Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2343: Strong harvest

On the back of her heart, a line of Leizhang seals toward the magic heart. When the magical spirit hits the Leizhang, it is refining, so that the magic heart can not shrink by fear. There are more and more Thunder chapters, densely packed, one layer after another, and the magic layer is sealed in layers.

Moreover, the Leizhang is not only in the seal, but also constantly attacking the magic heart, so that the magic heart has no spare capacity to attack the seal, and the thick magical spirit begins to criss-cross and construct a black pattern. This black pattern is not for attack, but for seals. The magic seals itself and seals itself with black magic lines. This layer of black magic lines, while sealing the magic, also formed a layer of defense against defensive attacks on it.

The double-handed dials of the piano changed again, and began to form a chain of destruction, winding the layers of the thunder, and finally a layer of seals, completely sealing the magic, Lei, and destruction chains.


Qinqin spit out a long breath, Qinqin knows, as long as he does not take the initiative to break the seal, the magic wants to break the seal again, basically impossible. Moreover, the existence of the seal symbol, the magic in her body completely disappeared, except for herself, no one can find the seal of the seal, let alone the magic.

Qin double closed his eyes and began to recover his own cultivation.

Three days later.

The piano opened his eyes and looked at the giant hammer.

The giant hammer was placed on the top of the mountain, huge like a hill, and the hammer handle was like a pillar of heaven.

Qinqin stood up and walked toward the giant hammer. The obsession stopped and looked at the piano double, and then there was endless ridicule on his face.

At this time, the piano pair is still wearing the armor formed by the water thunder, and the outside is still wrapped with a layer of Leizhang to form an eggshell general shield.

She floated up, stood in front of the giant hammer, and then grabbed her hand toward the hammer handle.


Qinshuang felt that he had suffered an unprecedented bombardment. At the moment of being bombarded, not to mention the body, it was that consciousness was not his own, and the body was bombarded.


When the Leizhang was broken, the piano was smashed out by the unstoppable thunderstorm and fell to the foot of the ninth mountain. Although protected by water thunder, it was also shocked and injured.

Qin double does not care, this kind of injury is nothing for Qin double. Taking out a Vientiane fruit suit, the piano double fell into meditation.

She knows that if there is no water thunder, she is dead. But even with water thunder, when you hold the hammer handle, your body and consciousness will become stiff and completely out of your own.

That hammer is too strong!

Qin double can conclude that when his hand hits the giant hammer, even if he wants a thought, it is impossible to put it into the town demon tower, because at that time her thoughts will be stiff and can not start the thought. Not to mention refining.

"There is only a hard harvest!"

The piano double-handedly printed, and once again a Leizhang came out, and then once again came to the foothills. The obsessive saw the Qin double coming again, and could not help but make a big laugh and ridiculous laughter.

Qin did not care about him, just looking at the huge hammer.

"The town is old, can you?"

"I don't know, try it!"

"Come on!"

The piano doubles the mind and spurs a light from the eyebrows. The light instantly turns into a huge town demon tower. The rumbling tower opens, and a golden light is shot from the tower door, completely covering the giant hammer.


The mountain shakes, the giant hammer is instantly taken in by the town demon tower, and the town demon tower is instantly reduced, turning into a streamer into the eyebrow of the piano pair.

The obsession grew up and looked at everything that happened in front of him, until the town demon tower turned into a streamer disappearing in the eyebrows of Qin double. He responded, and then it was anger, reaching out to the piano. It’s a catch.


In the sky, a large hand made entirely of Thunder was found. One of them caught the Leicha, which was covered with a pair of pianos, and then grasped the doubles in the hands.

"Hand over the bombardment, hand it over, hand it over..." The obsession was roaring.


Numerous thunders in the big hand bombarded the piano, and even the armor with water pearls could not withstand the attack.

He is too strong!

At the very least, it is too powerful for Qinshuang!

The Thunder thunder penetrated the water thunder and rushed into the body of the piano. Although the water thunder has blocked 90%, but the Thunder, which has only survived this, has also caused the body of Qinshuang to suffer extreme damage.

This is the thunder of the ninth mountain, and it is the Thunder released under the wrath of the obsession, so that Qin double felt the threat of death in an instant.

She wants to enter the town demon tower, but at this time under the attack of obsession, no matter whether the body or consciousness is in extreme disorder, it is impossible to give birth to a clear idea.

The old town of Jingling Town in the town demon tower moved and wanted to put the piano into the town demon tower, but it did not end up. Instead, it controlled the town demon tower to the stomach of Qinshuang, and then took out a The Vientiane fruit was crushed and thrown into the stomach of the piano. He nervously perceives the body of the piano, and is ready to put the piano into the town demon tower at any time.

The destruction of the body of the piano is devastating, and the speed of the restoration of the Vientiane is far from being able to keep up. It is only a time when the piano is in a state of inconsistency. The town is just taking the piano double into the town demon tower.

That obsessive look is a glimpse, but the big hand formed the Thunder field, and also locked the piano double, so that the town demon tower can not rush out.

In the town demon tower, Qin double immediately began to run the jade body quenching body, guiding the thunder in the body to quench his body, without the power of the thunder that constantly poured into the outside world, the speed of the restoration of the violin double body Speeded up.

Three days later, the piano doubled and found that his body had a slight enhancement.

"Old town, where are we now?"

The old man frowned and said: "We are still in the thunderous field of obstinacy, the master, you have been in the town demon tower for three days, the outside is just a moment, the obsession may still be thinking, where have you gone?"

"Can't he see the town demon tower?"

“Can!” said the old man: “Maybe it’s something to study in the town’s demon tower. But he’s just a obsession, with memories of the past, and he’s slow to respond to what’s happening around him.”

Qin double thought for a moment: "Old town, I will go out again, then you will take me in."

"Do you want to quench the body?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded, and took out a Vientiane fruit and ate it. "If you can't get out of time, don't give up this opportunity."


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