Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2347: war

Qin double raised his eyes: "You are the red sleeve?"

"court death!"

Ren Hong sleeves slap and slap toward the face of Qin double. In her opinion, her killing the piano is like crushing an ant. Xianjun and Jiutian Xuanxian are a divide. And as the monks around said, the piano can be more advanced, can she not be a red sleeve? Business is better for both of us, and she is sturdy as the upper and the lower is a big step.


Qinqin raised his hand and grabbed the wrist of Ren Hongshou. His eyes flashed a trace of cold.

"Come with me, look for death!"

Do not blame the Qin double think so, the body strength of the piano double-phase trust red sleeve is definitely not the fairy king, even the half-step fairy king will not be, and the body of her piano double is the fairy king. At this time, the red sleeves were so arrogant that they stood in front of the piano pair, slap the slap in the palm of the slap, and they were also caught by the piano. Isn’t Panelin?

"Yuan Ziyi is you killing?" Qin double did not use all his strength, just slightly holding the wrist of Ren Hong sleeve, asked with a calm face.

"Yes, that monk **** it! You **** it!"

Ren Hong sleeves with one arm and one force, they want to break the hands of the piano pair. However, when Qin double determined the identity of the other party, he no longer kept his hand, and the hand holding Ren Hong sleeve suddenly tried hard.


The wrist of Ren Hongshou was actually broken by the piano!

"Ah..." Ren Hongshou made a scream.


Qinqin lifted his ankle on Dantian, who was in the red sleeve. The distance between the two sides was too close, and Ren Hong sleeve was caught by Qinqin, and the bones were crushed. Before she reacted, her Dan Tian was smashed. Broken, then extended his right hand and held the neck of Ren Hong sleeve.

Use force!


The neck of Ren Hongshou was cut off by the piano. A panicked Yuanshen was just out of the sheath and was caught by the piano.

"Piano double, you dare to kill..."

"Hey!" Qin double pinch the Yuanshen of Ren Hong sleeve.

"Let's be merciful..."

A sound rang from the gate, and then two figures were seen flying from the gate. Both people look very angry. Qin double looked up and she knew one of them. She had seen it before the Thunder Mountain in the secret. It is the five younger brothers of Qingcheng, but the piano does not know what he is, and the other does not know.

The two men fell on the opposite side of the piano pair. The eyes first fell on the body of the red sleeves lying on the ground, then raised their eyes and looked at the piano pair. The person who did not know the piano said:

"Qin double, you dare to kill my wife at the door of my house!"

Qin double wrinkled his brow and said: "You are Qingqiuqiu?"

"Not bad!" In the fall of Qing Qiu, there was anger and sadness.

Qin binoculars are cold, and the fingers of the red-sleeved body said: "She is your wife? What is Yuan Ziyi? Don't pretend to be sad, you and Ren Hongshou have no feelings, the whole Tianzhicheng people know. You are a personal scum!"

"You... find death!" The sadness in the eyes of Qing Luoqiu is gone, it is anger and killing.

Qin doubled with a disdain: "Just by you? Garbage!"

"With me?" Qing Chengfei looked at the piano pair coldly.

Qin double looked to Qingcheng Fei: "I will go on. But you can think about the seniors. If you can't kill me, then I will hide from the Qing family. Your disciples will come out one, I will kill one." ""


Qingchengfei, who originally thought about doing it, suddenly hesitated. He is very clear about the strength of the piano, and now the piano double has improved. If such a person lurks like a viper and stares at their home, the Qing family is in danger of being destroyed.

Therefore, even the big family is not willing to provoke a strong dispersal, because it will bring endless trouble to the family.


Qin double is not a loose repair!

Qingcheng flies in the eye: "If you dare to escape, I will destroy the string moon."

"You can't do it!"

"Just by the string of the moon, I will kill it alone."

"You can't open the big array of the moon, you can't get in."

"You..." Qingcheng Fei face color iron green: "I gather the master of the Qing family, and continue to bombard the large array of your string moon, not a year, two years, up to three years, must be smashed. The string moon will be slaughtered."

The piano's lips slammed tightly. After a few breaths, his eyes became firm and said: "Then you try. And even if you want to end this, it is impossible. I will pass on my two pro-disciples. Hand it over."

"Oh..." Qingchengfei was mad, and the voice said: "Qin double, it seems that you are really enchanted. Let me remove the magic guard today."


One monk flew out from the gate of Qingjia Mountain and landed behind Qingchengfei, staring at the piano.


Waiting for the top ten elders and Liu Chuanwu to fly out of the crowd, standing behind the Qin double. Qin double looked back at them, his face was helpless. But at this time, they can't go back to them, and they won't go back.


Ren Pingsheng several monks appeared in the air, slowly landed in front of the crowd, cold eyes watching the double. Then Ren Pingsheng stepped forward and did not look at Qingcheng Fei and Qinshuang. He went straight to the body of Ren Hongshou, bent over and held up the red sleeves, turned and returned to his group of people, and handed over the body of the red sleeve. A woman, the woman flew with her red sleeves.

"Come on, go to the string moon sect leveling." Qingcheng fluttered and shouted.

The piano double face changed, Liu Chuanwu said: "The sovereign, I have closed the mountain gate and opened the big array."

The heart of the piano is certain, but the city is a sinking face. Open again:

"Take the people of the string moon!"


From the back of Qingcheng Fei, there were eleven people flying out. Everyone was a nine-day Xuanxian Peak, and rushed to the eleven people. And Qingcheng Feixiao smiled and looked at Qin Double Road:

"Qin double, if you dare to escape, I will kill the deputy sovereigns and ten elders of the string moon."


His voice did not fall, and he saw that the eleven people flew out to the waiting place, and everyone blew blood in his mouth. Qingcheng’s face changed.

How can this be?

Then his face changed again. He found that the injured monk was not the eleven people waiting for the place, but the embarrassment released by the waiting man. Moreover, the cockroaches at this time are constantly releasing cockroaches. In the end, more than 10,000 baht were released, and 11 of them were protected in the middle.

This is more than 10,000 miles, which are constantly being produced in these years. Among them, there are six Xianjun periods, more than one thousand nine-day Xuanxian, and the rest are also Da Luojinxian.



The code is not coming out today. It will not make up. Fight for tomorrow!




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