Supreme Soaring Immortal

Vol 2 Chapter 2282: Large lock

The monks nodded and then looked at the gates of the palace. Wu Manhe waved a punch and banged the door. A water dragon bombarded the door.


Nine thunder dragons appeared on the gate, and they circulated on the gate, forming a whirlpool. The water dragon that was blown out by the Wuman River was sucked into the vortex.



The water dragon that was sucked in was sprayed out of the gate and struck toward the Wuman River. Wu Manhe hurriedly propped up a water shield in front of him.

A loud explosion, the Wuman River flew out, the water dragon and the water shield burst, spurting toward the surrounding, one by one, the emperor and the emperor fled, and the wolf was awkward.


One by one, there is no one to laugh at the Wuman River, although the Wu Man River is full of gloomy and embarrassing. At this point everyone looked at the door with their brows. Obviously, this door is not so open.

Undefeated on the sky, proudly looking down. The bottom has been messed up, only to see the broken space, no longer see the slightest sight.


A figure rushed out, and Qin double was angry at the face. This time, Wan Long blew himself up and did nothing to her. Although the momentum is huge, but Wuyang is only a nine-day Xuanxian peak, but also does not hurt the body of the Emperor. But it hurts the body of the piano, but it hurts the clothes on the piano. The clothes on her body have been completely broken. If she did not release the sword in the 108 points, she built a star-studded armor, and she was already exposed.

“When you have the opportunity to find the right material, you can make a perfect dress for yourself!”

The piano doubles and muttered in the air, rushing toward the Uyan in the air. In fact, she had long wanted to refine herself to a superb fairy costume, but it was not easy to refine other rare fairy wares.

The difference is not the level of the piano, but the material. The materials for refining the best celestial clothes are not easy to find. The main material of the day silk, Qin double search for a long time, have not been found.

At this time, Wuyang looked at the Qin double. If a sharp arrow rushed toward her, his face looked slightly stunned. He didn’t think that the piano would rush from the kind of attack. come out.

"You dare to smash my clothes!"

Qin’s body shape has already arrived in front of Wuyang’s body. His eyes are spurting with anger, his mouth whispering, and a fist has been bombarded in front of Wuyang. With the strength of the five layers of the Qin Shuangxian Emperor, this fist bombarded the face of Wuyang, and it was absolutely possible to explode her head directly.

The look of Wuyang’s face disappeared, his eyes were full of coldness, as if he was watching a dying cockroach, her figure retreats, and while pulling the distance between the piano and the piano, a glimmer of water from his The body is transmitted, and a circular big print is formed in front of him.


Wu Yang opened his mouth and spit out two words.

At this moment, the space seemed to be very sticky, and the imprisonment force was squeezed toward the piano. The piano suddenly found that his movements began to slow down.

His fist is only less than three inches from the head of Wuyang, but between these three inches, there is a thin watermark, which is exactly what the watermark will suppress.

However, Wuyang is not slowing down in speed. His figure jumped, crossed the watermark, and gathered a big seal in his hand. His hand was caught on the Indian seal of Da Yin, and then turned to the bottom. The piano double head smashed down.


The one side of the big man squatted on the head of the piano double, and the body of the piano double fell like a meteor toward the earth.

The piano double felt his head humming and some dizzy. In her heart, she knows that this Dafa is definitely the strongest way of Wuyang. It feels that Weineng is approaching the late Xianjun.

"Your body is strong enough!" Wu Yang grabbed the big seal and swooped down to the piano double: "But you cultivate the wrong direction, the body is stronger, and it is only passively beaten."


The big print in his hand once again released a ray of light.


The other side of the big print once again bowed down to the piano. The blazing light drowned everything.

A tower spread out from the body of the piano and covered the piano in the tower.

People's Tower!

The Qinshuang is still only the tower of the people who sacrificed the properties of the single soil. There is no law, and it is the big seal of the party.

"The piano doubled dead! The condensate of Wuyang became a steel seal, and once died." On the far side, a barbarian monk exclaimed excitedly.

"The body of the piano double is no longer strong, and it can't stop the big print of Wuyang!" Another barbaric monk sighed: "Unfortunately, the former Tianta five list was so smashed."

"The hope of the Terran is gone, huh, huh..."

"It's too arrogant, isn't it a secret cultivation? It's going to go to the tower, **** it!"

"Hey, the Terran over there, what do you think?"

A personal monk's face is blue and green, and despair is in his eyes.

"No!" A human race suddenly shouted and shouted: "The piano will not die!"


Da Yin and the Emperor Tower collided, and the Emperor Tower exploded, and the big seal once again squatted on the head of the piano. The head of the piano doubled more dizzy, and the speed of falling down was faster.

“Is it really not?” Qin doubled dizzy and thought: “Do you have to expose my other attributes?”


The body of Qin double smashed on the ground, and the earth was instantly blasted into a deep bottomless gap. The thunder of the earth thundered and shone, and the eyes of the people shone brightly.

All the monks squinted and looked at the thunder. By the time the thunder faded, there was a huge gap, and it was not at the bottom.


The barbarian monk sent a cheer, and in this burst of cheers, Wuyang’s figure slowly landed on the edge of the divide and looked down. The thunder still flows below, and you can't see everything below the flowing thunder.

"It should be dead!"

He opened his hand with one hand, and the one in the hand, the big seal, fell slowly toward the gap, and the thunderstorm in the chasm was suppressed, and the temper became gradually quiet.

His face was extremely pale, and he continued to use the strong method, which made him consume a lot.


A huge sword rushed from the bottom of the chasm, piercing the Thunder, and stabbing the big print.

A figure wrapped in the sword, broke the crackdown, rushed out of the gap, a straight slender thigh like a big gun, kicked to the Wuyang.


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