Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2330: Snow mountain


The umbrella blocked the thunder on the double head of the piano, but could not stop the thunder storm that was blowing in the face.


Qin’s body was slammed by the raging thunderstorm, and the skin suddenly burst and the blood flew. The body can not withstand the impact of the Thunder storm, the piano double struggling, it is difficult to go half a step.

"This can't be done!"

Qin double not only shook his head, but stepped back step by step. Soon, Qin double retreated to the foot of the eighth mountain. Suddenly, my heart moved.

"If I am a mine attribute and integrate into this thunder, it should not be bombarded by these thunders.

But I am not!

However, I have cultivated Golden Thunder! ”

Qin double stood at the foot of the eighth mountain peak and carefully deduced the golden thunder. In fact, she did not know how many gold mines were deduced. So, just a quarter of an hour later, she gave up helplessly.

She can't even practice cultivation as a golden mine. It can only be half of cultivation. To truly cultivate into gold, you must use a metallic treasure. At that time, I was able to really begin to practice Golden Thunder. Before that, she couldn't release a trace of the power of Golden Thunder.



Qin double explored into Dantian and watched the spirit.

At this time, the spirit is hovering over the thunder vortex of the right palm of the armed phase of the armed forces. The hands are slowly tied with the road mark, and a trace of thunder is extracted from the thunder vortex and weave a thunder.

"Golden Thunder I can't cultivate now, but I can understand the Thunder's righteousness through this Thunder whirlpool. I don't necessarily know another Thunder magic. Isn't Spirit doing this kind of thing?"


The thunder blast exploded, and the double body of the piano was shaking, and a trace of blood bleed from the corner of the mouth.

Fortunately, it is just an unsuccessful thunder, otherwise Qin double does not know whether he will be killed by himself!

When the piano doubled his mind, he moved the spirit back to the heart. Close your eyes.

Suddenly moved in the heart.

Before Qin Qin also let the Yuanshen go out, flying above the clouds, quenched with Thunder. Only the piano has learned too much, and it has not been used for a long time to quench the gods with the Thunder.

In such a place, there is no doubt that it is the best place to quench the gods, and will the Thunder tempered by the Thunder be more intimate with the Thunder attributes?

If so, will it be more in-depth for the understanding of the Thunder?

The piano is moving in the heart!

However, it is definitely not here. With the thunder power here, if the piano double releases the god, I am afraid that the **** will be smashed into powder.


The piano flew away from the Thunder Mountain Range in two directions. It was difficult and easy to go. In less than a day, the piano double appeared on the peak of the first mountain range.

Qin double gaze toward the mountain, the dense thunder is like a blue rain curtain, so that she can not see the foot of the mountain, the mystery will spread out. The power of the Thunder here can't stop the mystery of the piano.

She saw Xu Yao and Xu night sitting cross-legged at the foot of the mountain and saw the bodies around the two people. Retracted the knowledge of God, a little thought about it, Qin double took out the flag and began to deploy the array.

Soon, the piano set up a line of vision and vision. This array does not stop the drooping of the Thunder, but only blocks the sight of the monk and the exploration of the gods.

Opened the array method, the piano double minded, the four gods, the sun **** and the spirit appeared in the body of the piano, in the array of methods accepted the Thunder's quenching.


The Thunder hangs intensively on the gods, the gods and the spirits. The gods and spirits, the sun **** bathed in the thunder, tempered themselves. A trace of impurities is tempered and begins to cure. However, with a hint of solidification, the gods, the gods and the spirit began to shrink.

This level of Thunder can only quench the Yuanshen, Ling and Yangs, but it can't hurt them. The four great gods, the spirit and the yang god, are among the thunder, comprehending the thunder and the righteousness, and whether they are talking to each other. Both the realm and the understanding of the Thunder's righteousness have gradually improved over time.

Xu Yao and Xu Night did not find anything on the peak of the Thunder Mountain. In fact, there was nothing unusual on the mountain peak.


Deep in the center.

On the top of the snow-capped mountains, there was a continuous flow of gray gas flowing out of the cracks. The gray gas descended from the peaks of the snow-capped mountains toward the mountains. Gradually, the whole snow-capped mountains were covered in a gray gas, and that The gray gas is still spreading slowly around.

Among the cracks.

Dozens and a half steps of the king became a battle. When Xu Mo and others entered the crack, they immediately felt that a very strange law was actively attacking them. They first fought each other and released the law to form a guard. The hood shrouded itself against the attacks of strange laws and then began to understand this strange law.

After three months of rushing, these half-steps of the king through their own understanding and exchanges with each other. I suddenly found out that this kind of law can't be understood at all, and it is impossible to integrate. It is definitely not an opportunity for them to break through the king.

And they are even more dazed to discover that now, letting these gray gases spread will change the rules of the stars. Once the law of Baoxing is changed, it will continue to spread to the void and eventually change the rules of the entire spiritual world. In other words, all creatures in the spiritual world are facing extinction.

Of course, if you want to completely change the rules of the spiritual world, you don't know how long it will take, but with the beginning, you will have results. They absolutely do not allow such things to happen.

With a little thought, they can think of a crack in this space, and the opposite side of the crack should be the world of gray gas. They must find the crack and then find a way to seal it.

They thought about looking separately, but they knew that the power of one person could not cope with the gray rule here, so they only got together and formed a battlefield to jointly resist the gray rule.

These people are half-step kings, and it is easy to determine the flow direction of the gray gas from the trajectory of the gray gas flow, and they go against the trend in the direction of the gray gas flow.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.


A strange and faintly familiar creature appeared in their field of vision, and Xu Mo suddenly exclaimed:

"Chaos Beast!"

“No!” Then Xu Mo said again: “This is not a pure chaotic beast, but a monster change, with the characteristics of a chaotic beast. Not good!”

Xu Mo was shocked: "This gray gas can make the monsters mutate!"



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