Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2367: forget

Zhang Daoji’s face showed an anxious color, but he did not dare to move, afraid to be shrouded in thunder, so that the thunder would become more fierce, the eyes of concern looked at the hole in the desert, no sound, anxious on his face. The color is thicker, looking up into the air, seeing the thunder in the air did not disperse, is still brewing a thunder, this is a little relieved.

This shows that the piano is not dead. If the piano is dead, the thunder will be dispersed.

However, the feeling of a little relaxation later became tense!

Under this thunder, the piano double is not dead, but the next thunder?

Now that the piano pair has not come out of the pit, it shows that it is seriously injured, so can it withstand the next thunder?

Inside the pit.

Qinshuang is running Jin Lei and Jade body quenching. Although she is very weak now, she is still insisting, because only the golden thunder and the jade body quenching body can consume the power of the thunder that enters the body, otherwise Once the body's memory is left with the power of thunder, the next Thunder's power will come down. Under the internal and external diplomatic relations, the possibility of death will occupy 90%.

The thunder in the sky is brewing, and the heart of the piano is anxious. In her experience, this interval is not enough for her to completely consume the thunder in her body. In the heart of the move, he is now in the deep pit, Zhang Daoji has not seen himself, and he does not dare to use God to explore, because even if it is a god, once it enters the scope of the robbery, it will be robbed by the thunder. The gods bombarded the past, and then Zhang Daoji was shrouded in thunder. In this way, the mind is a move, into the town demon tower.

The town demon tower locked in the sky is still brewing. This is already the ninth thunder. The longer the thunder is brewed, the stronger the power is.

Qin double entered the town demon tower, immediately took a Vientiane fruit, and took a medicinal herb, jumped into the pool of fairy liquid, while running the golden thunder, while running the jade body quenching . The Thunder shunt in the body, part of which rushed into Dantian, entered the Thunder vortex of the right hand of Wushu, and partially quenched the body.

After consuming all the power of the Thunder, the piano doubled out and walked out of the town demon tower. The thunder in the sky was still gathering. The piano double looked down at the fragments of the water thunder beads at the foot, and there was a trace in the eyes. Heartache, these water mines have been with her for a long time, and now it is so broken.

Looking up at the thunder in the air, the mind was moved, and the swords of the old refining of the town were continuously taken out, and three large Zhoujian sword arrays were constructed in the air, one layer at a time.


Looking at the silent silent pit suddenly emerged Jianguang, and built three sword arrays, Zhang Daoji spit out a long breath, which shows that the piano has more than enough strength, can not help but admire the piano double, under such a robbery It is still able to survive.


The thunder and rappel, the bombardment on the first layer of the big Sunday sword array, the big Zhou Tianjian array blocked a part of the Thunder, part of the Thunder passed through the first layer of the big Zhou Jianjian array, banged on the second layer of the big Zhou Jianjian array, and then bombarded in the first On the three-story big-day sword array, they bombarded the moon on the moon that was released by the lunar eclipse, and finally fell on the body of Qin. At this time, the power is already within the tolerance of the piano.

A Thunder followed by a Thunder, with the tumbling of another Thunder, Zhang Daoji's mood is getting more and more nervous, although the rest of the Thunder is getting less and less, but the power of each Thunder is increasing.

The silence between the heavens and the earth is silent. This silence makes people feel flustered, as if it was the tranquility before the skyrocket.

This is the last Thunder!

Zhang Daoji clenched his fists and whispered in his mouth: "Little sister, you must stand up."


A sword with a handle flew out of the deep pit. Zhang Daoji, who was concerned about it, couldn’t help but lick his mouth. Qinqin actually built six large Zhoujianjian arrays. He couldn't help but think:

"That is the younger sister. I am a fairy master. If you are another monk, you will sell yourself and you can't afford so many swords."


When the silence condensed to the extreme, a skyrocketing roar bombarded, smashing the first big Sunday sword array, and then smashing the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, The bombardment was on the lunar month, and Yu Wei bombarded the body of Qin.

The thunderstorm in the sky began to dissipate. Zhang Daoji stood in the distance and looked toward the deep pit. He saw a thunder flash in the deep pit. He stood there quietly waiting, and there was tension and anxiety between the eyebrows.

The thunder of the deep pit gradually disappeared, and the piano spit out a long breath. At this time, she was black and weak. The clothes were taken out from the storage ring, and the body shape flickered and flew out from the deep pit. Zhang Daoji’s eyes lit up, his figure flew in, his sleeves slammed, and he wrapped his piano and left.

Ethereal star.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of monks have gathered, and six figures have come.

"Six gods, that is the six gods."

Yu Guanting and Mo Yan’s eyes swept away, and they saw Lei Xing and others gathered together, and their body shape fell to Lei Xing and others. As soon as it fell on the ground, Mo Yan asked:

"Is the boss still not out?"

Lei Xing, Chu Dali and others shook their heads, and there was no worry on their faces. Yu Guanting slightly frowned, and then stretched out, he firmly believes that Qin double can break through Xianjun.

At this time, through the conversation between Lei Xing and others, the monks present also rang the Qin double. Ren Pingsheng withdrew his gaze from the direction of Mo Yan, and turned to the snow road next to him:

"It’s a pity that I still have to talk to Qinqin. It seems that it is unnecessary."

Xu Luoxue glanced at Ren Pingsheng and said faintly: "You can challenge Kaiyun."

"Oh..." Ren Pingsheng smiled two channels: "That is your home, or leave it to you."

Xu Xiaoxue looked slightly stagnate and then resumed indifferent.

There was a chuckle next to it, but it was one of the six gods, the demon monk, Jiang Jie.

"I have heard the legend of Qinshuang, but that is already the past. There is no doubt that Qinqin has been looked up by history. I really don't understand why you guys will not forget a person who has been eliminated? This may be The reason why your people are getting weaker."

Xu Luoxue sneered aloud: "Don't forget, among the six gods, four are Terran, and there is only one Mozu."

"It doesn't matter!" Jiang Jie shrugged and shrugged: "I will soon be able to beat you four."

"Big words!"


Suddenly someone shouted and saw a figure flying from each of the three directions. A magic flame, a demon and a fairy, a fairy.

Thank you very much for the 20 years of mad war (), book friends), Liao Mubai (100) reward!


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