Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2378: enter

Ok? ”

Qin double keenly perceived that a gaze was paying attention to himself, and could not help but look in the direction, and saw a woman with a mask looking forward to herself, although she could not see her face. But it was just the graceful figure, even if the piano double saw it, it could not help but be moved. Qin double saw a familiarity from the figure of the person, but couldn't remember who the other person was?

One demon monk falls on the right side of the crack, the Terran monk sits on the left side, the demon monk sits on the right side, and the half-step fairy king of the Terran and the demon family sits opposite each other and talks. The human race and the demon sage behind them are sitting silently.

Mu Chong sat on the side of the piano pair and said to the piano gods: "Master, do you see the purple robe youth in the middle?"


"He is one of the three saints of the Yaozu, Guangyu."

"Senior three-tiered, dragon!" Qin double eyes and a slight condensation.

"The banshee sitting on his left is one of the six gods.

Qin doubled his mouth and didn't think of the name of one of the six gods. He even had the same name as his own magical power.

The two people sitting on the side of the phoenix are the scorpion and the oxen in the seven kings. The two sitting on the right side of the 敖广宇 are Jinpeng and Chang Hao in Jiujie, behind them are twenty-eight days of arrogance...

Before the introduction of Mu Chong, the piano double looked up and saw a black spot coming to the head instantly. The hatch opened and the magic gas sprang out. One of the Mozu monks landed in the air. The head of a big devil has four eyes, four eyes swept, it is the piano double also feels all over the body.

Qin binoculars suddenly shrink, she saw the godsend, at this time in the gods of the magic of the body, just the piano double at this time, do not know whether the opposite is a godsend, or heaven?

I don't know what method God used to do, but I even got into the Mozu, and I also became a member of the Mozu who entered the crack space.

What is his purpose?

Qinqin was not alert to the heart, but Godsend did not look at the piano doubles, sitting cross-legged in the group of the Mozu monks.

At this point, the three-party monks stood up, and the three-way half-step king gathered together to discuss. In fact, it was negotiated ten years ago and the three parties only confirmed it again. Just less than ten minutes, Xu Mo handed the four storage rings to the four captains of the Yao and Mozu, and then broke the seal of the crack, which was only a one-inch wide crack. It grows bigger and is three meters wide. Xu Mo’s eyes swept through the tribes of the tribes and condensed:

"Everyone, the future of the spiritual world will be handed over to you. The three tribes cooperate sincerely, I hope that you can all come back alive. Come in!"

Zhong Xianjun gave a ceremonial ritual to the tribe and the half-step fairy king, and stepped into the crack.

The six captains came together to discuss the next move. The piano double closed his eyes and began to perceive the surroundings. The eyebrows are not picking up. Before the crack outside, there was very little gray gas leaking out. The piano double didn't feel anything. At this time, I realized that the gray gas has a familiar familiarity.

"It's chaotic!"

Among the six hundred monks, only the piano pair is familiar with chaos, and is very familiar with it. Because in her town demon tower, there is a large gray stone, the old stone of the town is called chaotic stone. The gas emitted by the big stone is gray.

At this time, Xu Luoxue has come back and condensed: "Follow me!"

Qin Shuang and other immortals followed Xu Xuan Xue in one direction, while the other five teams also went in one direction. It seems that only when the six captains get together, they decide which direction they are going in. No matter which team finds a real crack, they can close it and complete the task.

When the piano eyes turned, she felt a pair of eyes looking over, and then she looked at it with the same feeling. It was still the woman wearing the mask. When she saw the eyes of the piano, the woman turned away. The piano double wrinkled his brow and quickly picked up the thoughts in his heart, and began to get in touch with Feng Ming in his heart.

She has learned from Zhang Daoji’s mouth that because of the different rules, the communication jade has lost its role, and even if Zhang Daoji and his half-step fairy kings, their mystery can only spread out a hundred meters, in Zhang Daoji’s view, they At most, these Xianjun can only spread the knowledge of God to about five meters.

Of course, Qin Shuang believes that the old half-step fairy king like Xu Mo, the mystery will certainly spread farther, after all, Zhang Daoji just broke through the half-step Xianwang soon.

Qin double spread the mystery, and my heart is a joy, I was able to spread the mystery to about a kilometer, which shows that my mystery is stronger than Zhang Daoji. Even stronger than Xu Mo. Qin Shuang slightly thought about it, and then understood the truth of this, the reason why his own mystery is strong, it is because his own **** has 60% solidification, and Xu Mo, those half-step Xian Wang, must not reach this kind of degree.

Of course, this does not mean that the strength of the piano double is stronger than that of Xu Mo. The power of her is only the mystery. The understanding and control of the law is almost zero. It is not the one-off opponent of the half-step fairy king.

She took back the mystery and continued to contact Feng Ming. She wants to prove whether she and her avatar can still get in touch in this strange world of law. After all, avatar is a special existence and may not be excluded by the law.

Sure enough, she and Feng Ming can continue to communicate in the heart until the two teams have been separated, completely unable to see each other, still able to communicate with each other, Qin Qin will be relieved, in such a strange world, can master another The whereabouts of the team is undoubtedly an advantage.

He Fengming decided that after one day of contact, he broke the contact and looked behind Xu Xuanxue while looking around.

Wu Shenjiang leads a team of demons and goes in one direction. Godsend was very low-key to follow in the back of the Mozu monks. The Nujiang River, who walked in front, suddenly stopped and walked toward a Mozu monk:

"Go ahead."


The Mozu monk responded with a voice and turned to the direction of a demon team, and soon disappeared. And Wu Shenjiang took the team, changed the direction, and chased in the direction of another demon.

At this time, in another direction, another team of the Mozu, led by the captain of the team is Mei Qiling, one of the six gods. Mei Qiling suddenly stopped his footsteps and said to a Mozu monk:

"Go ahead!"


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