Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2377: set off

"These three are three of the seven monarchs. Among them, Chu Dali and Bao Yi will not need me to introduce them. Shawei, you also played with him. The other four of the seven monarchs, two from the Mozu, two From the Yaozu. Counting, our Terran is still one more than the Yao and the Mozu, taking advantage."

"Qing Honglou and Ouyang Tianyi also know that they are two of the nine masters. There are three demons and two demons in Jiujie. These eight are the 28-day arrogant people..."

Qin double one and one smile, and Xu Xuexue introduced Sansheng, Qijun Jiujie, the monk in the 28th arrogance, and the other monks did not introduce it at all. However, the Qin double probably glanced at it and found that the monk in front of her knew almost everything, even if she could not name it, she was familiar. Because almost all of them came from the monks who participated in the Tianzicheng Dabi 20 years ago. Even if it was a loose repair, it was originally represented by the Sanshou League. She also saw Mu Chong.

When Qin double came in, he was surrounded by Xu Kaiyun and others. Then Xu Xuexue introduced Sansheng Qijun Jiujie and 28 Tianjiao, so he stood in the crowd and did not lean forward. At this time, he saw the piano and looked over. Then he nodded with a smile.

"Mu Chong!" Qin doubled his face and walked toward him. How did Mu Chong make the piano double come over and hurriedly greeted the piano with the past:

"Master sister!"

"What about Fu Shidi and Zhang Shimei?"

"They didn't come!"

Qin double understands that in addition to himself, Tianziyuan was only selected by Mu Chong. I was about to ask about the recent situation of Fuyin and Zhang Zining and others, and they heard the voice of Xu Mo from the hall of the House of Deputies: "The fairy outside is entering the temple."

The look of the people became solemn, and they came out to the door of the main hall of the House of Representatives, standing in the center of the main hall, and saluting the half-step fairy kings:

"See your predecessors!"

Xu Mo solely swept over the crowd and condensed: "We have decided that we will divide your 200 cents into two teams, each with a team of 100. The captain of the first team is Xu Kaiyun, the second The captain of the team is Xu Luoxue. You two are going forward."

Xu Kaiyun and Xu Luoxue stepped forward and stood up. Xu Mo raised his hand and the two storage rings floated in front of them.

"These two storage rings are filled with one hundred and eight flags, which are used to close the cracks. There is also a jade slip inside. When you follow the message in the jade, you can arrange the flag." ""

"Yes!" Xu Luoxue and Xu Kaiyun collected the storage ring.

Xu Mo once again raised his hand and floated two jade slips in front of two people.

"In these two jade sheets, the monks entered the two separate teams. You will call your team members according to the names on the jade list."


Xu Luoxue took over Yu Jiandao: "All the monks I read the name, come to me."

Xu Kaiyun also said: "All the monks I read the name, come to me."

"Ren Pingsheng!"

"Yu Guanting!"

Xu Luoxue and Xu Kaiyun took turns to recite the name, and sure enough, Zhang Daoji did not expect it. Yu Guanting, Mo Yan, Chu Dali, Bao Yi, Lei Xing, iron soft, and official are all in the team of Xu Kaiyun. Qin Shuang and Mu Chong are in the team of Xu Luoxue. The piano double could not help but sigh a little, at least there is a Mu Chong, can talk and speak along the way, but it is not lonely.

Xu Kaiyun looked at the eyes and doubled his eyes, and he looked at Xu Mo. He had not waited for him to open his mouth. Xu Mer’s fierce and majestic eyes shrouded. Xu Kaiyun opened his mouth and finally closed his mouth.

"set off!"

Xu Mo no longer delayed, and got up and went to the parliamentary hall, then the half-step fairy king, and finally the two hundred immortals.

When I came to the main hall, when I was on the empty sky, I flew to the main hall of Tianzicheng. I took the transmission array and everyone soon came to Baoxing. From the transmission array, Xu Mo released the flying boat. Everyone entered the flying boat, and the flying boat was like a meteor, spurting away.

"So fast!"

The piano double gaze, even if it is only from the speed point of view, this flying boat is definitely not refining the spirit world, it must come from the fairy world. Not to mention the defensive power of this flying boat. The foundation of the Xu family is really unfathomable!

In less than three days, Qin double and others saw the snow below through the porthole. The boat began to descend and landed on a snowy mountain. As the people came out of the boat, they saw that they were not far from themselves and had a slender crack. Less than an inch wide. Standing in front of Xu Mo sighed a channel:

"Ren brother, this seal has cracked again, and it really does not seal."

"Yes!" Ren Gaolin's look also became dignified.

Xu Mo went to the left side of the crack and sat down on the knees. The remaining 18 and a half steps of the Emperor also sat on the ice and snow. Two pairs of celestial princes, such as Qin Shuang, were sitting cross-legged behind the half-step Xian Wang, one by one.

Qinqin just sat down, and he heard the laughter of Qinghonglou not far from the side. There were 19 and a half steps in front of the fairy king. Everyone wondered how the Qinghonglou dared to be so arrogant, and could not help but look at it. To the Qinghong Building. Qing Hong Lou also reacted and hurriedly reached out and grabbed his mouth. However, as if I saw something funny, I endured it very hard, and my shoulders were shaking. Zhong Xianjun couldn't help but look at the gaze of Qinghonglou. One by one, they couldn't help but grin. They wanted to laugh and didn't dare to laugh, and they endured hard work. Because at this time, they discovered that there were eight fingers on the ten fingers of the piano pair.

Isn’t the storage ring enough to wear one?

Is this her rich?

In other words, even if you wear ten storage rings, it is not rich, is it good?

The people here can easily take out hundreds of storage rings, what is important is the contents of the storage ring, OK?


It is really the appearance of the nouveau riche!

Qin double naturally feels the eyes of everyone, she does not care. Hung down. Start to exercise your interest rate and keep your peak.

Xu Mo and others sneaked back and swept a bit, and they couldn’t help but smile. They took back their mystery and sat down.

After half a day.

Xu Mo and others raised their eyes and looked into the air. They saw a flying boat flying over. At first it was just a black spot. After a break, they zoomed into the sky. The hatch was opened, first a burst of laughter from the air:

"Ha ha ha... Xu brother, you came early!"

Xu Mo and other half-step Xian Wang stood up, Qin Xian and other Xian Jun also stood up, the first appearance in the air is a dragon overhaul, and then a demon monk came down from the air. Qin double saw Feng Ming, but Feng Ming did not look at her, Qin double's eyes quickly removed from Feng Ming's body.


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