Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2281: palace

"big big big……"

The unicorn sword in the hands of the piano was instantly magnified with a hundred feet, and the handles were held in both hands. The speed of the body rushed forward, and the scorpion slammed toward the water dragon.


The powerful force was uploaded from the Qilin sword to the double arms of the piano, but it was still not as strong as the double. The stalk of the giant sword, from the faucet to the dragon tail, cut the water dragon in half.


The two halves of the water dragon suddenly turned into two water dragons, and instantly shrunk, like two chains twisting the strings.

For a moment, the piano double feels sinking, and the two water dragons have the effect of sealing.


The two water dragons made a road pattern, printed on the skin of the piano, and penetrated under the skin of the piano. Once the penetration is completed, the piano double will be sealed.


Another water dragon flew over from a distance and hit the body of the piano. The body of the piano double was hit and crashed. Qin Shen’s knowledge quickly swept through the body surface, her understanding of the realm of heaven. Just sweeping it over and seeing the flaws in these seals.


From a hole in the Qin double, a sword is pulled out, and the sword is swaying in the double body of the piano, accurately stabbing the flaws of the seal.


The seals were broken and the piano doubled back to freedom.


The body of the piano double was hit by the second water dragon and fell heavily on the ground. However, the piano doubles shoulders and then jumps up. Her body has no damage. Although Wuyang is strong, it belongs to the Tianjiao in the nine-day Xuanxian, but it still does not hurt the body strength of the Emperor.


The piano doubled his left fist and slammed the faucet with a fist.


The water dragon that is constantly slamming the piano, the huge body is in the air, and then the layers are broken from the faucet.


The piano flew away from the central part of the mountain in the distance.

Above the foothills, Wuyang slightly smashed the hoe. There was a doubtful color on his face. He didn’t understand how the piano double would jump and jump.

A large river squats in front of the doubles, and the piano's right foot is on the shore, and the figure is smashing toward the other side.

Wuyang moved his handcuffs and leaped into the air.


There was rain in the sky, and the rain was a sharp water sword, shrouded in a pair of pianos, and the piano ran under a rain of arrows.

Qin double put the Qilin sword on his head and flew forward.

Above the mountain, Wuyang frowned. Raise your right foot and step toward the ground.


A huge waterfall, like a galaxy hanging upside down from the sky, landed on the ground, and slammed into a vast ocean, rushing toward the direction of the piano.


Wan Long Qi Xiao, rushing out of the dense water dragon from Wang Yangzhong, each faucet has two dragon horns, like two sharp rifles, stabbed toward the piano.

A syllable is spit out in Wuyangkou!



The dense dragon's horn spurted out from the faucet, like the same gun wall, striking toward the piano.

For a time, in the field of Qin double, a gun wall that was standing on top of the ground quickly approached, and the air made a sharp, whistling sound.

Each dragon horn tears a space crack, and a large number of dragon horns tear a lot of space cracks. In time, the space is filled with black lines and the line that continues to stretch, which is a space crack that is quickly broken.


The dense dragon horn drowned the piano doubles, and all the dragon horns crossed the arc in the air, masculine toward the middle, and the middle point was the piano double.

All the dragon horns hit the target, and the intensive roar came out. The position that was hit was won by the Thunder, and the blue light was shining.


The dragon's horn began to explode, and each explosion was a dragon's horn burst. Wuyang looked cold and fierce. She saw that the handle of the unicorn sword in the air still did not fall, which shows that the piano double has not fallen. Her right hand is up.


In a vast ocean, Wan Long Long tail rises high.

There was a sneer at the corner of Wuyang’s mouth on the top of the mountain, and the raised hand pressed down.


Ten thousand high-rise dragon tails smashed toward the piano, covering the sky, and under the map of the Thunder, the sky like a gem smashed down.


The piano has a pair of feet on the ground, and the body shape rises up. It flies on the enlarged unicorn sword on the top of the head. The one foot is once again on the unicorn sword, the figure is once again flying, and the figure is rotating like a spiral. Only the fist slammed out to the top.

On the top of the mountain.

Wuyang’s hands were held, and a trident was held in his hand. The big feet were on the top of the mountain, and the mountain collapsed. His figure went from high to low and swooped down toward the piano. The trident stabbed down to the piano. .


The piano doubled a fist and smashed a dragon's tail into a big hole, and the figure rushed out of the big hole. Just rushed out, I saw that Wuyang had swooped over her head, and a trident smashed down to the piano. The trident had not yet stabbed, and Feng Rui had already come.


The piano doubled to the side, and the sharp-edged tip of the trident smashed on the shoulders of the piano. The metal collided, the muscles on the shoulders of the piano were punctured, but the bones were not injured. The bones of the fifth layer of the Emperor of the Confucius blocked the Trident. However, the body fell to the bottom.

Wuyang looked cold and stern, holding the hands of the trident because of the force to burst out the blue veins. He is very wrong, he has an advantage, but has not turned into a victory. If the trident in your hand is not a top-grade fairy, but a superb fairy, you must wear the body of the piano on the trident.


Wu Yang’s figure suddenly flew up straight, his eyes looking down, falling into the piano double among the thousands of water dragons.



Ten thousand water dragons burst into pieces and smashed the space. Where the piano is located, it has been drowned by a dense space debris.

In the depths of the big star, stands a barren palace. In front of the gate of the palace stood a group of Xiandi and Emperor. One by one looks shaking.

"The original Death Star has also had glory, and there have been living in the living. Then, how did the stars become a dead star?

Will one day become a dead star?

All creatures are extinct! ”

Looking at the magnificent palace, there is no excitement in the eyes of every monk, but an endless heart and fear.

In front of the palace gate, there was silence and the atmosphere was very depressed.

Half a ring, Wu Manhe said: "Let's go in and see, maybe the secret is inside."


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