Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2345: Exit

“It’s not too difficult!” the old man said: “This hammer should be the master of this fairy house, that is, the obsessive body is prepared for the cultivation of gold and thunder. As long as the gold mine is cultivated, it should be effortless. Refining it."


The piano nodded twice and agreed with the old man. However, she did not go to refining immediately. It is important to leave here first.

At this time, the town demon tower fell at the foot of the obsession, the obsession seems to have forgotten the piano double, forgot the town demon tower, just looked up and muttered to himself.

Suddenly, there was a figure on his side, which was the double from the town demon tower.

The obsessive humour turned and looked at the piano pair, and there was a hint of confusion in his eyes:

"Who are you? I seem to have seen you."

"Predecessors should be mistaken. I am here for the first time. Seeing the Thunder everywhere, I will come up and see, how can I have nothing?"

"Yes! Yes! There is a hammer! But now it is gone!" said the obsession with frustration.

"Since there is nothing, I am leaving!"

Qin double stepped toward the foot of the mountain, the obsession did not pay attention to the piano double, and looked up into the air, muttering to himself:

"Where did the hammer go?"


It was not until the piano flew down to the ninth mountain peak that she patted her chest and sighed with relief. She was really afraid that the obsession would ring herself and then hold her in her hand.

"For eleven years, it's time to go back!"

The piano looked up at the eighth mountain peak and swept away toward the eighth peak.

The eighth mountain peak.

The seventh mountain peak.

The sixth peak.

The piano doubled in the footsteps, and the armor of the watermines fell off the body, and it was turned into a bracelet and worn on the right wrist of the piano pair.

"The breakthrough!"

Qin double stood on the top of the sixth peak and looked around. It was very secret and difficult to break through here. Sitting on the ground, holding the town demon tower between his hands, began to break through the ninth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

In the past 11 years, Qin Double has already solidified the realm of the nine-day Xuan Xian. And this is the longest breakout interval since Qinqin practiced. There was no breakthrough in eleven years, which has never been for Qinshuang.


When the water came into being, the piano double broke through the ninth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian very smoothly, and then continued to advance toward the tenth floor, and then broke through to the tenth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian, until the tenth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Qin double thought about it, still didn't swallow the fruit that she got. Now she always has a feeling that she has not found an opportunity to break through Xianjun, or to say that even if she eats the fruit, it may not Can make a breakthrough.

The piano double stood up and flew again.

Outside the Thunder Mountain Range, Xu Yao and Xu Night still sit close at the foot of the mountain and feel the world. Both of them are the tenth peak of Xianjun. The card has been here for thousands of years, but there is still no chance to find a breakthrough.

For eleven years, it is only a moment for them to be the two peaks. Where did you feel that heaven and earth are not sentimental? Therefore, the two people are not in a hurry, just retreat here.

Suddenly, the two men circling against the thunder of the Thunder Mountain Range and turned into the Thunder Mountain Range. In the eyes of the fine light burst, the sword shadow swims in the eyes.

In the Thunder Mountain Range, where the thunder is like a rain, a figure walks through the layers of rain.

"Qin double!" Xu Yao's eyes showed a trace of surprise, and then the gods covered the piano double, the piano did not rebel, know Xu Yao's intention, Xu Yao's knowledge received back, surprised:

"Do you really get rid of the magic?"

"Fortunately, did not let the same disappointment!" Qin double slowly walked to the front of the two people, smiled: "Two predecessors?"

"My name is Xu Yao!"

"My name is night!"

"I have seen two predecessors, and I have also thanked the two guards for the past 11 years!" Qin double leaned over to give gifts.

Xu Yao turned a white eye: "We are not protecting you for the law, but to supervise you."

"The same!" Qin double sighed and said with a smile.

"Qin Shuang, the patriarch said before leaving, my cultivation may not be able to perceive whether there is any magic in your body, so the patriarch told me that if you really come out of the Thunder Mountain Range, you will take you directly to Xu. ”

"Alright, I have left the string month for eleven years, and I will also be Tianzicheng. So let's go."

"it is good!"

Xu Yao saw the meaning of Qin double without any rebellion, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. She also does not want to double the face with the piano, the piano double itself has nothing, a ten-day Xuan Xian tenth layer peak, she is a tenth layer of Xianjun peak, you can casually shoot the piano double. However, behind the piano doubles, there are two and a half steps of the king, Haikuotian and Zhang Daoji. Xu family is not afraid, but is not willing to provoke unnecessary trouble. Now that I see the attitude of Qin Double, it is estimated that the magic is really expelled.

Three people flew toward the secret exit, Xu Yao and Xu night fast, Qin double stepped out of the world, but not half a step behind, so Xu Yao and Xu night could not help but look at her.

On this road, there were also a lot of monks who came here to find opportunities. However, the three people did not have the heart to think about it and went straight to the exit.

As soon as he walked out of the exit, Xu Yao and Xu Jie, who was hanging around the waist at night, kept humming. In the secret territory, the message from outside was not received. This was a secret and received the message. Xu Yao and Xu night rushed into the gods and read them.

At this time, the piano double also went out of the storage ring, and the jade was sent out. As soon as it was taken out, the jade was screamed wildly, and the piano doubled into the gods to read it.

During the rest of the time, the faces of the three people are all changed.

"The patriarch and other half-step kings are always there?" Xu Yao exclaimed, and Xu night's eyes showed fear and fear.

"Yuan Ziyi is dead? Yuan Tong and Yuan Hieqing were arrested by the Qing family? Qing Luoqiu is the Taoist of Yuan Ziyi?"

"Qin double, do you know that the patriarchs are missing?" Xu Yao looked at the piano pair.

"Well, I received the news." Qin nodded: "And I have a little bit of things in the string, I have to return to the string moon as soon as possible."

Xu Yao raised his hand and offered a flying boat: "We took the boat and walked."

"it is good!"

Three people took the flying boat. One day later, they came to the nearest transmission line, and then they began to ride on the transmission line. Only at midnight that day, the three people returned to Tianzicheng.

"Qin double!" Xu Yao looked at the piano double: "Now the patriarch is not there, you will stay with us for a while."

Qin double shook his head: "The moon has a thing, I have to go back to the sect."


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