Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2437: decisive battle

In the heart of the piano is a joy: "You said."

"Before I fell, the vast majority of the area of ​​the fairyland was full of chaos, and there were chaotic beasts everywhere. I don't know if we finally won. And these altars should be built after the fall of the Baizu monks. If I have not guessed wrong, these altars are used to decompose chaotic laws and chaotic gas. She will break down the chaotic law into eleven rules, which will decompose chaotic gas into fairy qi, which should be after the catastrophe in the late fairyland In this way, it is further speculated that this altar is not motivated by Xianjing, or that it is not motivated by Xianyuan, but is driven by chaotic gas. As long as the chaos is strong enough, this altar will be reminded. When the chaotic gas is thin to a certain extent, the altar will stop working. Because the thin chaotic gas does not need to be decomposed by the altar, as time goes by, it will slowly decompose automatically, just like the gray in your demon tower. The stone, too small for the town demon tower, can't change the law of the town demon tower, and naturally it will be automatically broken down."

In the heart of the piano, if I put the gray stone in the town demon tower on the altar, will this altar be motivated?

Her heart already believes that Yang Linglong's analysis is correct, and it is worthy of the power from the fairy world.

But she was hesitant, the gray stone, now no doubt can be identified as chaotic stone. The small chaotic beast is not only a disaster, but also a treasure for the vast town demon tower. It will be broken down into a rich scent. If it really can motivate the altar, this is a waste of this gray stone.

However, Qin Double was very curious about this altar at this time, and very much wanted to know what would happen if the altar was motivated.

The most important thing is that if you study this altar, you can solve the disaster on the star!

"Try it!"

When the piano doubled his mind, he transferred the gray stone in the town demon tower and placed it on the altar. He just wanted to study the altar. Where should the gray stone be placed, the altar suddenly appeared. Up, the first thing that shines on the outside is the plaid on the outside of the altar, and then quickly rushes toward the inside. Qinqin hurriedly stood up and saw the place where the most important one was sitting cross-legged, and the big plaque also lit up. ,

The gray stone on the altar decomposed a gray gas, was absorbed by the altar, and then spit it out by the altar. But the spit out is already a strong scent.

The ecstasy of the piano double heart!


Then a vicissitude of breath blew out from the altar and shrouded the piano.


Qin double entered an illusory space. She looked around. At this time, she was not in the spiritual world. She had a heart, and speculated that she should enter the years that the altar had experienced.

She looked up and looked at the sky, and looked up. There was a moon in the sky. The moon was so huge that it felt ten times more than the moon seen by Sky Purple Star.

"where is this place?"

"Is it the mainland?"

"How could it be so... ruined?"

She saw many powerful monks building altars, and immediately a heart was immersed. She watched the powerful monks build the altar a little bit. When the altar was built, she saw a fairy sergeant and a fairy teacher, and began to depict the formations and sculpt on the altar.

The piano double feels dizzy, and the characterization of the patterns and sculpt has a common rule. These singers and singers are masters, and the patterns and sculpt are characterized by laws.

That is, Qin double, today's Yuanshen, Yangshen and Ling have sixty percent of the power of solidification. This kind of realm, let alone the Xianjun, is difficult to achieve. Qin double immediately ignited the power of Xuan Zhi of the Fire and Phoenix God, and the knowledge of God was clear, once again immersed in the formations and sculpt of the sects and the immortals.

Those patterns and plaids are depicted on the altar, and they are like living creatures. The mysterious power of the piano double is consumed quickly, keeping the piano clear.

With the understanding of the patterns and patterns in the altar, the Taoist monarchy's Taoist methods are automatically blended, allowing the four elephants to change more magical powers, and the power is rapidly ascending.

Qinqin has never had such a thing since the integration of Taoism, and the speed of the fusion of Taoism has never been so fast.

Sure enough, it is a law, under the law, it is a small path. At this time, Qin double is not only comprehending the path and the path, the essence of comprehension is the law, and the Tao of the Xianjun period is only the rhyme, but there is no law, so under the urging of the law, the Dafa is in a fast fusion. .

This is a big chance for Qinshuang.

Time passes by.

It was not a day or two to build an altar. It took seven or seventy-nine days to complete an altar. Then I saw that the singer and the singer immediately left and went to the next place to build the altar. At less than three times, there is only one lonely altar here, and the double pair that no one sees.

Qin double immediately converges on the mind and begins to recall and comprehend the process of building the altar. She only saw the tail from the beginning, while watching, and comprehending, even able to hear the exchanges between the immortal and the immortal. After she had finished building the altar, she had already realized eight layers. At this time, what she has to do is to fully comprehend the remaining 20% ​​of her own, and then integrate it.

And once it is integrated, Qin double will become a master, at least the theoretical master.

After Qi and others broke through the half-step Xianwang for seven days, Lei Xing, Chu Dali, and Bao Yi broke through the half-step fairy king. In the past nine days, Feng Tiantian, Mo Yan, Ren Pingsheng have broken through the half-step Xianwang. During this time, two Terran monks and a demon monk broke through the half-step fairy king. At this point, the Terran and the Yaozu add up to fifty-one and a half steps.

At this time, in the void, the eight Mozu half-step rules, looked anxiously and worriedly at the forty-nine and a half steps of the king. The gods know how to communicate:

"I have already informed the four brothers, why haven’t they returned the news? If the other party encircles us eight at this time, can we escape eight?"

"Ready, always ready to escape!"

"Come on the news!" A demon half-step fairy king, took out the communication jade, the gods explored, the look is a hi: "Four brothers let us immediately return to the star, we go!"


The eight Mozu half-step fairy king suddenly turned around and fled in the direction of Baoxing. Xu Mo faintly glanced at the direction of their escape, and then swept over the half-steps of the king:

"It is time for us to completely solve the Mozu."


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