Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2339: Convergence


There are still tens of meters from the white-haired person, and the strong man shouted excitedly. This voice shouted, and the sound waves generated were full of power, directly swaying a hurricane and rushing toward Yuguanting.

Jade Crown stopped his footsteps and turned around. The whole man suddenly had a gun. The hurricane was broken by the gun blade and scraped from his side. The opposite side of the brawny man showed an embarrassing color:

"Sorry, I am not used to it!"


With this sentence, there is another gust of wind. Yu Guanting’s eyes lit up and looked up and down a strong man’s road:

"Strong, are you going to break through Xianjun?"

“Yeah!” Chu vigorously nodded: “When I can control the power perfectly, and speak no longer form a hurricane, I should break through to Xianjun.”


A lot of people on the street were blown up by this hurricane, and even those who were low-educated were blown into the air.

"You shut up first, let's go see the piano pair first."

"it is good!"


There is a hurricane.

Yu Guanting shook his head helplessly, and walked toward the Qin House with Chu.

A strong figure and a slender figure.

A white dress fluttered, and a khaki robes were worn casually.

They did not know that Qinshuang had established the string moon, and still went to the previous Qinfu. When two people saw the piano, there was a touch of kindness in their eyes.


A gust of wind blew from the side of both of them, and Yu Guanting and Chu’s eyes squinted and stopped. The wind blew back and stood in front of the two of them.

"Crested, vigorous!"

"Bao Yi!" Yu Guanting and Chu Dali spoke together.


Bao Yi’s figure disappeared with the wind, and then appeared in front of two people, angered at Chu:

"Why are you spraying me with your breath?"

"You shut up!" Chu vigorously just wanted to speak, and he heard that Yu Guanting had a drink, and he closed his mouth with grievances. Jade Crown Road:

"Bao Yi, he didn't mean it. He is now in a critical period and can't control himself. When he can control, he breaks through Xianjun."


Bao Yi’s figure disappeared, and a gust of wind revolved around Chu. Then he jumped his feet and patted Chu’s shoulders:

"Strong, powerful, this is going to break through Xianjun."

"Oh..." Chu grabbed his head and smiled embarrassedly.


After a hurricane, Bao Yi passed away with the wind. Later, it appeared in front of two people, looking at Chu vigorously without a word, Chu vigorously grabbed his head, just opened his mouth, Bao Yi and Yu Guanting together:

"Do not laugh!"

Chu vigorously closed his mouth.

Suddenly, the three people almost gaze at the same time, Yu Guanting and Chu vigorously looked behind Bao Yi. Baoyi turned slowly and looked at the opposite side.

A man with a resolute face is coming to them, and every time he takes a step, his momentum has climbed. The sky above the head was affected, and the clouds began to move in, and there were thunders in the dark clouds.

Baoyi let go of the side, and Chu vigorously let it go. Because they all saw his gaze from the man's eyes, locked in the Jade Crown.

Jade Crown Chamber seems to have disappeared even with breathing. At this moment, he is like an ice sculpture.


The windows on both sides of the street were opened by a fan, and the people who perceive the outside powers appeared one by one in the window and looked toward the street.

Ruyi Tea House.

On the third floor, a person looks at the street below. This person is not a godsend. Since the robbing of a fruit, Godsend has disappeared and disappeared for seven years.

This person is arrogant, he came back from the secret, occupied it, and has been practicing here.

"It's so powerful!" A few people who looked at the arrogant eyes flashed a glimmer of light.


The man who locked Yuguanting threw a punch at Yuguan Ting, and Yu Guanting stabbed out a finger, but with a finger, he stabbed a big gun.


When the finger collided with the fist, the fist burst like a star lightning, and the dark clouds in the sky suddenly lit up. A large Thunder bombarded the head of Jade Crown.


A white hair of Jade Crown suddenly erected, like a dense gun forest, stabbing the thunder of the sky and smashing the thunder.

When the two men touched the points, the man with a resolute face flashed a trace of lostness:

"Crested, I did not expect that I am still not your opponent."

Yu Guanting smiled and said: "I am also very difficult to beat you, Lei Xing, your progress has shocked me."

"Lei Xing!" Bao Yi and Chu Dali also came over. Thunder’s eyes swept through two humanities: “It seems that we have not slackened these years.”

"Who dares to relax, can't always be so far away by the boss?" Chu said with great enthusiasm.

However, the faces of several people were not good enough to look at. Even if they didn't know the piano double accident before, like Baoyi still knew, after telling them what they heard, they sighed:

"Let's go, let's go to the string moon!"


Everyone nodded and walked toward the string moon. When they came to the mountain gate of the string moon, they saw that the waiting room was sending a black robe youth.

"Ground!" Bao Yi exclaimed excitedly.

Two people at the door couldn’t help but look forward, and Yu Guanting and Lei Xing couldn’t help but look at it.


"Guan Ting, Lei Xing, Dali, Bao Yi!" Mo Yan excitedly stepped forward to their front: "I want to die."

"Where did your kid go somewhere in the past?" Bao Yi took a fist and slammed it on the chest of Mo Yan.

"It’s hard to say a word!" Mo Yany pulled down his shoulder and said: "I have been in the void for a few years, and I am lonely. I walked around and found a place. We talked for three days and three nights and killed me."

"Guan Ting, Lei Xing, Vigorous, Bao Yi! You are back." The waiting area also came over, and his face showed a sense of excitement.

"Walk away, the cellar, go together."

"Let's go to the League first, and the iron is soft there. There is Tang Han coming, maybe it is there."

"Go, what are you waiting for, how good people are, how good people are, can talk about it!" Mo Yan continued to swear.

Everyone was speechless, and Yu Guanting looked at the ink and said: "Mu Yan, you used to talk less, what have you experienced? How long have you been?"


Fu Meng.

The official air and iron softly ushered in.

"How do you get together? Appointment?"

"I have encountered it." Others have not spoken yet, and Mo Yan rushed to say: "What about Xiaohan?"


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