Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2438: Half-step battle of the king

"Yes! We have absolutely the strength to completely solve the Mozu." Yan Ling turned to Xu Modao: "Xu brother, I think we can split the two ways. Destroy the demon star all the way, destroy the treasure all the way."

"No!" Xu Mo shook his head. "Oh brother, it is all about the survival of the spiritual world. We are still conservative. We have teamed up to solve Baoxing completely."

Yan Ling remembered that the eight Mozu half-step fairy kings, just flew in the direction of Baoxing, it is likely that the half-step fairy king of the Mozu is in Baoxing, and nodded:

"it is good!"

"We are now going directly to Baoxing, and we don't have to call other monks who are low-educated. Just take our forty-nine and a half-step kings and we can completely sweep the stars. When we get to Baoxing, let the people there and The demon monk, take the transmission back to the sky purple star and the demon star, let us stay there half-step fairy king, summon the monks at all levels to pay the stars to pay the little devil."

"Okay, let's go!"

Forty-nine and a half steps, the king of the king killed the sky and flew in the direction of the star. One step!

"Oh brother, we are divided into two ways. You go directly to the demon city of Baoxing. We go directly to the people's city. After sending the notice, we immediately insert it in the direction of the original snow mountain. I want the half-step fairy king of the Mozu. It must be gathered there, because there is only the most chaotic gas there."

"Good!" Yan Ling laughed and said: "Look who we first kill the snow mountain."

"Okay, we are better than one." Xu Mohao is angry.


Forty-nine and a half steps, the king of the king, near the Baoxing, was divided into two roads, and they swooped down to the demon city and the city.


Twenty-six and a half steps of the king of the king stood in the sky above the city, Xu looked at the bottom, and the voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of each monk.

"I am Xu Mo!"


Each monk flew out of the room of the city, and the monks on the street looked up and looked at the twenty-and-a-half-step kings in the air.

"It is a predecessor!"

"Really a predecessor!"

"There are so many half-steps of the king, is this the Terran we are going to start a big counterattack?"


"We are going to destroy the half-step fairy king of the Mozu. You will take the transfer array and return to a few people to inform the Yuan family, tell him, call the Terran monks and come to the final battle."

"I am going!" A nine-day Xuan Xian raised his hand and shouted excitedly.

"Good!" Xu Mo waved, and a jade would fall in front of the monk: "Take this jade."


When Xu Mo took twenty-and-a-half steps, Xian Wang stepped out and disappeared into the sky above the city, killing the past in the direction of the snow-capped mountains. Wherever he saw, the Mozu was taken by a palm, and countless Mozu monks were photographed as powder.

In the other direction, Yan Ling also took the demon half-step fairy king and went straight to the direction of the snow-capped mountains.


Like two plows, the plow opened two ridges and inserted straight into the snowy mountains.

Snow mountain.

The rich chaos is surging, and thirty-six Mozus and half-steps are standing there, and they don’t hide their sarcasm. In these 12 years, not only the Terran and the Yaozu were born in the law of the sea, but also a dozen or so half-step fairy kings, as well as the Mozu, which was more than doubled. And those old half-step fairy kings, at this time have also been transformed into the law of chaos, one by one exudes a more fierce breath, the eyes are more blood red, releasing madness. A Mozu half-step fairy king stood by the side of the four-eyed demon:

"Four-eyed brothers, don't look at the current Terran and the demon family. The half-step fairy king adds up more than us, but compared with the chaotic law we comprehend, it is a level worse. This time we will definitely Xu Mo and Ling Ling them. Kill it here."

Another Mozu half-step fairy king said: "Four eyes brother, so many half-step Xian Wang battle here, will not be scrapped here? Or do we bring Xu Mo and Yan Ling to the void?"

“No!” The four-eyed demon shook his head: “Now we have become chaotic here. The earth mountain range here is ten times harder than before the chaos, and it is not wasteful. And the most important thing is that the chaos law here is the most dense. The half-step fairy kings of Xu Mo and Yu Ling are not only restricted in this place, but also play the strength of 80%. And the chaos law here will actively attack them. It is equivalent to many half-step Xian Wang.

Here, the sky is chaotic, the earth is chaotic, and people are the gathering place of our demon.

We are all occupied by Heaven and Earth. Only here, we can have absolute advantages and kill Xu Mo and Ling Ling. ”

"Four eyes, they are coming!"


Four eyes of the demon screamed, thirty-six Mozu half-step Xian Wang greeted Xu Mo and Yu Ling and other half-step Xian Wang. Xu Mo and Yu Ling are in the heart.

"There are actually thirty-six and a half steps of the king!"


The tri-family and half-step fairy kings collided together, and Xu Mo and Yu Ling were half a step in the heart of the fairy king.

“So strong?”

Just a collision, let Xu Mo and Yu Ling and other half-step Xian Wang sink in the heart. The Mozu overhaul is not generally strong. Although Xu Mo and Yu Ling have several and a half steps, Xian Wang still slightly prevails, but on the whole, it is the Terran and the Yao National Union.

The most worrying thing about Xu Mo and Yu Ling is that the chaos law here actively attacks them and makes them lose the advantage of the number.


The moment of the battle rose from fierce to fierce, and Xu Mo and the four eyes were together.

"Four eyes, you have changed the rules of cultivation?"

"Ha ha ha..." Four eyes demon madly laughed: "Xu Mo, are you not the first master of the spiritual world? How is it now? Hahaha... Today is your death!"


Four eyes turned to Xu Mo again, and Xu Mo's eyes became dignified. At this time, the four-eyed demon gave him a feeling. It was not a demon, but a chaotic beast, full of crazy killings.

"Four eyes, you are not afraid that you completely lose your mind, become a know-how who only knows how to kill?"

"will not!"

When the four-eyed demon figure shakes, it turns into a thousand-armed demon. Each hand holds a magical soldier, and murderously rushes to Xu Mo:

"Our Mozu was originally born with negative emotions. The chaotic law will only make them more crazy, but it will not let us lose even. Don't talk nonsense, today you and I will die!"


The chaos of gas surges, the mountains collapse, and the earth becomes a divide.

"This will not work!"

Xu Mo is very a headache now. He and Yu Ling, as well as Ren Gaolin, have several half-steps, and can also touch the half-step fairy king of the Mozu one-on-one, but the other half-step Xian Wang No, that is, occupying the advantage of the number of people, barely maintain the balance. In particular, the half-step fairy king of the new breakthrough, like Yan Guangyu, is still unskilled in the application of the law, and it is also inferior.


Thank you very much Liao Mubai (500), seaphay (100), only because of your world is warm (100) reward!



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