just the thunder storm that surged like a sea tide, which gave her a lot of pressure, and she had to go all out to make every move forward. It is only the beginning of the seventh peak.

"The pressure is not enough!"

The piano spit out a sigh of relief. She had a bit of irritability in her heart. She didn’t know if there would be an eighth mountain in front. Even if there is an eighth mountain, the thunder will definitely strengthen again. Can I manage it?

Even if you can afford it, can you walk ahead with the Thunder storm?

If not, how do you push the fusion of the magic and the blood devil back to the magic?

Moreover, Ling's understanding of the Thunder still feels a thick curtain, and it is impossible to bear the thunder pattern.

Qin double has been able to feel the things that the spirit is comprehending. It is a kind of Tao Lei. In the inheritance of the Golden Ray, there is no such way, but in this world of thunder, the spirit looks at Jin Lei. The origin of the source, a way of understanding. Although it is only a corner now, it can sense the power of the flaws contained in it.

"I need a little more pressure!"

The piano climbed step by step toward the mountain, and as she stepped forward, the Thunder storm became more and more fierce.

The second mountain peak.

The thunder and the thunder of the seventh peak are much smaller, and there is no horrible thunder storm. Only the thick thunder of the finger descended from the sky. In this thunder, a figure stood up by sitting cross-legged and stood up.


His momentum suddenly exploded, and the thunder that fell from the sky was crushed by his violent momentum. The face of Zhu Qi was revealed in the Thunder.

It was a gloomy and angry face!

He looked at the direction of the mountain, his eyes seemed to pass through the peaks of the mountains, looking at the piano pair that was climbing hard.

"Qin double, the last time I was careless, was hurt by your hidden weapon. This time, you are dead!"


Zhu Qi rushed through the curtain of the thunder and rushed toward the second peak.

Beyond the first Thunder Mountain Peak, a figure appeared, and each figure exudes the scent of Xianjun Peak.


Four figures fell at the foot of the mountain, two people, one demon and one demon. The four Xianjun peaks looked at each other and they did not hide their guards in their eyes.

“Hey?” Suddenly someone stunned and looked in the air: “The sword is gone.”

The other three Xianjun peaks hurriedly looked into the air, and they couldn’t see the sword that was suspended in the air. The eyes fell and saw the bodies piled up at the foot of the mountain. Looking at the wounds, they were all killed by a sword. These four immortals immediately became clear, and could not help but admire the monk who used this method to consume the power of Xianjian. At the same time, the heart is a tight one, the piano double will not have been killed by the monk?

Was the fruit also robbed by that person?


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