Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2338: Tianziyuan enrollment

Seventh year.

The whole spiritual world was calm and calm, and the thirty-and-a-half-step princes disappeared collectively, leaving a lot of conflict between the three tribes. The families in Tianzi City are also low-key.

However, Tianzicheng was once again busy, because Tianziyuan began to enroll.

This time, the host of the enrollment is Ding Wei. Ding Wei now gives people a feeling of loneliness. On the one hand, Hai Kuotian has disappeared for seven years. On the other hand, he has eaten the fruit, but he has not broken through half. Step fairy king.

Tang Han came and came to participate in this session of Tianziyuan.

Guankong received him from Fumeng, Tang Han went to the string moon, and chatted with the waiting place for an hour, then he left the string moon, the piano is not here, the string moon has nothing to be nostalgic, he also Not living in the Fumeng, but living in the palace of the Blu-ray domain, but often with the official space.

Tang Han’s current monk is the first peak of the nine-day Xuan Xian, but a hidden weapon is unpredictable. The official air is now the main ally of the League of Nations, and there are countless resources. The repair has reached the peak of nine days of Xuan Xian, but it has been stuck in the threshold of breaking through the prince, and can not find an opportunity. At this time, it is not a question of resources, but a question of opportunity.

No long time ago, the iron softly got the notice of the official air, but also came to Tang Han. The iron softness was not officially high. Although she was also a resource-rich, she put her energy on the refiner, nowadays She is already in the middle of the immortal master. It is worthy of being a person with a heart, but it is only the sixth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Take the Tianshan secret.

Yu Guanting kept stabbing a shot and a gun on the gimbal. Each shot smashed the space and frost.


Yu Guanting stabbed a shot and then set it up, shaking his head slightly and sighing.

"Oh... still can't break through the fairy!"

"You have reached the bottleneck!" A voice came out of the frost gun in his hand: "This is not a retreat to break through. Go out and go."

"Can't you help me?" Yu Guanting looked down at the frost gun in his hand.

"Can! But the opportunity is only once, I can create a space for you, where you have a chance to break through to Xianjun. However, the space I created is only the biggest help for you for the first time. If you can't break it, On the contrary, it will become a breakthrough for you to break through. It will become more difficult to break through. Therefore, I feel that even if you want me to help you, you still go out and settle down."

"it is good!"

Yu Guanting nodded, and his heart was moved. The frost gun turned into a white light and entered his sea of ​​knowledge.

Dark star field.

On a huge planet, there is almost no humanity. Sporadic monks appear here, all for cultivation, and those who practice here are practicing the power of righteousness.


At this time, in the depths of the ground, there was a loud roar. A naked man was bombarded with a punch and a punch. Each punch would blast a passage through the ground and spread straight toward the center of the earth. .


He hit the center of the earth, where there is a huge black metal core.

All the rising gravity in the dark star field is amazingly large. The bigger the planet, the greater the gravity, the closer to the center of the earth, the greater the gravity.

Although this planet is not the largest in the dark star field, it can also be ranked in the top 100. However, Chu was vigorously hit the heart of the earth.


He hit a ball on the core of the earth, and the earth's core was stunned, and the whole star was shaking. But the core of the earth did not hurt at all.


Chu vigorously spit out a sigh of relief and shook his head.

"I still can't break through Xianjun? It seems that Xiaohan is going to Tianziyuan to check it out!"

"Grandpa, I am going to Tianzicheng."

Stormwind, Baoyi stood in front of a door and shouted to the inside.

The door is just an ordinary wooden door, and a kind voice is heard from it:

"Bao Yi, you have to break through the level of Xianjun, and settle it. When Grandpa takes you to a place, let you break through Xianjun."

"No, I am going to Tianzicheng."


"I am going to Tianzicheng!"


"Lei Xing, don't practice!"

An old man passed through the layers of thunder and walked over to a young man sitting cross-legged. Lei Xing opened his eyes and looked at the old man.


Tianziyuan began to enroll again, and we also have to go to see if there are any good seedlings, you go with me.

"it is good!"

Lei Xing stood up, groaning, swimming around the thunder, and quickly absorbed him under the skin.

"Master, where are we going?" In the void, the two figures walked, taking a slow step, but it was already thousands of miles away.

"Go to the Purple City! You don't always want to see your boss?"


Mo Yan excitedly nodded. For more than a decade, Master has been practicing with him almost in the void, only occasionally, landing on a certain planet. I know that Qinshuang became a student of Tianziyuan, and it was the news that was only known eight years ago.

"Master, how can you be so good?" Mo Yan suddenly showed suspicion in his eyes: "I have asked you several times, and you have not promised."

"I received the news, Xu Mo, many of them have disappeared for many years, I want to find out."


"Don't! You catch up and improve, Master has a very bad feeling. If you improve a little, you will have more self-protection ability."

Tian Zicheng.

Still prosperous, the death of Yuan Ziyi, which happened seven years ago, was originally a small thing that could not be small in the eyes of the monk in Tianzicheng. The reason why it is called small, because only one person has died, and the strength of the string moon sect is inferior to that of the Qing family.

Sure enough, in the years after the string Yuezong, there was no further investigation, as if the initiative had forgotten this matter in general, so soon the people of Tianzicheng also forgot.

Including the Qing family, and Ren Jia is completely unconcerned, not to mention how long, after the first red sleeve left Ren Gaofei, the two people forgot the matter.

A figure came in from the gate of Tianzicheng, a white robe, with a white hair and a cold face, and it was covered with ice.

The surrounding monks kept a distance from him.

What is Tianzicheng?

It is a place where all kinds of elite Tianjiao gather.

So these people can see at a glance that this person is practicing the ice attribute, and it is still a very advanced practice, and the strength must be strong.

The most important thing is that those who cultivate this kind of atmosphere must be ruthless and ruthless. For such people, it is natural to stay away from it.

At this time, another person came in from outside the city gate. The figure was taller than the average person. It seemed that there was no other thing besides the muscles. Every step of the way gave a sense of strength. He saw the cold back in front, his eyes suddenly brightened, striding toward the back.

The surrounding monks stopped their steps and looked at the brawny, a look of good looks.




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