Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2340: wait

"In the Blu-ray Palace, yes, your grandfather is also here." Official airway.

"My grandfather is also here?" Mo Yan's eyes showed excitement.

"My grandfather?" Lei Xingdao.

"No, this time, only the predecessors of Tang and the predecessors of the ink came."

Lei Xing’s look was somewhat lost, but Mo Yan said: “Go and go to the Blu-ray Palace.”

Blu-ray palace.

In the cave house of Tang Qianshou, a group of people sat.

Shen Chongguang, Tang Qianshou, Houdi, Mo Qiancheng, Yu Guanting, Lei Xing, Mo Yan, Bao Yi, Chu Dali, Iron Soft, Guan Kong, Tang Han.

At this time, everyone simply said his experience again. Shen Chongguang looked at the young people in front of him and could not help but sigh.

How long has this been?

In front of these people, in addition to Tang Han, they have reached the tenth peak of Xuantian. Just one step away, you will enter the level of Xianjun. It may not take long before these people's cultivation is to catch up with themselves.

Yu Guanting locked his brow and said: "Is the piano double really enchanted?"

Waiting for the ground shook his head and said: "I don't know, but I say so. I have also been to the mysterious environment of the Grey Mountain Range and found the Thunder Mountain Range. Seeing Xu Yao and Xu Night, these two people are also polite to me, just not Allow me to enter the Thunder Mountain Range. They said that the Sovereign was indeed enchanted, and they took the initiative to enter the Thunder Mountain Range and use the Thunder to exorcise. And bluntly, if the Sovereign did not exorcise, they came out and they would kill the Sovereign."

The silence in the room seems to come down, Bao Yidao: "There is the thing of Yuan Ziyi, how are you going to deal with it?"

"When the lord returns," he said bitterly.

No one condemns him. Everyone knows in his heart that with the strength of the string moon, he is going to touch the house, that is, the egg touches the stone.

"Yuan Tong and Yuan Hingqing are okay?"

"We got the news from the mysterious people, saying that Yuan Tong and Yuan Hic-Ching were both left in the Dongfu by Qingcheng and taught by hand. We don't know the specific situation."

"What kind of mysterious person?"

"I don't know! A jade slippery mystery appears in my sleeve."

The room was silent again, and Tang Qianshou and Mo Qiancheng were not good at saying anything. This decision is too big. They are not the people of the string, they can't do this.

Yu Guanting and others are not the people of the string moon, but they are all friends of Qin double. Half ringing, Jade Crown Road:

"I left to wait for the piano."

"me too!"

"I am leaving too!"

The young people have said that Yu Guanting’s eyes swept through Baoyi and others:

"Good! We will stay in Tianzicheng first, and wait for Xiaohan Tianziyuan to evaluate."

"it is good!"

A few months later, Tang Han successfully entered Tianziyuan. The people gathered together again, but this time they met in the cave house of the official office. Yu Guanting swept his eyes over Lei Xing, Mo Yan, Bao Yi and other people who have a family and a master:

"Are you decided to stay?"

"Well, I have already said it to Master."

"I have already said it to my grandfather!"

Everyone said, Yu Guanting nodded: "We can't stay in Tianzicheng all the time. We are all stuck in the edge of breaking through Xianjun. We need to experience it. It is useless to stay here. It is not as good as us. Go to Baoxing. Xiaohan, you stay in Tianziyuan for cultivation. If Qinqin comes back, the cellar will inform you by the communication jade in the first time. After you receive the notice, immediately take the transmission array to Baoxing and go to Baoxing. Immediately contact us with the communication jade, we will meet you immediately and return to Tianzicheng."

"it is good!"

Eight years have passed.

The piano sits on the eighth mountain peak and looks at the ninth mountain peak. The face is full of horror.

Above the peak, a huge hammer and a blue hammer hung in the void. Numerous mines were attracted to it, bombarded on it, and absorbed into it.

The hammer is like a black hole, constantly absorbing the power of the Thunder.


In the sensation of Dantian, Wu Xiang opened his eyes and looked at the hammer of the handle above the mountain, and sent a eager breath to the piano.

"I can't do it!"

Qinqin could not help but smile, but in the end he stepped down the eighth mountain step by step and came to the foot of the ninth mountain peak.

In eight years, the body strength of Qin double has reached the peak of Xianjun. But it didn't work. Although she didn't know how much the Thunder's power on the ninth mountain peak would reach, she knew that once she reached the ninth peak, she would eventually become a fly ash.


The piano was sitting cross-legged under the foot of the mountain. The thunder, looking at the air, landed on the ninth mountain and landed on her.

At this time, she was only one step away from the ninth mountain. She fell on her body. The thunder had a thick water tank, but it was in front of one step, but there were two water tanks thick.

"How can I resist this thunder?"


The spirit in the heart suddenly moved, and the piano doubled to sink the body to the spirit. Then I saw the hands of the piano pair began to pull the ball, and a trace of thunder around the two began to be extracted by the double, and between the hands of the piano, began to weave a thunder.


The thunder explosion exploded and the piano was blown out. The piano was served with an medicinal herb and continued to start a new understanding.

ten years.

Ten years have passed, and the repair of Qinshuang is still the beginning of the eighth layer of the nine-day Xuanxian. The strength of the body is still the peak of Xianjun. However, her god, the **** of the sun and the spirit have become much stronger, and she has already become a half-solid. She does not know what level she has reached, but she always feels that she should be very powerful.

Even now, her cultivation is only the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuan Xian. Because of the solidification of Xuan Zhili, the power to release the Taoist method has been turned several times.

Most importantly, she has a new understanding of the Thunder. This comprehension is not from the Golden Thunder, but it is based on the Golden Thunder.

Golden Thunder requires a metallic treasure to be released perfectly. And now the piano pair is eyeing the giant hammer on the ninth mountain.

The giant hammer is not only metallic, but it has been tempered by the Thunder for so long. The Thunder property has been born. It can be said that it is a golden treasure, and it is the best treasure of the double training of gold.

Even in the heart of the piano, there is a speculation that the hammer is the master of the past where the master was refining, in order to cultivate the golden thunder. Because Golden Thunder is obtained here.

A month later.

The piano double ended the comprehension and the final result was a failure.

"Only try with water mines. Once the water thunderballs collapse, I will hide in the town demon tower. The old town, the town demon tower should be able to hold it?"




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