Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2608: Earth line

There is no transmission array, no flying boat, and you want to go to the earth line, you only rely on yourself.


I saw the danger of the fairy world. Where does Qinshuang dare to go alone to the earth line?

So I thought about teaming up!

As a result, before the Qin double went to inquire, they learned that the five small caravans in this team also went to the Turkish side. Qin double is familiar with them, and those people know that Qin double is going to go to the soil, and she will take her with him.

This road has been the territory that has been occupied by the barbarians and the Terran. Although it is necessary to detour from time to time, it is much safer. And most of the time along the way, it is flying. Although the Qinshuang is a fairy king, but the display of the world, but also can keep up with the speed, so those monks are very surprised. It took me more than three months to complete, Qinqin finally reached the earth line.

Tu Xing Zong is very prosperous here, surrounded by three big cities and countless villages. Inquired about it, the original Jin Xingzong, Mu Xingzong and Tu Xingzong are in this film. These three big cities belong to three sects, called Jinxingcheng, Muchengcheng and Tuchengcheng.

After careful inquiries, there are actually five sects, as well as fire sects and water sects. It is only the inheritance of these two sects that are completely cut off, but only fragments of inheritance are left. It was only the elders of Zongmen who had been pushing forward, and they also looked for some other exercises and established Zongmen. In fact, it is not the inheritance of the ancient Zongmen. Just empty and famous. Therefore, the strength is very low, the resources are naturally less, and there is no strength to build a big city.

More than 60,000 years of reproduction here, and because there is no big conflict with the barbarians, everyone join hands to clear the chaotic beast, the number of people has developed into a large scale.

Qinqin went to the earth line with a sly mood. On the one hand, he was afraid that the earth ancestor would not accept himself. On the other hand, he feared that the earth ancestor did not have the inheritance he needed.

However, the situation is completely out of expectation. It was unexpectedly smooth to enter the earth line. There is nothing to measure the roots, check the repairs, the age of the bones, and so on.

Qin double went to sign up, and then sent to the Qin double a ancestral identity card, a storage bag, it became a foreign disciple of the earth line.

Qinqin fascinated with a group of people to enter the mountain gate of the earth line. There are more than twenty monks who joined the ancestral gang with her. Looking at the double confusing look of the piano, a fairy with the same age and piano, holding a three-and-four-year-old boy in one hand and laughing:

"This sister, is it so confusing to be so loose?"

"Yes!" Qin double nodded quickly: "My name is Qin double, how does the younger brother call it?"

"My name is Nianbo. This is my son's year north. Is Qinqin sister just coming here?"

"Yeah!" Qin nodded.

"Now today, 70% of the mainland is occupied by the Chaos Beast. Both the Terran and the Barbarians are under tremendous pressure. In the barbaric mainland, there are not only a number of different ancestral gates, but also dozens of different sects. The survival of the chaotic beast's barbaric continent requires strength. Individuals need strength, and Zongmen also needs strength. Therefore, not only the ancestral sect, all the sects recruited disciples are very relaxed, as long as you are willing to come, Zongmen Willing to accept. Just to increase the strength of the Zongmen.

However, Zongmen also has a method of Zongmen.

Although we recruited disciples, although they are loose, everyone is a foreign disciple. This outside door is white, not like a sect, it is more like an alliance. Everyone gathered in the earth line, there is a relatively safe practice place, everyone can team up to hunt the chaotic beast. Then sold to Zongmen in exchange for cultivation resources. Once there is a big battle, you must obey the sect. ”

Qin double eyebrows raised a little: "There is no Zongmen welfare?"

“No!” Yanbo shook his head and said: “In fact, we can provide us with a safe cultivation place. In this troubled world, it is a welfare.”

Qin nodded, she could feel the concentration of Xianyuan in this door is twice as thick as the outside. It is indeed a blessing.

“The outside of the ancestral gate is very large, you can find a place to open a hole. You have a practice in your storage bag.

The practice is the Kirin Collection. ”

When I heard the words of the book, the eyes of the piano pair were bright.

"This Kirin Collection is a method of cultivation of the soil, and only you can practice it to the Mahayana period. Although I don't know the spiritual roots of the Taoist friends, it is impossible to change the Kirin Collection. ”

Qin double is a bit strange: "Zongmen will pass this treasure of the town to the outer door freely?"

"Well, this is also an assessment of the external gates of Zongmen."


"Well, the assessment of entering the inner door. Any monk who can practice the Qilin Baodian to the Mahayana period can enter the inner door. Once inside the inner door, it is the true disciple of the earth, and the treatment is absolutely different. Zongmenhui I have a generous welfare. My son is Tu Linggen. This time I joined the ancestral ancestor. In fact, I trained my son and hoped that he would become a true disciple."

"Oh, I must do it!" The little boy raised his face and looked firm.

In the year, Boci loved to touch the head of the North, and then looked at the Qin Double Road: "Mr. Qin, if you don't mind, we might as well open the cave."

"Good!" Qin nodded.

The look of Bo is like a happy saying: "Mr. Qin, come with me. I have been here many times in this kind of earthen gate. I have already chosen the place."

“Can this ancestor enter freely?”

"That's not it, but I have a lot of friends here, and they have long advised me to join the Turkish ancestor. This time, for my son, I finally made up my mind."

Qin nodded, she naturally followed the year, she is now too unfamiliar with the earth line. Since he knows the people here, he will definitely open a cave house next to the monks of the monks. I can also know some of the old people here, and some things can be inquired. So she followed the North Father and Son in one direction. When I landed on a mountain range, I saw several cave houses on the mountain.

Sure enough, when Bo was on the mountain, he used his knowledge to hit several caves. Soon, six figures appeared in the six caves. When I saw the year, I smiled and greeted them.

"Year, you are finally willing to join the earth line. This is..."

The monk bowed his eyes to the year, but he took a jump in the year. This knows that his friend’s personality is a break, and he will say that Qin is a new Taoist. For that, it proves that the cultivation of Qin double is higher than himself, and the rank between the monks is still strict, and hastily interrupted the words of the monk:

"This is a double master of the piano. I met it when I got started. I invited the Qin master to come here to open a cave."


I am very grateful to Zhao Yilin Ziyan (300), a gust of james (200), seaphay (100), and the other side of the flower devil (100) reward!




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