Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2369: Qin double clearance

Liu Chuanwu looked awkward, his lips moved, and he wanted to ask the piano to have something important to do, but he finally endured the curiosity in his heart.

"Yes! Sovereign, the resources of our sects are already exhausting. Not to mention the resources that disciples need to cultivate, it is that the materials needed for the four missions of Danfu are few, so that not only the disciples The repair will slow down or even stagnate, and it will be difficult for the four disciples of the Danfu Array to improve."

"Let the disciples go out and experience it. Since the establishment of the string sect, the sects have never gone out to practice, which will cause bottlenecks, or the foundation is unstable, and the combat effectiveness is not strong. The sect of the sects in the experience, they You can keep it yourself or sell it to Zongmen in exchange for points. This is also a necessary means for any Zongmen accumulation."

"But..." Liu Chuanwu hesitated: "Just give them points, and the resources that Zongmen did not respond to are converted to Zongmen disciples."

"I will find a way to let them go out and practice. It is not a short time to end. It will take at least a year or two. When they come back, I should have solved the problem of resources."


Looking at the back of Liu Chuanwu’s departure, Qin double sighed and sighed and went to Zhang Daoji’s Dongfu. In the next few days, Qin Shuang and Zhang Daoji and other old brothers gathered together and sat down. Zhang Daoji and others decided to stay in the string month for two years, and then wait until the end of the ten-year period before leaving the string moon.

Qin double called the ten elders to call their own Dongfu. At this time, the top ten elders reached the peak of Xuantian in nine days. The entire string of the elders was only the eleventh elders. Qin double will be in his own Dongfu, preaching on the 9th, I hope they can find their own opportunity to break through Xianjun.

On one night, the piano changed its appearance and changed into a black dress and black dress. Without disturbing anyone, he quietly left the string moon, rushed into the void, and entered the revolving ship, passing through the void. Going to the demon star. At the same time, let the town old refine all kinds of medicinal herbs in the town demon tower.

The battle between the evil spirits and the three saints ended, and the Mozu’s wrecked river defeated Xu Kaiyun and Yan Guangyu by half a stroke, and sat on the seat of Sansheng First Holy, Xu Kaiyun as the second holy, Yaozu Guangyu is ranked third. This made the thoughts of the three tribes involuntarily emerge.

The Mozu is going to be big!

After fifty days.

Qin double has seen the Tianmo star far away.

The piano double-lapped knees sitting inside the flying boat, pulling the handcuffs, breaking the gap, destroying the chain and the gold seal.


The endless magical spirit emerged from the magic heart. Soon, the piano doubled out and there was no difference between it and a real Mozu monk.

From the inside of the flying boat, waved the boat and took it to the sky.

Tianmo City.

Qin double black and black dress, walked into the city gate, the pressure of a fairy, so that the demon monks on the road have avoided. On both sides of the piano, go along the avenue of the Devil City.

Tianmo City is the largest city in the sky, where the master is like a cloud. Sitting here is a half-step fairy king. It is usually in a state of retreat and does not appear.

The piano double walked while watching, and finally chose the largest store to go in. A little demon greeted him, and his eyes showed fear and respect. Shi Lidao:

“What do seniors need?”

"I need a map of the Devil's Star and a map of the forces, the more detailed the better."

"Predecessors please come with me."

The little devil led the piano pair to the front of the counter, then walked into the counter, took out a jade slip, and handed it to the piano:

"Predecessors, this is the most detailed map and power distribution, and it needs 100,000 top grades."

Qinqin explored the gods and saw that there was not only a detailed map of the Tianmeng star, but also a demon power on the map, and even marked the strength of the marked forces. Unsatisfied, nodded, took out a storage bag, threw it on the counter, turned and left.

Qin double quickly left the Tian Mocheng, in this city, the master is like a cloud, she dare not make trouble here. Walking in the wilderness, the gods explored into the jade, and finally took the world to the north.

The center of the Demon Star is the distribution of the top Mozu power. The South is the distribution of large forces. The East is the distribution of medium-sized forces. The North is the distribution of small forces. The West also has small forces, but more are scattered. repair.

Qinqin worked tirelessly all the way to the end of the world. After the cultivation, she was faster and crossed farther. After nine days, she came to the West.


Qin double came to a small force, converging all the breath, black and black dress, integrated into the night, the mystery spread out, and soon covered the entire small force area. The reason why the small forces are called small forces is that there is not even a nine-day Xuan Xian. The most powerful one is only Da Luo Jin Xian, so Qin Double does not care about being discovered by the Mozu monks, let alone Da Luo Jin Xian, it is that Xian Jun who did not cultivate the mystery can not find her mystery.

The level of the array that surrounds the scene is very low. Qinqin quickly analyzes this formation. He raises the three-faced flag and enters the formation. This formation is changed by the double, not only improved. A grade, and completely in the hands of the piano double. The doubles of the piano played a battle, and the entire formation completely closed the inside of the demons. Once the body shape was moved, it entered the law.

Falling on the ground, stepping along the bluestone paved road, as she progressed, the whole big array ran up, black tentacles extended from the big array, and explored one by one. Among them, one of the Mozu monks was strangled.



A Mozu Da Luo Jinxian rushed out from Dongfu, and he was very powerful.


The two tentacles stretched out from the void and entangled them into pieces. In less than a quarter of an hour, the Mozu monks in this party were killed by the piano.

Qinqin broke open the treasure house, took the inside of the fairy crystals, and collected the heavenly treasures suitable for the cultivation of the human race. There were also various kinds of alchemy, and the materials of the fabrics were also collected. Other things that are not suitable for the human monks will be ignored.

From the treasure chest, the piano floats in the air, and the mysterious and intensive extensions come out. They enter a cave house, and they take away the storage ring of a monk monk and collect it into the town demon tower. Then the mystery penetrated into the ground, and his face was a joy. He raised his hand and smashed the flag into the ground, and finally grabbed it toward the ground.

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