Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2344: Thunder quenching

"Okay!" the town nodded.

When the piano doubled his mind, he went out from the town demon tower.


The power of the powerful Thunder broke into her body in an instant and destroyed her body.


After obsessing with the obstinacy, Qin Double has been in the town demon tower for three days, but it is also a moment in the outside world. So that obstinacy just felt that the piano double disappeared for a moment, and then appeared again, not to be surprised:

"What is this Xianbao, go in and the body will recover?"

His surprise was not finished, the body of the piano double disappeared again, and the town demon tower still in his hands.


He increased the attack on the town demon tower, even if the piano double in the town demon tower, they felt the roar outside, which can not help but worry about the piano.

"Old town, is it okay?"

"Nothing, his current strength is not enough to destroy the town demon tower. If he did not fall and repair it, the town demon tower could not stop him."

Three days after the town demon tower, Qin double appeared in the palm of the Thunder's palm.

In this way, in the eyes of that obstinacy, the piano double is a momentary appearance, disappearing at a moment, switching back and forth.

That obsession has been attacking the piano double, so reciprocating.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

After nearly a year, the obsession seemed to finally endure anger, in the moment when Qin double appeared again.


The big hand formed the Thunder field and suddenly exploded!

"Puff puff……"

The double body of the piano burst, and the blood was sprayed outwards. When the mind was moved, it entered the town demon tower, and “噗通” slammed and fell to the ground.

The violent thunder raged in the body of the piano, destroying her body, even if her body has now reached the realm of half-step fairy king, can not bear, let her almost faint.

However, she knows that she can't faint. Even if she just ate a Vientiane, the energy of the Vientiane is not enough to repair her body, because the repair speed is much slower than the destruction, and I have not waited for the body to repair. The whole body collapsed. She must run the quenching exercises to guide the thunder of the body. At this time, the raging thunder is like a violent dragon. She must hold the faucet and let the violent dragon obey her command, otherwise there will be only one dead end. Even so, Qin double does not know if he can survive.

At this moment, the old town also felt that the piano double is not good. Leaning over the piano and holding it up, step by step, it came to the pool of fairy liquid.

At this time, the fairy liquid pool has been transferred to one of the two fairy veins by the old town, and the quality has become higher. Put the piano into the fairy vein pool, looking at the piano doubles with anxiety.

Qin double tried to stay awake, and ate a Vientiane fruit, and then began to run the quenching exercises to gather the power of the crazy Thunder.

In the body of the piano, the Thunder is violent and raging, and the piano doubles the practice to reduce the violent and raging thunder. Both sides are like a big net, all over the body of the piano. Qinda's big net is going to bind the Thunder's net, and the Thunder's net wants to destroy the big doubles of the piano. The two sides are staggered and strangled each other, which also offset each other.

At the same time, the constant energy of the Vientiane repairs the body of the piano. However, it has just been fixed but it has been destroyed. After being destroyed, the Vientiane was repaired again. Cycling and reciprocating, the painful reincarnation caused the nerves of the piano to collapse, and she insisted that she would not faint in the past with an unparalleled mind. Her body is also getting stronger and stronger between the breaks of this cycle.

The ability of the fairy pool is also repairing the body of the piano, from the outside to the inside, while the ability of the Vientiane is repaired from the inside out. Gradually, the piano doubled the Thunder, but guided the power of the Thunder. The pressure on the body of the piano begins to get smaller.

One month.

Two months.

Three months.

The original body of the piano double discharge, the body that is shining, gradually dimmed, and the lightning gradually disappeared into the body of the piano.

At this time, the piano is double-black, and even the eyebrows and the hair are not there. Suddenly a human coke.


Qinqin opened his eyes, like a coke suddenly a pair of cockroaches, the light as a star, shot out.


There was a crack in the body of the piano, and then the crack quickly spread, and the crack cracked more cracks. The piece of black burned from the body of the piano, revealing the delicate white of the piano. The body is like a peeled egg.

With a wave of his hand, the clothes flew out of the storage ring and landed on the body of the piano. As the piano double stood up, the clothes had been put on.

When the figure was moving, it disappeared in the same place, standing on the shore of a lake, looking down at the water, then raising his hand and touching his bald head, and touching his eyebrows. After running inside, I saw that the eyebrows of Qin double grew up quickly, and then her hair grew continuously and reached the waist, ending the operation.

I checked my body in silence, and it was still the eighth layer of the nine-day Xuan Xian. The Yuanshen, Yangshen and Ling were all solidified. However, the strength of the body has reached the first level of Xianwang.


The huge martial arts are empty, and a thunder vortex circling on the palm of the right hand. The palm of one hand has a radius of a hundred miles, while in the palm of the hand, there are twenty-six drops of gold mine origin. On her left palm, a thin square of things floated, as if it were a stamp.

The pattern has a mysterious thunder, releasing the thunder's light. It is the Leizhang, the golden seal of the Qin double.

The magic is printed by Jin Lei, the seal of the seal and the destruction of the dense seal of the chain, no longer reveal a trace of magic.

"Old town, how about outside?" asked Qin.

"You see it yourself." The old look of the town is somewhat speechless.

Qin Shuang took a look from the town demon tower, and saw the obsession sitting on a stone, looking up at the air, where the hammer should be, whispered:

"Where are you going?"

"Where did the hammer go?"

"He is just a obsession!" Zhen Lao explained: "He only remembers the previous things. Although he can remember what happened in the future, he will soon forget it. So, he has forgotten you at this time. ”

"Forget well!" Qin eyes brightened: "So I can leave. Right, what about the hammer?"

When the piano doubled his mind, he knew where the hammer was, and when he stepped out, he came to the hammer. The hammer is huge, and the piano stands under the hammer, like an ant. The entire hammer flashed lightning.

"Hey, it should be very difficult to refine this hammer?"


A total of eight owed, today is still more, still owe seven more!



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