Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2609: Exterior doors

The opposite of the six monks looked awkward, and this was seriously concerned about the piano double. This look, the look has become awesome. The monks of these six people are almost the same as the old Bo, and all five are Xianjun. Only one has just broken through to the Emperor. The first layer of Xianwang hurriedly bowed to the piano and handed it to the piano:

"I have seen the Qinshi sister, and I am under Shouren."

The other five people also reported their names one after another. Qinqin also said one by one: "I came here first, and I don't know much about Zongmen. I also need the guidance from my teachers and sisters."

"Don't dare!" Everyone even sang, a woman named Yu Cailing went to the front and held the arm of the piano pair: "Mr. Qin, first go to my Dongfu, we will take the wind for you and the younger brother."

"Thank you!"

Everyone went to the cave house of Yu Cailing. Yu Cailing took out more than a dozen Lingguo and made a pot of fairy tea. While giving tea to everyone, on the other side of the piano:

"Qin Shijie, now 70% of the mainland is still covered by the law of chaos, the resources for our monks are very few, the Qinshi sister should not be disgusted."

Shouren shook his head and sighed: "Yu Shimei, these Lingguo and Xiancha, you don't usually give us, we are today with the light of the Qinshi sister and the younger brother."

The double-ended piano took a sip from the fairy tea. As Yu Cailing said, this fairy tea is really average. Talking to everyone and laughing, and eating a fruit fruit, the feeling of giving this to the piano is more general.


In the heart of the piano, a sigh of sighs, these spirits and fairy teas are much worse than the sacred spirits and scented teas. The reason is that 60% of the Shangyuan continent has restored the law of celestial boundaries, and only 40% is still the law of chaos. . The law of immortality occupies a complete advantage, and the natural resources such as the fruit and fruit are upgraded. And this pretty barbaric continent has only 30% of the rules for monks, and the natural grade is very poor.

It’s almost ten years since the piano doubles up, and it’s been a million years in the town’s demon tower. As early as eight years ago, the town demon tower has completed the absorption of the fairy power and the law of the immortal world, its concentration is nearly a hundred times outside. Everything in the town demon tower has completed a qualitative leap. Take Lingguo, let alone, it is too imaginary. However, the piano double did not reveal, still drinking the fairy tea, and chatting with everyone.

"Yu Shimei, do we have a large-scale war in Zongmen?"

"The Qinshi sister is worried that it is often mobilized by the sect, will he delay cultivation?" Yu Shimei immediately understood the mind of Qin double.


Qin double nodded directly, she did not want to do a part for the fairy world, but the most important thing for her to come here is to cultivate. When she is fully equipped, she will naturally exert more power. However, if there are frequent tasks, intermittent cultivation, when can we balance the five elements?

"There is almost no transfer."

"How come?" Qin double surprised: "Isn't that there is still a territory occupied by 70% chaotic beasts here?"

"Because of this, there will be no decisive battle! There is no decisive battle! To be honest, our Terran and Barbarian are in the defensive stage now. As long as the Chaos Beast does not attack us, we will not attack the Chaos Beast. We The method of warm water cooking is to let the monks go hunting the chaotic beasts and conquer the territory little by little. When slowly killing the chaotic beasts of a certain area, or after they run away, they are laid. An altar.

This process may take hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years. At that time, there may be a combination of our Terran and Barbarian, and a big battle with the Chaos Beast. ”

Qin double understands that this strategy is not wrong. With the least loss, in exchange for the biggest victory. It only requires the efforts of countless generations of monks.

"Right, Qinqin sister!" Shouren said: "We also have a library in the outer door, which has a lot of exercises and methods, but it needs the sacred points to collect. The main source of this door is hunting. Kill the number of chaotic beasts."

“Is there no free welfare?” asked Qin.

“No!” Shouren shook his head. “In a strict sense, we are not really a disciple of the Tao Xingzong. If we enter the inner door, we can have various benefits. One of the benefits is that we can get a free choice. Opportunities for the Fa and Dafa. Qinqin sister, we are going to go out and hunt the Chaos Beast, let's team together?"

Qin double shook his head and said: "I have settled for a while, and I want to cultivate the Kirin Collection."

Shouren nodded and did not continue this topic. Qin double asked:

“I heard that there are still fire sects and water sects here?”

"Well! These two sects are also lingering. I heard that Jin Xingzong, Mu Xingzong and our ancestral lords want to merge the two sects into their own sects, but the two sects do not Ken."

After a long time, Qin double left Yu Cailing's Dongfu. The people of Shouren helped the year to go to the cave house. Yu Cailing is accompanying the piano pair to find the cave house that is satisfied with the piano.

In fact, Qin double has a town demon tower, and the requirements for Dongfu are very low. Just need a secluded place. In the end, I chose a distance from Cai Ling. They are not close, but not far away. Qin Double opened up a cave house. When Qin double selected the place, Yu Cailing left. It is very personal for the monks to open Dongfu. Yu Cailing is very interested.

Qin double simply opened up a cave, and then set up several large arrays with bunting. Less than two hours before and after. After entering the Dongfu, Qinqin will call out the flowers and scent, and guard the Dongfu himself, and he will enter the town demon tower. First, eat according to your own rules, and continue to improve your qualifications through the squid corn rice, bigmouth fish soup, fragrant meat and monkey wine.

Then bathe and change clothes, and then sit on the ground and take out the jade slips and start reading.

Kirin Collection.

Only from the cultivation of the day after tomorrow to the peak of the Mahayana period, but the Qin double is excited. Just watching the Qilian Collection, she knew she was right. Although the Kirin Collection is a soil attribute method, it is inextricably linked with the Qin Feng series.

What does this mean?

This shows that it is simply a practice and is divided into five parts.

"Five Lingling!" Qin double whispered, in the palace that won the Fire Breeze, but saw the three words of the five spirits, but there is no specific content of the five spirits.

Presumably, there were only five spirits, but later it was divided into five exercises for what reason. According to the old saying of the town, it is the five spirits that need five spiritual roots, and in this world, where are you more than five spiritual roots? Therefore, the talents divide the five spirits into five exercises, which are suitable for the cultivation of monks of various spiritual roots.


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