Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2342: Thunder


When the piano eyes were bright, they stepped toward the mountains, and the Thunder lost their attack on the piano. The Thunder storm also lost the threat to the piano. All the thunders were broken by the Leizhang. A thunder, swimming in the endless thunder.

Without the pressure of the Thunderstorm, the speed of the piano flying is extremely fast. It took less than half a day to stand on the ninth peak.

She saw a man, a man in a blue robe, a middle-aged man.

He seems to be the embodiment of lightning, not affected by the slightest thunder, he is running around the huge hammer, dancing.

The eyes of Qin double moved with the rush of the man.

"Is this the golden seal that this person taught me?"

"So, this person should be the master of this mystery?"


Seeing that the man had been ignoring himself, he only ran wildly around the hammer, and finally reached out to grab the hammer, and then the "beep" was blasted out and disappeared into the thunder. The piano was shocked, and then the man appeared again from the Thunder, making the piano more shocked, and could not help but wave a greeting to the man.

The man stopped and looked at the piano pair. The fanatical gaze gradually became contemptuous and walked toward the piano double:

"I haven't seen the Terran for a long time." He grabbed his head and seemed to be thinking about something: "How long has it been? For too long, I can't remember it."

Then his eyes revealed a contemptuous color: "Your cultivation is too low. If you used to, you will not be able to get here."

Do not!

In the first Thunder Mountain Range, you will be killed.

Today's Thunder is getting weaker!


There was a feverish color in his eyes, and he looked at the huge hammer.

"Fortunately, the hammer has been successful."

"Booming the hammer?" Qin double looked at the hammer and said: "Is it?"

The man’s look suddenly rose up: “Yes, it’s it. With it, I can train the Golden Thunder to the strongest.


That person seems to have fallen into the memory: "The catastrophe came. At that time, the bomber had not been refining successfully. I had to leave, but I faced the catastrophe."

"Later?" Qin said softly.

"The sky is cracking!" There was a trace of fear on the man's face: "The Thunder suddenly became weak, weaker and weaker, and finally became what it is now, and it is still weakening."

"What is the catastrophe?"

"Holocaust is a catastrophe, a chaotic demon."

"Is that catastrophe gone?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

Then his look was so excited that he looked at the huge hammer with gaze.

"I want to refine it!"

He rushed toward the hammer again, reaching out to grab the hammer, and then the "snap" was slammed out, turned into lightning, and appeared again, dancing around the hammer.

Qin double looked at the man and sighed.

She has speculated that this person is not a real person, nor is it a **** or a god. He is just the obsession of that person staying here.

That person wants to cultivate into the strongest gold mine, and spent a lot of time, energy and material resources to refine this bomb. This bombardment hammer is the baby that he went to the peak, so even if he had to go to the catastrophe, because his obsession is too strong, he left his obsession here.

Why is obsession?

Because Qin double has seen obsessive!

She has seen Bai Guanyu, so knowing obsession will perceive the breath of obsession, so when she sees this person, she knows that the other person is just a obsession.

And at this time she also knows that the only belief in the existence of this obsession is the refining of this hammer. She observed this obsession for ten days. This obsession seems to have forgotten her, just running around the giant hammer, and then trying to refine the hammer again and again.


How can a obsession refine a hammer?

If it is a glimpse of God, there is still a possibility!

Therefore, he was constantly being blasted out, and within ten days, he had been blasted a thousand and eighty-nine times. Qin double can feel that every time he is bombed, he will become weaker, although there is only one trace, but it exists.

Qin double can not help but sigh the power of this person, the original he must be very powerful, strong enough to blow a breath, you can blow the piano double. Because in this long time, he did not know how many times he was bombed and how many times he was weakened, but now it is still strong for Qinshuang.

When the piano was swept away, he came to the side of the man, ran along with the man, and then asked:

"How long have you been here?"

"do not know!"

Perhaps this obsession is so lonely here for a long time, as long as Qin double talks to him, he will answer seriously.

Every day passed.

Qin double basically understands him, and basically understands the era that was once.

In that era, he was not the most powerful, or that he was far from the most powerful, just a man who was a great monk.

Then there was a catastrophe.

What kind of catastrophe?

There were big cracks in the sky, and from the cracks came in endless powerful creatures they had never seen before. They called them Chaos.

Then he left, leaving only this obsession. And the memory of this obsession is also here.

Qin double began to ask him questions about cultivation, especially about Jin Lei.

The obsession was explained to the piano in detail. In the process, he still tried to refine the hammer and was still being bombarded.

fifteen years.

It has been 15 years since the Qin double entered the ash. She has now reached a very high level of comprehension for Golden Thunder. She felt that the obsession could not be taught to her, and even if she still had, she could not understand, and the level was too high.

She looked at the hammer and then looked down at her heart, where there was a hint of magic.

Qin double did not have the slightest frustration on his face at this time, but a little smile.

"Mux, are you still struggling?"

The two hands of the piano began to seal, and a Leizhang was quickly generated. It was much faster than the five years ago when the piano double began to bear the thunder.


The piano double body shocked, and actively broke the chain of destruction and the symbol of the seal.


The devil roared. The magic is like a surge.


The piano double backhand shot, Leizhang was taken into the heart by her.


In the depths of the heart, there was a scream of the devil, and the two hands of the piano kept coming out of a glance, and she was photographed into the heart.


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