Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2370: go away


The ground cracked a big hole, and a lower-quality vein was captured by the piano and collected into the town demon tower. Then, with a big sleeve and a wave, the flag that was only hit in the face was taken up by her. When she was swept, she went out and flew away in the distance, and at the same time, she grabbed it behind her. The three-faced flag of the array is like three streams of light, flying to the piano, and being doubled by the piano.

The big line is still open, closing this side of the forces.

It was not until a month later that the support of Xianjing was lost, and the guardian mountain array lost its effect, revealing a terrible situation inside. It took another seven days to be discovered by the passing monks.

At this time, Qin double has destroyed twenty-six small forces, not only harvested a lot of resources, but also harvested twenty-six under-product veins.

Another month later, more and more ruined Mozu forces were discovered and caused a sensation. The northern Mozu forces are heart-wrenching, inquiring around, and guarding against it. However, the forces of the Mozu are still being destroyed.

half year later.

Qinqin sat in a restaurant, drinking slowly while listening to the surrounding Mozu monks talking.

"There have been one hundred and twenty-one families that have been destroyed. It is too scary. Who is this?"

“Will it be a human race or a strong democrat?”

"No! The place that was destroyed, without leaving a trace of demon or popularity, is magic."

“Is it done by a big force?”

"It's hard to say that it is said that the veins of each party's forces have been extracted. Maybe it is not a big force, but a medium-sized force. They concentrate on the veins and want to promote the medium-sized forces to the big forces."

"One hundred and twenty-one families, that is, one hundred and twenty-one underpinning veins, is not enough to upgrade a medium-sized force to a large force."

"Will it be that a family of small forces has a nine-day sacred fairy, and they have eliminated those small forces, extracted the veins, and want to promote his family to a medium-sized force?"

"There is this possibility, and this may be very big!"

"It is said that this incident has already alarmed those big forces and has sent Xianjun to investigate."


The piano double-ended from the wine glass, and the wine in the cup was drunk. The crystal was taken out on the table, stood up, walked out of the restaurant and walked outside the city.

"It has caused a sensation, it is time to leave the demon star!"

Qin double is not arrogant to a person in the sky, it is looking for death. Once it caught the attention of large forces, Qin double began to become dangerous. After all, here is the Tianmo star, all around are the Mozu, even if the Qin is an elephant, those Mozu are ants, and the ants will bite.

not to mention……

Qin is not an elephant, and the Mozu is not an ant.


Came to the wilderness, the piano double step by step.

It’s a long way to go.

Rushing toward the void, rushing into the void, and continue to take the world, and after staying away from the Tianmo Star, take out the flying boat and enter the flying boat, then fly toward the demon star. At the same time, a message was sent to Feng Ming, and Qin Double began to count the harvest.

In the treasure house, there are counts of the piano, but the resources in the treasure house of this one hundred and twenty-one are enough for the development of the string moon. It is not a big door, but actually only More than 30,000 people, and in addition to the piano double, there is not a fairy, if you do not count the piano, in the Purple City is a force that does not flow.

The biggest gain is the one hundred and twenty-one underpinning veins. Although it is only the next product, but if the quantity is sufficient, if you put this one hundred and twenty-one underpinning veins into the string moon, you will let the string moon The aura is so full of horror.

After classifying these resources, they begin to count the resources in the storage ring. There are no veins in these storage rings, and the resources such as Xianjing in each storage ring are rare compared to the treasure house. But I can't hold a lot. After the complete classification of the piano, the things that are not suitable for the human race are thrown into the void, the heart of the piano is more happy, from the resources of today. It is enough to maintain the development of the string moon sect for five hundred years.


Qin double still frowned slightly, the quality of these resources is still lower, most of them are only suitable for the monks of Da Luo Jin Xian, the resources for nine days of Xuan Xian and Xian Jun cultivation are rare, not to mention suitable for Xian Jun Break through the resources of the king.

If these resources are exchanged for resources suitable for the nine-day Xuanxian and Xianjun cultivation, they will shrink immediately, and I am afraid that they will remain less than 50 years.

Of course, there are more than 30,000 people in the string month, and there is no more than Xianqin in addition to the Qin double. There are only thirty-seven in the nine-day Xuanxian, and they don’t have to be converted into resources suitable for the nine-day Xuanxian and Xianjun cultivation.

After ten days.

The flying boat approached the Tianxue star, and the flying boat landed on a scrap star. The piano double came out of the flying boat and saw the Fengming that had been waiting here. Qin double took the flying boat up and looked up and down Feng Ming, and could not help but show a hint of surprise.

"Are you breaking through the sin?"

"Yeah!" Feng Ming nodded.

Qin double looked up and down Feng Mingdao: "It is almost impossible for your blood to break through to Xianjun. How did you break through?"

"Will you go to the crack space?" Feng Ming did not answer.

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"So I took the initiative to ask for the crack space. I am afraid that all three people know that the space for cracks is a life of nine deaths. I don’t want to go there. I volunteered to ask for it. The Yaozu overhaul gave me a drop of blood, so I broke through. ""

Qin nodded, did not say anything. I know that Feng Ming is worried about myself. I am afraid that his heart has decided to sacrifice himself at this time, and he must protect himself so that he can live away from the crack space.

"Let's go!"

The piano doubled into a streamer, and entered the Fengming's knowledge of the sea, Fengming went to the sky demon star.

Know the sea.

Qin Qinshen’s voice: “Is it already investigated?”

"Yeah!" Feng Ming said with a voice: "We go to the West, there are small forces."


In front of a mountain range, Qin double came out of Fengming's knowledge of the sea, and the mystery spread out. Then he sacrificed three flags and his body shape entered the big array. After less than an hour, Qin double entered the sea of ​​Fengming, and Feng Ming stepped away.

half year later.

Qin double left the demon star, sitting on the flying boat, looking up at the starry sky, relaxed.

This time with the leadership of Fengming, the action is smoother than in the Tianmo. In half a year, the piano doubled out one hundred and thirty-one small family of the Yaozu. The Tianxue and the Tianmeng added up, and only 252 were harvested. She did not try to destroy the medium-sized family, although in that case, she might get the middle-class vein, but it was too dangerous.

Thank you very much for a gust of wind), song (), Zhao Yilin Zi Yan (100) reward!


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