Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2346: Block the door

Xu Yao frowned slightly and said: "Piano double, don't force me to use strong."

Qin double looked at her with a faint look: "You can't keep me with strong, I don't want to turn my face with Xu, don't force me."

"Just by you?" Xu Yao's face was disdainful, reaching out and grabbing the piano.


The piano doubled out and slammed into the palm of Xu Yao.


Xu Yao couldn't help but step back three steps, the pain of the palm of his heart, and the sorrowful color in his eyes:

"You, you... your body has reached half a step!"

Qin double smile, my heart secretly, this is still my strength, otherwise you will have to vomit blood.

"I said, you can't stay with me. And my sect is now out of order. If you have delayed the chores of the chords, then I have a death and hatred."

"I am afraid of you?" Xu Yao has returned to calm at this time, said coldly.

"Qin double!" Xu Xiang thought: "Our patriarch has disappeared for eleven years, we are eager to go back to the family. And the patriarch's disappearance, you are now going to Xu family to stay, it is indeed inconvenient. You will string the moon But once you find out that you have not expelled the magic, Xu will definitely marry you."

Qin double is just arched: "Farewell!"

The figure was swept away toward Xu Ziyan.

The string moon.

The Crescent Moon Peak Hall.

The two sides of the piano sit in the first place, sitting on the lower sides of the top ten elders such as Liu Chuanwu and Houdi. At this time, Liu Chuanwu and the top ten elders were all excited.

Eleven years!

Their sovereigns have been missing for eleven years, and they have been enchanted and forced into the Thunder Mountains, life and death.

In the past eleven years, they have been very worried. The entire string of people has reduced the number of times they have gone out of the mountain gate. I am so worried. Today, their master Qin double is finally back.

At this time, Qin Shuang has already listened to Liu Chuanwu’s Yuan Ziyi’s affairs, and Zongmen’s introduction in the eleven years is silently digesting.

In these eleven years, because the legendary piano double entered the magic, was forced into the Thunder Mountain Range, life and death do not know, one by one shame and then brave. Today, the strength of the string moon has increased a lot.

Not to mention those low-level monks, there are eight more nine-day Xuan Xian, and more than thirty-six more in the Luo Luo Jinxian. The top ten elders, out of the waiting area, the tenth-day peak of the nine-day Xuanxian, and two more nine-day Xuanxian tenth peak, is the second elder and the ninth elder. The remaining elders are the lowest and the eighth floor of the nine-day Xuanxian.

Is this strength strong?


Very weak!

Really weak!

The entire Zongmen did not even have a fairy, not to mention a place like Tianzicheng, which is not a force in the ink star.

"The Sovereign!" Waiting for the road: "Tang Han has already entered Tianziyuan. I have already notified him through the jade."

At this time, in the small world of the Tianziyuan, Tang Han is flying wildly. One day later, Tang Han rushed out of the gate of Tianziyuan, and rushed straight toward the transmission line of Tianzicheng. In the transmission array, Tang Han came to Baoxing. Immediately take out the jade briefing and send a message to Yu Guanting.

The string moon.

The piano is sitting in her own cave, and she is adjusting her state.


Qinqin stood up and walked out of Dongfu, followed the mountain road and walked down the Jiuyue Peak. There was a footstep from her back.

"Sovereign, where are you going?" Liu Chuanwu asked as he chased.

"I went out for a walk!" Qin did not swing back to the ground.

Liu Chuanwu stayed in the footsteps and watched the back of the piano pair disappear under the mountain.

"Hey!" There was a sigh behind him.

When Liu Chuanwu looked back, he saw that the waiting room was standing behind him, and he could not help but wonder:

"Great elder, what do you sigh?"

Waiting for the direction of the double disappearing of the piano, the look became serious: "Go to the monks who summoned all the nine days of Xuanxian."


"You don't know the lord, the lord must be going to kill the red sleeve."

"What?" Liu Chuanwu scared almost in the same place: "No?"

"I have to go first, and you immediately summon all the nine days of Xuanxian to the Qing family."

When the words fall, the waiting area has disappeared. The look of Liu Chuanwu’s face changed, and then he hurriedly took out the jade.

Qing family.

A pair of pianos in a flaming dress walked around, carrying a delicate sword behind them. Step by step, the clothes are fluttering. Before coming to the door of the Qing family, the guardian of the guardian in front of the door could not help but change.

They all know Qinqin, and the piano pair that has disappeared for eleven years is back. Isn’t she enchanted?

At this time, Qin double took out a flag from the storage ring, and the sound of "砰" was inserted on the ground. The flag was flying in the wind, with a line of characters on it:

Ren Hong sleeves came out to die!


The people around them burst and began to talk about it. Soon eight years ago, things were thought of by them.

"Eight years ago, the Qing family killed Yuan Ziyi of the string moon, and grabbed the pro-disciple of Qin Double. This is a revenge."

"Qin double is looking for death, the whole string of the moon is not a fairy, but the Qing family has more than 20 Xianjun. Qin double this is the head was kicked by the monster?"

"This piano pair is really courageous! Deserves admiration!"

"Admire a fart, fool!"

"But, Ren Hong sleeve killed Yuan Ziyi, Qin double now challenges the revenge. The Qing family did not block the reasons, but there is no reason to kill the piano double.

not to mention……

Today's Ren Zuo sleeve is the third floor of Xianjun, and the piano double? The most breath of her body is the nine-day Xuanxian Peak. In this case, if Ren Hong sleeves still dare not come out to fight, can she afford that person?

Even if she lost her, did the Qing family lose this person? Did you lose this person from your home?

The most important thing is that Ren Hongshou is fully capable of killing the piano pair. Why doesn't she come out to fight?

Besides, the red sleeve is a proud and awkward Lord. How can it not come out? ”

"You are right! But, don't forget, the piano can be a person who can challenge."

"The leapfrog challenge? Hehe... It depends on who is right! Isn’t the rumored woman of the family unable to challenge the more? Do not forget, Ren Hongshou is also the arrogance of the previous era, and is the arrogance of the family."

"Piano double is not self-sufficient, dead!"


Qin double stood under the flag, hanging his eyes, not talking, not moving. Waiting for the ground to stand in the crowd, looking at the back of the piano doubles with anxiety.


About two quarters of an hour passed, and an angry drink came from the mountain gate. A figure flew from the mountain gate, staring at the flag, and then looking at the piano, coldly:

"Junior, you are looking for death!"


Thank you very much Liao Mubai (100), recall Nanxiang (100), seaphay (100) reward!




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