Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2368: Refining hammer

The string moon.

Restoration of peace, and this kind of tranquility is full of vigor and vitality. After all the sacred monks learned that the piano had passed the thunder, and after the achievement of the immortal, the whole string of the moon was different.

The string moon sect finally had a sage of his own, and every monk saw hope and his waist was straight. Work harder to practice.

At this time, the piano doubled and sat in the cave, and restored his body.

After one day.

The piano double stood up, and the dark skin of the body fell, revealing the delicate skin inside, and it radiated powerful power.

Slowly converge on the power, and become ordinary, and the eyes are bright.

As she broke through to Xianjun, she broke through this big level, and the remaining small levels will not have any bottlenecks until before Xian Wang. As long as it is accumulated enough, it will break through the tenth peak of Xianjun in a very short time.

Only the piano double will not do that, it will make the realm do not ask, the combat power is not strong enough. Even if it breaks through a small realm, it needs to sharpen itself and consolidate every small realm.

What makes her even more happy is that her body has been promoted to the middle of the immortal in the process of robbery. This gave her an extra life-saving card, which is her strongest advantage when she enters the crack space.

Mindful thoughts, entered the town demon tower. Before coming to a thunder mountain.

Not bad!

This is a thunder mountain, the whole hill is thundering, but the hill is shaped like a hammer. In fact, this is a hammer, not a mountain. It is a hammer in the mysterious world. On the ninth peak of the Thunder Mountain Range, the handle that has been received has always wanted a refining hammer.

Baihu Yuanshen floated out of the sea of ​​Qinqin, came to the front of the hammer, his eyes grew, and stood tall, then extended a big hand and held the hammer handle of the hammer.


The thunder hammer broke out with dazzling lightning, and ran along the arm of the white tiger **** to her whole body, shrouded the white tiger god, and the right hand of the white tiger **** still clasped the hammer handle, but the left hand quickly slammed one by one. Thunder of the Golden Thunder, trying to refine the Thunder Hammer.

The piano double looked for about a quarter of an hour, and the hanging heart was completely lowered. Originally, she also feared that this hammer would hurt and even destroy the White Tiger God, but now it seems that the White Tiger God is able to withstand the bombardment of the Thunder Hammer because of the practice of Golden Thunder. Although it was very difficult to withstand, even on the verge of collapse. However, Qin double knows that as long as Bai Hu Yuan Shen runs the Golden Thunder, he can refine and refine this Thunder Hammer, and the bearing capacity will increase a little, and slowly he can completely refine this hammer. The hardest part is the first step. As long as the first step is taken, it will be a matter of time. This time may be very long, but with the time flow rate in the town demon tower, this time will be greatly reduced.

I took a bath and changed my clothes. The piano double came out of Dongfu. Walk towards the summit. At this time, above the peak, the pavilion has been rebuilt, and the bamboo forest that was blown down by Chu has been replanted. The piano doubles into the pavilion and slowly sits down. Take the teapot from the storage ring and make tea. Bomb, a tiny dragon circling around the teapot.


Qin double looked around and saw Yuan Tong and Yuan Hingqing coming together with surprises on their faces.

"Master, you are out!"

"Come, sit!" Qin Qin bothered.

"Yes, Master!" Yuan Tong and Yuan Hughing fell on the opposite side of Qin Double.

"Talk about your understanding of Heaven!"

Yuan Tong and Yuan Hughing’s spirit were invigorated. Knowing that this was Master’s assessment of them, they calmed down and seriously began to answer the questions of Qin Double. Beside the white clouds, the bamboo forest shakes with the wind, like the water Taotao.

After three days.

Qin Double said with satisfaction: "You can go out and practice, and you can't build a car behind closed doors. You need to sharpen yourself in battle."

Yuan Tong and Yuan Hianqing’s eyes lit up: "Master, can we go out and practice?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded, took out two jade cards, began to portray, and then pointed to the sword, a ray of light shines from the fingers, exudes a huge power, four elephants rotate, as if there is a world, respectively Sealed in two jade cards, handed to Yuan Tong and Yuan Hic-Ching two humanities:

"In these two jade cards, they have sealed the four elephants as a teacher, and they are used for your life."

"Thank you Master!" The two men took the jade card with both hands respectfully.


Yuan Tong and Yuan Hic-Ching stood up and then stumbled. When two people got up and walked away, Liu Chuanwu walked out of the bamboo forest and prayed to Qinqin:

"I have seen the sovereign!"

"Sit down!" Qin Shuangzhu Liu Chuanwu took the seat: "What changes have been made inside and outside the Zongmen?"

Liu Chuanwu’s face showed a smile: “Return to the lord, now the sacred door is flourishing, the nine-day Xuanxian’s monks have reached 37, and the Luo Luojinxian has a total of 186, and Luo Tianshang is more than Five hundred. The refiners, the tune, the array and the alchemy disciples in Zongmen also have grown. Although they can only refine the products, they can also sell them and earn some Xianjing. But..."

Speaking of this, Liu Chuanwu’s look is somewhat sorrowful: “I still can’t maintain the operation of the Zongmen. The consumption of the Zongmen’s operation depends on the resources left by the Sovereign, and there are not many left in these years.”

"This is the inevitable result!" Qin double sighed again: "We have no resources such as veins in the sky purple star, these resources have been occupied by the power of the sky purple star. I want the Zongmen to maintain its own operation, the only The way to do this is to wait for the Danfu Array to grow up. At that time, the chords of the Moon are really based on the sky purple star. Right, how about the food such as nectar and corn?"

Liu Chuanwu’s face showed a happy color: “The production of corn, bigmouth, beast and monkey wine is increasing, but the grade is somewhat reduced, but it still sells very well. Now it has become the biggest of our string month. income."

"What is the situation outside?"

Liu Chuanwu’s look became dignified: “Now the outside is a hundred flowers, and the monks of the Sovereign generation have grown up, and they have broken through the sages, and there have been three holy, six gods, seven kings, nine masters, twenty-eight days of arrogance...”

Qin double listened to Liu Chuanwu’s remarks, and his eyes were full of brilliance.

"The lord, now that you are out, you should also fight for this name."

Qin double fell into meditation, half-sounding and shook his head: "No, I have more important things to do. Tell Zongmen disciples, it is strictly forbidden to spread my breakthrough of Xianjun."

Make up, still owe four more!


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