Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2366: Ferry

Perceived the power in the sky continues to increase, Qinqin suddenly remembered, in the Thunder Mountain Range in the secret, the ninth mountain peak, but was not scorned by the obstinacy. Even the water thunder beads were almost destroyed.

"Is this mine bead top not to be able to stand up?"

There is no qi in the heart of the piano, and immediately to the old town: "Old town, hurry up, I am afraid I can't stand it."

"What to practice?" asked the old man.

"Just refining the sword!"

"it is good!"

The old town immediately went to the sword!

The Qinshuang is also a heart-warming movement. The lunar month is worn on the head, and the moon is falling, covering the whole body, and then the swords left in the storage ring are sacrificed, on the umbrella cover made of water pearls, and A large Sunday sword array was set up. I ate a Vientiane fruit, and I looked up into the air.

Zhang Daoji in the distance couldn't help but grin. With his vision, he could see that the Taiyue Yueyue and the Water Rays can be the best tools, and the swords that are set up in the big Zhoutian swords are also the tops.

This is much more afraid of death!


The robbery slammed down and Zhang Daoji’s face changed.

"Qing Lei!"

"How could this be?"

Zhang Daoji’s face immediately became tense. This kind of Qing Lei, not to mention the double that had just broken through Xianjun, was that he could not bear the half-step fairy king. At this time, he understood why the piano double set up so many defenses.

This is simply not something that Xianjun can bear!

The blue thunder bombarded on the big Zhoutian sword array, one hundred and eight handles of the sword screamed, and each sword sent a whining, but fortunately it has not collapsed. However, the large Zhoutianjian array constructed by the Shangpin Xianjian could not stop the magnificent Qinglei. However, half of the Thunder penetrated the Great Zhoujianjian array and bombarded the umbrella cover formed by the water thunder. And the umbrella cover can not completely block the Qing Lei, and some of the Qinglei spilled from the umbrella cover, bombarded on the lunar moon, and finally there is a small part of the Thunder bombarded on the piano double body.


The power of the Thunder rushed into the body, and walked around the whole body. The double "squeaky" of the piano spurted out a blood, quickly took out a medicinal medicinal suit, and then operated the golden ray, while running the jade body, the gold Lei Lei guided a part of the Thunder's power, rushed into Dantian, attracted by the military, and integrated into the thunder vortex in the right palm, a part of the Thunder was guided by the double piano to start quenching the body.


In the distance, Zhang Daoji spit out a breath, and he was really afraid that the first thunder could not stand the piano. Now that I saw the piano double, I couldn’t help but lay down my heart, but then I raised my heart. He knows that this thunder has seven, seven, forty-nine, and one is fiercer.

"This... can the little girl bear it?"

Ethereal star.

This is a waste star. The so-called waste star is a star that is no longer suitable for monks to live. The aura has dried up. However, at this time, under the peak of the virtual star, there are countless monks. Among these monks are the people, the demon, and the demon.

At this time, the tribes of the three tribes gathered together, and there was no fighting, and even the monks between the three tribes were still communicating. These monks are here to watch Xu Kaiyun, Yan Guangyu and Nu Shenjiang competing for the Sansheng ranking of monks.

"Look, that's the official sky of twenty-eight days of arrogance!" someone called.

I saw a monk's clothes fluttering, and when I looked around, I saw more than twenty monks, and my body shape flew over there. I didn't land, so I laughed:

"You friends come early!"

The twenty-something people were the 28-day arrogance. They also saw the official air and also greeted them. The official air talks one by one, giving people the feeling of spring breeze, there has been a style of alliance and less master.

"Is the iron sister?" The official air greeted a circle, but did not see the iron soft, he asked.

Yang pointed to me not far away: "She went to greet Jiujie."

Looking at the direction, the official air looked at the iron soft and talked with Lei Xing in Jiujie, and said: "I will also go and see."

Looking at the back of the official departure, Yang Yumu said: "Iron is soft, and the official is not only a friend of Lei Xing in Jiujie. It is said that they are also friends with Chu Dali and Bao Yi in Qijun. Yuguan Ting in the Six Gods, Mo Yan is a good friend."

"Yeah!" Another monk said: "I heard that he and Xu Kaiyun in Sansheng are also good friends."

"Look, the seven monarchs are coming."

Seven people appeared in the sky, and when they fell to the ground, many monks walked around and greeted with enthusiasm. After a commotion, it gradually calmed down.

Yang saw the iron soft, the official air, Chu Dali and Bao Yi really gathered together, talking laughter. Do not whisper:

"The rumor is really true!"

"It's nothing strange." Walked over to a monk: "Because these people have a common friend."

"Lang brother, are you here too?" Yang Xin said.

It was the Lang Yupeng who entered the Tianziyuan together with Qinshuang. At this time, he was repaired to the ninth level of Xuantian. There was a hint of haze in his eyes. In the past eight years, many people who had been repaired like him broke through Xianjun, but he was only the peak of Xuantian in nine days. The reason is that those people are shackles, and he is a sideline. Giving him the same resources and guidance, he quickly disappeared into the haze, his face smiled:

"How can I not come when such a grand event?"

Another monk next to him asked: "Lang brother, who is their common friend? Who has such a big charm, so that so many heroes become friends?"

Lang Yupeng has a short-lived loss. When he thinks that Qin Double has disappeared for so long, he should not have broken through Xianjun. His heart is inexplicably comfortable.

"Lang brother, Lang brother..."

Lang Yu floated away from the loss of consciousness, and his face showed a warm smile: "Now people have forgotten the original prestige of the man. She once stepped on all the arrogance of this era and got the day. The champion of the Purple City Dabie."

Yang eyes brighten: "What are you talking about?"

Endless desert.

The sky is like ink, put into the endless darkness.


A thunder, a thick thunder slammed down, Zhang Daoji’s heart was a sharp jump. The large Zhoutian sword array made up of 108 swords was blasted, and the umbrella cover formed by the water thunder beads made a whining sound.咔嚓 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”


The piano bleeds in the nose and nose, and the flesh and blood flies in the body. In some places, the bones have already appeared, and they are handed over to the air, and even the meat of the barbecue is floating in the air.

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