Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2355: return

Qing family.

After the mountain.

Several monks sneaked in. At this time, there was almost no one in the Qing family. Almost all the people who were repaired were already outside the Qingjiashan Gate. So close to the moment when the Qing family survived, everyone prepared for the decisive battle, and everyone's spirit was concentrated in the air of Qingcheng crying and Qin double. Even at this time there are people in the Qing family, they are also low-ranking servants and slaves. Therefore, the monks easily sneaked into the back hill and came to the cave house where Qingcheng was crying.

Everyone is wearing a mask. These people are the assassins who lurk in the Qing family, and the Gongsun who only told Xu Kaiyun that they are Zheng Tianhua’s men.

A monk headed, took out a broken cone and stabbed it toward the gate of Dongfu.


The array in front of Dongfu was broken into a big hole, and several people sneaked in. Reaching out the door and walking towards it.

Who is crying in Qingcheng?

The first person in the Qing family today, there is a family in the Qing family. Never thought that someone would sneak in. Therefore, in addition to the array of police functions outside the Dongfu, there is really no prohibition.


A man and a woman came out from the depths of Dongfu. One thirty, one twenty, but it was Yuan Tong and Yuan Hughing.

Qingcheng crying is really devoted to teaching Yuan Tong and Yuan Hianqing. In just a few decades, Yuan Tong’s cultivation has reached the first level of Da Luo Jinxian, and Yuan Hughing also reached the tenth peak of Luo Tianshang. Of course, this also has two people's qualifications against the sky.

The head of a sergeant said: "Your master is back."

"Master returned?" Yuan Tong and Yuan Hic-Ching's face were not surprised.

"Ren Red Sleeve has been killed by your Master, and your Master is crying with Qingcheng at this time. Whether you decide to stay in Qing, should you go out to meet your Master?"

Yuan Tong and Yuan Hianqing heard it and immediately rushed outside. Before they heard Qingcheng crying and drinking. But the two of them are honestly staying in Dongfu. Because these two years, they have tried to escape many times, but they were all caught by Qingcheng crying. Therefore, the mind of escape has been lost.

But now it's different!

Their master is here. And as soon as they came back, they killed Ren Hongshou and avenged them. At this time, I was crying with Qingcheng, and it must be to pick them up.

Not bad!

Just go home!

In the hearts of both of them, only the string moon is their home.

The two of them had an excited heat flow in their hearts, rushed out of Dongfu and flew toward the mountain gate. The monks of the squadrons glanced at each other, and the headed monk made a gesture, and several people lurked again.


Yuan Tong and Yuan Hianqing flew out of the mountain gate. No one noticed the two of them. At this time, everyone’s attention was in the air of Qingcheng crying and Qin double. Two people looked up and looked at it. When they want to come, their master must have been struggling, and they are crying and playing, and may be very tragic.

But what do you see now?

who am I?

Where am I?

How could this be?

In midair, it turned out that Qin double was crying in the pursuit of Qingcheng!

When the two men were in a hurry for a while, they suddenly woke up and looked around. They saw Liu Chuanwu and others, and they flew away toward Liu Chuanwu and others.

"Children, hate Qing!"

I felt that two people came to my front, and Liu Chuanwu withdrew his gaze and looked at him.

"Head, elders!"

Yuan Tong and Yuan Hianqing returned to the side of the string moon, and the tension was relaxed. They looked up into the air and could not help but say:

"My Master is so strong!"

"You are a younger disciple?" Li Xianwang turned to Yuan Tong. When he saw that Yuan Tong did not respond, he said: "You are a disciple of Qinshuang?"

"Yes, what are the seniors?"

"We are your brother's eldest brother."

Li Xiandao, then directed to the other twenty-seven sages: "Let's go, it will not last long after the cultivation of the younger sister. Let's go up and try to block the direction of Qingcheng crying and letting Xiaomei have a chance to be close."

"it is good!"


Twenty-eight celestial princes were neatly arranged and surrounded the Qingcheng cry.

"Go help three!"

Qingcheng flew loudly and took the lead in welcoming Li Xian and others. The remaining dozens of Qing Jia Xianjun also greeted Li Xian and others. In an instant, fight together.


Just one round, a dozen of the monks of the Qing family were smashed into the air and slammed on the ground. Only three Qing monks blocked the attack of the three immortals of Li Xian.


Li Xian gave a cry, and twenty-five Xianjun rushed to Qingcheng to cry.


Qingcheng screamed and screamed in his sleeve, then swung his sleeves.


A dragon screamed, flying twenty-five water dragons from his big sleeves and swooping toward twenty-five cents. Every water dragon carries the power of a rule of law. The water dragon's horns must be full, the dragon scales are dense, and the eyes are like gods, just like real dragons.


Twenty-five Xianjun and twenty-five water dragons fought together, and they were actually suppressed by the twenty-five water dragons. At this time, the time of Qin double is almost coming to the end. The heart could not help but be anxious. Once the time was finished, she lost her time. To release the time magic again, you have to play from the first chapter. With the cultivation of Qingcheng crying, I am afraid that my upper time has not been played yet, and I was killed by the other party.


Above the sky, suddenly there were more than a dozen flesh figures, one of them sipped:


Tianwei-like pressure dropped from the sky, not to mention the piano double, that is the real half-step Xian Wangqing City crying, the body shape is not a stiff, some are unstable in the air. As for Li Xian and others, they are falling toward the ground. The twenty-five water spirits collapsed instantly.

"Xu Mo!"

The piano looked up and the heart was tight. At this time, she did not know what attitude Xu Mo will be, her eyes moved, and she saw Qingcheng laugh, and her heart was a sinking. With the half-step fairy king who has just broken through the Qingcheng cry, he has already let the piano double cope. If you add Qingcheng laugh...


The two figures fell from the sky and landed on the side of the piano.

"President, Zhang Big Brother."

These two people are Haikuotian and Zhang Daoji. When they see these two people, the piano is slightly relaxed and relaxed. At this time, Qingcheng laugh also fell to the side of Qingcheng crying, asked:

"what happened?"

When Qingcheng cried his eyes, he found Qingqiuqiu and glanced at him: "You are."


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