Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2331: Seal can't be printed

The chaotic beast has already rushed to the head of the Xu Mo, Xu Mo robe without the wind, a piece of Jianqi will spread out from the body.


Just an instant, the boundless sword will smash the chaotic beast!

However, Xu Mo and other half-step Xian Wang did not have a trace of joy, but the face is a heavy color.

If the gray gas is poured out endlessly, what will the future spiritual world look like?

Must be sealed!

Dozens of half-steps of the king continue to go deeper, from time to time encounter the mutant chaotic beast, those mutant chaotic beasts are not the opponents of these half-step fairy kings, here any half-step fairy king, just waved freely, It will kill the chaotic beasts.


Not far away, a group of mutant chaotic beasts rushed over. Four eyes and a big sleeve waved, and they caught a few mutant chaotic beasts and collected them. Xu Mo slightly stunned and grabbed a few and collected them. These mutant chaotic beasts took back and studied it, which is good for understanding this space. The dragon's overhaul also caught a few. Then the remaining chaotic beasts are easily strangled.

However, his mood is getting heavier and heavier. There are more and more mutated chaotic beasts. Although it is nothing to them, it is a bad trend. The strange laws around them have become more and more powerful. Finally they stopped after they walked for nine days.

Because their rule of law consumes nearly half of the power, but still does not find the source. And their power and power of the gods are also consumed up to half. If they continue to go deep, I am afraid there is no chance to go back.

These people are all courageous people, and immediately made a decision and turned around.

After nine days, they finally got out of the crack. Xu Mo stood in front of the crack and made a handcuff, trying to seal the crack.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the crack disappeared into the top of the snow-capped mountains. The four-eyed demon and the dragon's overhaul, the eyes of Xu Mo are full of taboos.

Every generation of Xu family patriarchs are shocked and brilliant, not only strong in strength, but also learned and talented. If not every generation of the patriarch of the Xu family pressed the demon and the two, I am afraid that the situation of the tribes is not the case today.

"Appreciate!" Four eyes and the dragons overhauled the arch.

However, they found that Xu Mo had been staring at the where the crack disappeared. The four-eyed demon and the dragon's overhaul also looked toward it, and then spread the mystery, and his face changed.

They immediately felt that the seal set by Xu Mo was being disintegrated in a trace. Looking at this trend, I am afraid that it will take two hours, the seal will disappear, and the crack will appear again.

After two hours, a burst of noise rang and the crack reappeared.

"I'll try!"

The dragons took a step forward and released the talents of their dragons. The cracks were re-sealed by the dragons and disappeared into the space, but the face of the dragon’s overhaul was not with the slightest joy.

Sure enough, after less than two hours, the crack appeared.

Dozens of half-steps of the king of the king have tried, after a few days, dozens of half-steps of the king of the face, no one can seal the crack.

"Let's study it!" Xu Mo whispered.

Dozens and a half steps of the fairy king nodded, and in their realm, there is hardly anything in the spiritual world to hold them. I did not expect that I met one here today. And often, even if you have encountered a problem, most of them are also going to study by themselves, and most of them are looking for friends to communicate with each other. There are simply no dozens of half-step opportunities for the king to gather together to study, let alone the three-family and half-step fairy king.

Therefore, these immortals are also interested in the rise, dozens of half-step fairy kings gathered together to exchange, this is definitely a big chance. If you don't encounter this crack, and this crack can destroy the entire spiritual world, they can't sit together peacefully. Maybe when they solve the problem of this crack, that is, they break through the real fairy king.

Tian Zicheng.

Yuan Tong, Yuan Hianqing accompanied his mother-in-law Yuan Ziyi to walk on the street of Tianzicheng.

Yuan Hughing is now a 16-year-old girl, who is waiting to be released, jumping in front, a pair of big eyes that can talk, curiously looking around. Ever since she came to Tianzicheng, she was shocked by the grandeur of Tianzicheng. She thought that Mocheng was big enough, but compared with Tianzicheng, it was like a small town. She has been in Tianzicheng for two years and has not yet visited Tianzicheng for one percent.


In fact, she has never visited a few times!

At the thought of this, Yuan Hsiao-qing blamed her brother and turned to look at Yuan Tong. I couldn’t help but sigh.

At this time, Yuan Tong walked behind her. She was already a teenager who was tall and tall in her twenties. She just walked in the crowds of the bustle, but seemed to travel the sky, and from time to time, she also moved a few handcuffs.

"Brother!" Yuan Hingqing couldn't help but squat, holding Yuan Tong's arm and shaking: "Isn't it okay? Go shopping with me."

The eyes that lost focus were closed, and the eyes became bright as stars. Yuan Tong looked at Yuan Hic-Ching, who was covering her mouth. She showed a sweet color on her face. She raised her hand and gently stroked her hair, nodding her head:

"it is good!"

Yuan Huiqing still snorted: "Every time you say this, if you don't come for a quarter of an hour, you will go away again."

"This time, no, absolutely not!"

"Hey! I believe you for the time being!" Yuan Hianqing happily jumped forward and ran to the front.

"Qinger, slow down!" Yuan Tong's face is full of helplessness.

Yuan Ziyi, who walked behind them, was filled with happiness. Yuan Tong also put away the thought of cultivation, specializing in accompanying the mother and sister. He was originally a person who worked hard to cultivate. Since he came to Tianzicheng and entered the string moon, once again he saw Master, he found that Master was even more unfathomable, and he became more hardworking. Every day, in addition to cultivation, it is cultivation. If it wasn’t for the occasional pull out of his sister, I’m afraid it’s probably what I’m going to look like today.

"Master...has been gone for three years. Master, where are you?" Yuan Tong’s thoughts are a little bit out of the street.


Drunken fairy building.

This is the restaurant of the Tian Zicheng Shajia. The most famous is the drunken wine brewed by Shajia. Many people are willing to come here for a few drinks.

"Brother!" Drunken downstairs, came the voice of Yuan Hsiaoqing cheerfully: "I heard from Zhang brother, the wine here is the best drink, and there is a dish here, called Tianxian stay, it is a must, let's go in and taste it. ""


Yuan Tong smiled and nodded, then confronted Yuan Ziyi: "Mother, let's go in and eat that fairy."




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