Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2354: Counterattack

Today the code does not come out, make up tomorrow!

These twenty-eight celestial princes are old-fashioned immortals, even if they are the half-step fairy kings of Qingcheng crying, they dare not despise any one of them. What's more, is it twenty-eight?

He really does not understand, the piano doubles a young man who has not been in the spirit world for a long time, how did he make the old Xianjun of Li Xian?

And these old Xianjun one pair is the posture of the piano double desperate!

However, at this time, he is not allowed to think too much. The big sleeves are for a while, and they are like a wall. God's knowledge spreads around, his face with a dignified weight.

This silk is not because of the twenty-eight cents, but because of the double!

The shape of the piano double was crushed, but there was no flesh and blood splash.

Crushed is the afterimage of the piano, and the real piano double escapes from his laws.

How can this be?

How can a nine-day Xuan Xian escape from the imprisonment of the law?

This made Qingcheng crying very puzzled. He wanted to grab the piano pair again and see how Qin double escaped his laws.


In his heart, he suddenly slammed the police and took a step. The body shape also turned over while he was taking it. His reaction was fast enough, almost instinctively aware of the dangers behind him, and immediately dodge. However, the sword's tip was still crossed by the left arm of the piano, leaving a shallow sword mark on his left arm, and the blood penetrated.

Qingcheng cried and glanced at the blood on his left arm, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

I am a half-step fairy king, how can Qin double hurt myself?

Linglong sword is a good fairy, can hurt him, but the swordman must also have the power to hurt him.

Without warning, the piano double appeared in front of him, and a sword stabbed him. The large sleeves of twenty-eight celestial princes, such as Li Xian, contracted back and twisted toward the exquisite sword. At the same time, they made a fist in the right hand and banged the opposite pair.

Qin double is also a punch to the other side bombarded the past.


The fists of the two men hit the ground together, Qingcheng crying originally saw the piano double dare to touch him hard, and his face still showed a crying smile. However, when the fists of the two men collided together, his crying smile froze, and then became awkward, his body was smashed out, and the big sleeve wrapped around the exquisite sword also It is smashed by the piano, and the piece of cloth flutters in space like a butterfly.

"The power of the fairy king!"

At this time, what else does Qingcheng cry still do not understand?

This Qin double cultivated the body to the realm of Xian Wang. This is the first time he saw a monk who would go to the refining body and practice the refining body beyond his two realms.


He instantly opened the distance with the piano, and determined that the piano's refining realm reached the king of Xian, and he knew that once he and the piano were close together, Qin double really had the possibility of killing him.

Only when the distance is opened, the piano body is a joke, and with the power of his half-step fairy king, you can kill the piano pair.


He just opened the distance with the piano, and he saw the double figure of the piano disappearing in the field of vision, and then appeared on his left side suddenly, and the exquisite sword killed him.

There is no kendo magical power, only the real hit the exquisite sword. This is the way the refiners operate, just like the martial arts. In the spiritual world, it has already been eliminated.

The monks in the spiritual world have gone through all the ways, and have not waited for you to rush to the front, a Taoist law, and you will be destroyed. Even if you have a high level of refining, a Taoist law can't kill you, ten? Hundreds?

Therefore, the cultivator is a group of people at the lowest level of the spiritual world.


When the refiner knows the time, the advantage becomes enormous.

The distance has been ignored and time has shortened everything.

Even if it is a half-step fairy king, knowing the power of a law, but it can not pull a distance from the piano.


The long sword that Qingcheng cried and the exquisite sword collided together. The huge force made Qingcheng fly backwards. Fortunately, the long sword in his hand was also the celestial treasure, although it was not comparable to the exquisite sword, but it was not damaged. It was just that huge force that shook his blood. However, he did not dare to stay in the slightest. Then the piano doubles the power of a sword, flies backwards, wants to open the distance between the piano and the double.

However, all of this is useless. In his vision, the figure of Qin double disappeared...

Do not!

It can't be said that it is disappearing. He seems to have seen the long river of time flowing. The piano double seems to have crossed the time, and one step has come to him, and the exquisite sword has fallen.

This time, without waiting for the exquisite sword of Qinqin, Qingcheng cried and took the initiative to fly back. He also wants to lock the doubles. As long as he can lock the doubles, he can release the Daofa to attack the doubles, but he suddenly finds that he can't lock the doubles. There is a mysterious atmosphere flowing around the body of the piano. It is the breath of time. The time has been accelerating. How can he lock it?

Even if he locked the piano pair one second before, the second one lost his lock because of the time span.

In this way, Qingcheng’s crying and depressed discovery, he has only one method now, that is, constantly pulling the distance between the piano and the double, he does not believe that Qin double can consume him, but this state, let Qingcheng cry really want to cry .

At this time, even twenty-eight Xianjun had forgotten the hands and stared blankly into the air.

Qingcheng cried this half-step fairy king is constantly fleeing, and Qin double this nine-day Xuan Xian is in the sword to kill the Qingcheng cry.

Everyone couldn’t help but blink their eyes. Is this an illusion?

How can this be?

A nine-day Xuan Xian chasing a half-step fairy king?

If a half-step fairy king really escapes, the piano double is really not a good way. Even if she is familiar with time, she is also constrained by her own cultivation. Although he was able to bite the Qingcheng cry, he did not have the opportunity to shoot. Qingcheng, who was escaping from the heart, cried, and in the moment when Qin double appeared in front of him, he fled again. At most, the exquisite sword in the hands of the piano pierced the general, and he had already gone a few miles away.

Ji Yan’s eyes turned and fell on the sorcerers of Liu Chuanwu and others who were escorting Liu Xingwu and others.



It’s not just the seasons, but the twenty-eight sensaries at the same time. The Chadian monks have fled. When Li Xian reached out and grabbed it, he arrested Liu Chuanwu’s eleven people in the hands of a Yuan Li, and placed them behind Yu Guanting and others. After a short jump, the bundle of fairy ropes on his body was released and he was taken up.

The monk of the Qing family glared at him but did not dare to go forward. Then I looked at the air again, and there was a worry in my eyes. If Qingcheng is crying and losing, the strength of Qinshuang and 28th Xianjun can already kill the Qing family.

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